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Text 2c. Construction engineering as a profession

Engineering is a well respected profession. In many countries it ranks as one of the most trusted professions. In Russia the demand for engineers is growing, too.

Construction engineering involves the planning and management of the construction of structures such as highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams and reservoirs. Civil engineering concerns the design and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure, bridges and buildings.

To complete projects construction engineers rely on plans and specifications created by architects, engineers and other constructors. To do the job properly construction engineers need the knowledge of many different areas, including engineering, technology, design, mathematics, construction, customer service, management, transportation, public safety and computers.

Construction engineers have a lot of responsibilities. Typically they analyze reports and estimate project costs both in the office and in the field. Other tasks may include: analyzing maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography and other topographical information. The engineers must also study ergonomics, analyze static and dynamic characteristics of systems, such as stresses, temperatures, electromagnetic emissions. They must calculate load and grade requirements, liquid flow rates and material stress points to ensure that structures can withstand stress.

Engineers typically include a factor of safety in their designs to reduce the risk of unexpected failure. Keeping a workplace safe is key to having a successful construction company. It is the construction engineer's job to make sure that everything is conducted correctly. Surveying the land while construction is in progress is also the construction engineer's responsibility. They have to make sure that there are no impediments in the way of the structure's planned location and must move any that exist. They also have to test soils and materials used for adequate strength.

Engineering, technology and math are necessary to ensure structures are built to plans and specifications. Most construction engineers have a love for math and science, but many other skills are required too, including critical thinking, problem solving, monitoring and decision making. Engineers have many activities that they must do every day. Those activities include drafting, decision making, computer interaction, communication, documentation, creative thinking, organizing, information collecting, estimating and analyzing. Construction engineers use drafting to design structures and to show others how to build them. They have to analyze information and make the best decision and solve problems.

A typical construction engineering curriculum is a mixture of engineering mechanics, engineering design, construction management and general science and mathematics. One of the most widely used tools in the profession is computer-aided design (CAD) software which enables engineers to create 3D models and 2D drawings. They allow engineers to create models of designs that can be analyzed without having to make expensive and time-consuming physical prototypes.

Construction engineers have to be organized to accomplish goals and prioritize jobs. They have to gather information on the task at hand before they can start a project. In order to keep a project under budget, construction engineers have to estimate costs of materials and workers. Finally, they have to analyze data to find answers to problems they are having on the job site.

Customer service, emotional intelligence, psychology, sociology and management knowledge is necessary to deal with owners, government officials, public stakeholders, subcontractors, suppliers and the general public.

The construction industry is quite a big segment in the Russian Federation and provides employment to millions with all types and levels of education. No doubt, construction engineering graduates will find a lot of opportunities for ambitious careers in this field.

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