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Public Function GetCoffeeOnNewThread() As Coffee

' Create as if by external client.

Set GetCoffeeOnNewThread = CreateObject("MTCoffee.Coffee")

End Function

' CallAnotherCoffee gives a rough measure of cross-thread call overhead. Pass it a Coffee object on another thread, or on the same thread, and compare the results; the method makes dummy calls to StartLongTask, so that it's essentially measuring only the call overhead.


Public Function CallAnotherCoffee(ByVal cfe As Coffee) As Double

Const TRIES = 10000

Dim timeStart As Long

Dim timeEnd As Long

Dim lngTries As Long

timeStart = timeGetTime

For lngTries = 1 To TRIES

cfe.StartLongTask 0


timeEnd = timeGetTime

' Return seconds (ss.mmm) per call. (This will give an incorrect result if you happen to run CallAnotherCoffee just as the system timer is rolling over to zero.)

CallAnotherCoffee = ((CDbl(timeEnd) - timeStart) / 1000#) / TRIES

End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

' Increment the global count (that is, for this thread) of Coffee objects.

glngGlobalData = glngGlobalData + 1

' Create a timer object.

Set mwXTimer = New XTimer

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

' Decrement the global count (that is, for this thread) of Coffee objects.

glngGlobalData = glngGlobalData - 1

' Free the timer object.

Set mwXTimer = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub mwXTimer_Tick()

' First thing, turn off the timer.

mwXTimer.Enabled = False

Call LongTask

End Sub

' The dummy task.


Private Sub LongTask()

Dim dblDummy As Double

Dim lngCt As Long

Dim sngNextMark As Single

Dim blnCancel As Boolean

' For small transactions, don't bother to call back while running.

If mlngIterations < 100000 Then

sngNextMark = 1!


sngNextMark = 0.1!

End If

' This is just a time-waster.

For lngCt = 1 To mlngIterations

' If this were a real application, a unit of work would be done here. You may find it interesting to replace this processor-intensive activity with one that waits on the system a lot, such as calls to a database on another machine, or reading a very large file.

' Throughput on a single-processor workstation is far greater when most threads are blocked, waiting for file input or the result of a database call.

dblDummy = 3033.14159 * 2081.14159 * 1138.14159


If CDbl(lngCt) / mlngIterations > sngNextMark Then

RaiseEvent Progress(sngNextMark, blnCancel)

If blnCancel Then

' If the client is tired of waiting and wants the task canceled, raise the Complete event with True (canceled).

RaiseEvent Complete(True)

Exit Sub

End If

sngNextMark = sngNextMark + 0.1!

End If


' On successful completion, raise the Complete event with False (not canceled).

RaiseEvent Complete(False)

End Sub



Option Explicit

' For an overview of this sample application, search online Help for Coffee. AboutCof.Txt, in the Related Documents folder of CoffWat2.vbp, also contains information about the sample.

' gCoffeeMonitor holds a reference to the shared CoffeeMonitor object. When a client accesses the CoffeeMonitor property of a Connector object, the Property Get returns this reference. (See the Connector class module.)

Public gCoffeeMonitor As CoffeeMonitor

' gCoffeeMonitor2 holds a reference to the shared CoffeeMonitor2 object. When a client accesses the CoffeeMonitor2 property of a Connector2 object, the Property Get returns this reference. (See the Connector2 class module.)

Public gCoffeeMonitor2 As CoffeeMonitor2


Option Explicit

' > For an overview of this sample application, search online Help for Coffee. AboutCof.Txt, in the Related Documents folder of CoffWat2.vbp, also contains information about the sample.

' Connector class-

' The Connector allows multiple clients to share a single CoffeeMonitor object. The Connector class has its Instancing property set to MultiUse, so each client can create its own Connector. Each of the Connector objects returns a reference to the single shared CoffeeMonitor object, so all the clients share the same CoffeeMonitor. (See the CoffeeMonitor property, below.)

' If you read "Creating an ActiveX Exe Component," in Books Online, you'll notice a difference: This version of Connector doesn't have a 'use count' that determines when gCoffeeMonitor should be set to Nothing. There's no need for Initialize event code to increment the use count, or Terminate event code to decrement and test the use count.

' This solves a bug described in the topic "Using the Shared CoffeeMonitor" in the chapter mentioned above. For an explanation of why the use count isn't needed, and how this fixes the bug, see the CoffeeMonitor class module.

' CoffeeMonitor property always returns the single global reference to the shared instance of CoffeeMonitor (which is created the first time a client requests a CoffeeMonitor).

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