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Bartender Duties for a Resume

Bartenders perform a variety of duties in the course of a shift, all of which can be included in a resume. In addition to serving drinks, bartenders perform customer service, sales, and managerial, operational and even security functions. Experience in these duties can be obtained working as a bartender or while working in other professions that require similar functions.

Beverage Service

List your experience and knowledge regarding the drinks you've mixed and served and the type of establishments you've worked in. Did you work in a neighborhood pub that primarily serves beer and mixed drinks, or have you worked in more upscale establishments that required an extensive knowledge of wines and exotic cocktails?

Operations and Management

Mention any experience you have gained regarding the operation of a restaurant. This helps if you are seeking a supervisory or management position. Applicable operations experience includes the hiring and training of bar staff, ordering beverages and other bar supplies and opening or closing the bar. Other pertinent duties include making work schedules and implementing cost control measures.

Customer Service

Strong customer service is an important aspect of bartender work, so mention any relevant experience in this area. For example, if you worked as a customer service representative, mention specific duties you performed such as resolving complaints, correcting mishandled orders or ensuring that an order was filled quickly. In short, list any job duties you performed that resulted in satisfied customers.


A bartending position can require sales skills, such as making add-on sales through food orders or drink refills. List any job duties you have performed that resulted in add-on sales. For example, if you sold computers in a retail store, list your successes in selling accessories such as printers and extended warranties.


Some bartenders help maintain order in a bar and make sure that underage and intoxicated patrons are not served alcohol. List relevant experience you've had.

Проверьте ваш перевод:

a shift – смена

perform customer service – осуществлять обслуживание клиента

managerial, operational and even security functions – управленческие, исполнительные функции и даже охранные функции

type of establishments – тип заведения

more upscale establishments – более престижные заведения

a supervisory or management position – контролирующая или управленческая должность

Applicable operations experience – опыт в выполнении нужных операций

Pertinent duties – относящиеся к делу обязанности

Implementing cost control measures – предлагать (внедрять) меры по контролю цен, вести ценовую политику

Strong customer service – отличное обслуживание клиента

Customer service representative – представитель кампании, обслуживающий клиентов

Resolving complaints – жалобы, требующие немедленного урегулирования

Correcting mishandled orders – исправление плохо выполненных заказов

Making add-on sales – закупка недостающего товара

Drink refills – пополнение напитков

extended warranties – продлевать срок гарантии

accessories – принадлежности

help maintain order – помогать в осуществлении заказа

underage and intoxicated patrons – не достигшие совершеннолетия и выпившие лишнего


List relevant experience – перечислите относящийся к делу опыт

Перечислите ваши личные качества, которые подходят для выполнения этой работы.

Text 3

Banquet servers (=waiters)

Banquet servers (=waiter)

Check the translation you’ve done.

Intrusive – назойливый

Conventional centers – места встреч

Beverage facility – оборудование для обслуживания напитками

Pre-meal duties – обязанности до проведения банкета, до открытия ресторана

Laying table linen – скатерти для столов

Setting china and silverware – сервировка стола фарфором и столовым серебром

Pitcher - кувшин

Brewing coffee – заварной кофе

Miscellaneous needs – разнообразные нужды

Concluded - закончен

Storage places. – места хранения

Fluidly - недовольным тоном, быстро

Make the guest feel at ease – создать благоприятную атмосферу для гостя

Assistance – помощь

To encounter a problem – сталкиваться с проблемой

A memorable event – памятное событие

In observation of – в честь

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