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Unit 7. Health

Introductory reading and talk

Health is the level of functional and (or) metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person in mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health” or “healthy”).

 The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The maintenance and promotion of health is achieved through different combination of physical, mental, and social well-being, together sometimes referred to as the “health triangle”. 

The WHO's 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion furthered that health is not just a state, but also "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities."

In addition to health care interventions and a person's surroundings, a number of other factors are known to influence the health status of individuals, including their background, lifestyle, and economic and social conditions; these are referred to as "determinants of health".

Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance on health status and quality of life. It is increasingly recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society. According to the World Health Organization, the main determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors.

Focusing more on lifestyle issues and their relationships with functional health, data from the Alameda County Study suggested that people can improve their health via exercise, enough sleep, maintaining a healthy body weight, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking. The ability to adapt and to self manage have been suggested as core components of human health.

The environment is often cited as an important factor influencing the health status of individuals. This includes characteristics of the natural environment, the built environment, and the social environment. Factors such as clean water and air, adequate housing, and safe communities and roads all have been found to contribute to good health, especially the health of infants and children. 

Genetics, or inherited traits from parents, also play a role in determining the health status of individuals and populations. This can encompass both the predisposition to certain diseases and health conditions, as well as the habits and behaviors individuals develop through the lifestyle of their families - also referred to as the "nature versus nurture" debate, in other words the role of factors which can or cannot be controlled. For example, genetics may play a role in the manner in which people cope with stress, either mental, emotional or physical.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

А. Всемирная организация Здравоохранения; зарядка; обмен веществ; травма; ограничение потребления алкоголя; справляться со стрессом; качество жизни; самосовершенствование; состояние здоровья; влиять на состояние здоровья; высыпаться; физические способности; здоровье детей; держать вес в норме; наследственность.

B. отказ от курения; определяющие факторы здоровья; забота о здоровье; адаптироваться; предрасположенность к определенным заболеваниям; заболевание; боль; физическое, умственное и социальное здоровье; треугольник здоровья; поддержание здоровья; способствовать здоровью; наука о здоровье; генетика.

Exercise 2. Match the words with definitions.

1. health

a. to restrict the use of hot drinks


b. susceptibility to a specific disease

3. exercise

c. the genetic features and constitution of a single organism, species, or group

4. disease

d. physical exertion, esp for the purpose of development, training, or keeping fit

5. injury

e. a factor, circumstance, etc., that influences or determines

6. metabolic

f. the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease

7. determinants

g. any impairment of normal physiological function affecting all or part of an organism

8. to limit alcohol use

h. related to metabolism

9. predisposition

i. state of health or physical fitness, esp. good health

10. health conditions

j. physical damage or hurt

Exercise 3. Match the English phrases in the left column with those in the right column.

1. if you break a leg А. you have to be immediately

inoculated (against the disease)

2. if you have a high temperature В. you must have it X-rayed and than put

Put in a cast

3. if you feel pain when swallowing С. You have to be on a diet

4. if a member of your family has D. you have to gargle your throat fallen ill with some infectious disease.

5. if you have an abscess Е. you have to consult a surgeon

6. if you have liver trouble F. you have to take some medicine to reduce temperature

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мне нужно лекарство по этому рецепту, и пожалуйста, дайте мне что-нибудь от зубной боли

2. Мне дурно, меня тошнит и раскалывается голова.

3. Разденьтесь, пожалуйста, до пояса, я хочу послушать ваши легкие.

4. Что с Вами? – У меня высокая температура. – У Вас болит горло? – Нет, меня лихорадит.

5. Я почти привык к ноющей боли в зубе, но сейчас эта острая боль невыносима.

6. Вам нужно посидеть на диете. Пожалуйста, принимайте это лекарство по одной столовой ложки три раза в день.

7. Тебе надо сделать анализ крови, рентген и измерить давление.

8. У меня опух локоть. Какого врача Вы мне можете порекомендовать?

9. Она целую зиму страдала от простуд.

10. Мне придётся удалить этот зуб, он шатается. – Сполосните рот и сплюньте.

11. Положите градусник под язык и измерьте температуру. – У меня нет температуры, я слегка отравился. – У Вас расстройство желудка, рвота?

12. Ему нужно сделать обезболивающий укол. Через час ему удалят аппендицит.

13. Зайди в аптеку и закажи лекарство. Мне нужно что-нибудь от астмы.

14. Вызовите, пожалуйста, врача. Где ближайшая поликлиника? Я хочу проконсультироваться с врачом.

15. Мне нездоровится, у меня болит ухо и горло. По-моему, у меня грипп.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text.