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If it is true

Exactly/That’s right.

You are quite right.



That’s right.

I quite agree.

I have nothing against it.

Right you are.


Quite right.

I agree.

I also think so.

Именно так.

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Возразить нечего.

Вы совершенно правы.


Совершенно верно.

Согласен (согласна).

Я тоже так думаю.

If it is false

Not at all.

You are not quite right.

Sorry, you’re mistaken.

Excuse me, you are wrong!

Unfortunately, I can’t.

We can’t agree with you.

I wouldn’t say so.

Not (exactly) so.

I am of a different opinion.

Вовсе нет!

Вы не (совсем) правы.

Вы ошибаетесь, извините.

Извините. Вы не правы.

К сожалению, я не могу.

Мы не согласны с вами.

Не сказал(а) бы.

Не (совсем) так.

Я другого мнения.


1. The Russian Federation occupies most of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

2. The shores of the country are washed by the waves of ten seas, which belong to three oceans: Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific.

3. The country stretches by 10 thousand kilometres from west to east; this is the length of a quarter of equator. A modern airliner needs half a day of direct flight to cover such distance.

4. Russia's biggest river is the Volga, flowing into the Caspian Sea.

5. Russia is a land of climatic extremes.

6. Russia has the world's largest oil and natural gas resources. Three-quarters of the republic's mineral wealth are concentrated in European part of the country.

7. The Russian Federation is a democratic legally based federal state with a republican form of government.

8. The head of the country is the Prime Minister.


1. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the biggest cities of Europe with 850-year history.

2. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky is considered to be the founder of Moscow. His name relates to the first written mention of Moscow, which dates back to 1147.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible transferred the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712.

4. The XIX century is known to be a "golden age" for arts and science, and Moscow was a birth-place of many famous artists, writers, painters and scientists and a number of outstanding politicians.

5. Today Moscow is the seat of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Ex. III. Complete the following sentences using information from the text:


1. Russia occupies the territory of….

2. The current population of Russia is about ….

3. The European part of the country is…

4. The land of Russia varies from…

5. The leading branches of industry are…

6. Russian science and technology are famous due to…


  1. Moscow is the largest…

  2. Moscow is situated…

  3. The official date of the foundation of Moscow is…

  4. The present-day Moscow is…

  5. The largest industrial sectors in Moscow are…

  6. Moscow is Russia's main…

Ex. IV. Rearrange the words below into grammatically accurate sentences.

1. considered, the deepest, in the world, to be, lake Baikal, is, the famous, and, the most, lake, beautiful.

2. between, the distance, the southern and the northern borders of Russia, equals to, 3.5 - 4 thousand kilometers.

3. of, in Moscow, is, one, of, the best known, University, of, the home, the skyscrapers, Russia.

4. of, were, twenty towers, constructed, in the end, the 17th century, of, the Kremlin wall.

Ex. V. Make questions to which the underlined words are the answers.

1. The land of Russia varies from thick forests to deserts, from high peaked mountains to deep valleys.

2. The transfer of the capital by Peter the Great to St. Petersburg in 1712 brought a period of decline to Moscow.

3. The town was almost totally destroyed in 1237 and 1293 during the Tatar invasion.

4. Napoleon's army invaded Russia in 1812.

5. Today the state symbol of Russia is a tree-coloured banner.

Ex. VI. Translate into English.


Россия – самая большая страна в мире. Общая площадь – около 17 млн. кв. км. Страна расположена в Восточной Европе и северной части Азии.

Россия протянулась от Балтийского моря до Тихого Океана и от Северного Ледовитого Океана до Черного Моря.

С ней граничат Норвегия, Финляндия, Монголия, Китай и бывшие (former) республики СССР.

Волга, одна из крупнейших рек России, впадает в Каспийское Море.

Среди крупнейших горных цепей России – Урал. Он отделяет Европу от Азии.

Россия – страна с богатейшими запасами полезных ископаемых.

Три четверти запасов полезных ископаемых республики сконцент­рировано в Сибири. Это нефть, природный газ, уголь, золото и цветные металлы.

Население, занятое в сельском хозяйстве, выращивает зерно, производит мясо и молочные продукты.

Россия – президентская республика; законодательная власть в стра­не принадлежит Федеральному собранию.


1. Москва – крупнейший город в России. В Москве пересекаются многие важные торговые пути.

2. Официальная дата основания Москвы – это дата первого упоми­нания Москвы в летописях.

3. Из-за центрального положения Москвы в европейской части Рос­сии город стал торговым, политическим и религиозным центром России.

4. Москва была несколько раз захвачена и разрушена: татарами – в 13 и 14 веках, французами – в 19 веке.

5. Москва – промышленный и торговый центр, местонахождение правительства Российской Федерации.

6. Трудящиеся столицы заняты в металлургии, металлообработке, машиностроении, химической и нефтехимической промышленнос­ти и других отраслях.

7. В Москве находятся около 80 НИИ, Академия наук, Российская государственная библиотека с крупнейшим архивом.

Ex. VII. Answer the following questions.

1. What territory does Russia occupy?

2. What countries does it border on?

3. What are the major plains, mountain chains and rivers of Russia?

4. What can you say about Russia's climate?

5. What mineral resources does Russia possess?

6. What industries are developed in Russia?

7. What is the political system of Russia?

8. What part does Moscow play in the life of Russia?

9. When was Moscow founded?

10. When did it become the capital?

11. How can you prove that Moscow is the largest industrial city in the country?

12. How can you characterize the city's role as a cultural centre?