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Private Sub tmrShort_Timer()

Static intCt As Integer

Static strWaitingFor As String

Dim cft As CoffeeTracker

' If strWaitingFor contains a key, then the Coffee object is (or was) performing

' a task, and the static string variable contains the key of the CoffeeTracker that's watching it.

If strWaitingFor <> "" Then

On Error Resume Next


' If the CoffeeTracker we're waiting for has dropped out of the collection, then an error will

' occur -- meaning it's time to start another one.

Set cft = CoffeeTrackers(strWaitingFor)

If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub


' If the static string variable is empty, then the previous series of short tasks is complete. A

' new series is beginning, so reset the static counter (intCt).

intCt = 0

End If

If Not CancelAll Then

intCt = intCt + 1


' Create a CoffeeTracker to wait for the request to finish.

Set cft = NewTracker(macfe(10).ThreadID, SHORTTASKSIZE)


' Give the CoffeeTracker its Coffee object to watch.

Set cft.Coffee = macfe(10)


' Begin the task.

Call macfe(10).StartLongTask(SHORTTASKSIZE)


' Prepare to wait for the CoffeeTracker.

strWaitingFor = cft.ID

End If


' Check to see if we've completed the series of short tasks, or if we've been stopped by the Cancel button:

If (intCt >= mintHowManyShort) Or CancelAll Then

intCt = 0

tmrShort.Enabled = False

strWaitingFor = ""

End If

End Sub

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