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Unit 4. Shopping for consumer goods

Introductory reading and talk

Shopping is a very important part of life, but shoppers arc faced with a confusing and rapidly changing situation. The confusion arises from the claims made by advertising, a wider choice of goods than ever before, and new places to shop. The prices of clothes, shoes, and make-up have gone sky-high, so it's vital that you do not waste your money and that you shop carefully for value.

Be sure of what you want — never shop vaguely, because when you get home your purchase may not match anything else you've got.

Shop around for the best price and quality. Start with a depart­ment store, where they stock a wide range of goods and souvenirs. There you can find many departments: haberdashery, hosiery, drap­ery, millinery, ladieswear, menswear, and footwear. If you are look­ing for a skirt and a top to go with it, you'll need "Separates". You'll find shorts or T-shirts in "Leisurewear", jumpers in "Knitwear", and a nightdress in "Nightwear". In "Accessories" they sell belts, gloves, and purses. Try on all the trousers or dresses they have in the line although it may be quite boring to wait if the changing room is occupied. Check out the racks with the sign "sale". Although it usu­ally seems to be the small sizes that are offered in sales, you can sometimes find some super buys.

Feeling cheered up by your new purchase, don't forget to keep the receipt, in case an item turns out to be faulty. You'll need the re­ceipt if you want to exchange the item or have your money refunded. If you are a bargain-hunter, try clothes markets. They often don't have the high overheads of town shops and can therefore keep prices lower, though they can stock substandard goods. Flea markets are not the best place to buy anything. The prices are low, but the qual­ity is, too.

Don't put off the purchase of festive gifts until there are only two days left before a holiday. Department stores are swarming with last-minute shoppers, so you may have to queue for half an hour at the checkout till. From everywhere you can hear people swapping rumours, 'They have sold out all the scarves', 'They have run out of that cream'. You inevitably get involved in exchanging remarks with other people in the queue or with salesgirls. Sometimes the talk gets so interesting that the cashier's question whether you want to pay in cash or by credit card takes you by surprise. Anyway, you pay and feel happy that you have made a bargain, which puts you in a good mood.

Dear friends, make shopping entertaining. Shop together with your friends. Enjoy attractively designed displays and well-dressed shoppers browsing through trendy items. Then you will definitely like it.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

    1. примерочная; «блошиный» рынок; галантерея; сохранить чек; универмаг; очередь; покупка; примерять; обшарить полки; продавец; отдел трикотажа; вернуть деньги; покупатели; бракованный товар; распродать; завсегдатай распродаж; отдел товаров для шитья; ходить по магазинам в поисках лучшей цены; платить наличными; рынок одежды.

    1. лучшая покупка; отдел дамских шляп; заканчиваться; соответствовать; отдел мужской одежды; расплатиться кредитной картой; обувной отдел; реклама; более широкий выбор товаров; вязаные вещи; касса; обменивать; последний покупатель; аксессуары; подниматься в цене; одежда для сна; накладные расходы; зря тратить деньги.

Exercise 2. Match the words with definitions.

1. changing room

a. a person employed to sell goods

2. purchase

b. to present or praise (goods, a service, etc.) to the public, especially in order to encourage sales.

3. advertising

c. something bought

4. bargain

d. any room used for changing clothes, such as one at a sports ground or off a bedroom

5. salesgirl

e. a street market selling second hand goods


f. to give money back

7. run out of

g. to pay money in coins or notes

8.Flea market

h. something bought or offered at a low price

9. refund

i. come to an end

10. to pay in cash

j. defective or imperfect

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding word

Sale, pay, summer, shopping (3), an engagement ring, low, on, color, fashion, bargain, fitting room, window, rag fair, change (v.), change (n., 2), stylish, expensive, afford, open.

  1. I do my ….at the Central Department Store. 2) They have a good selection and their prices are …., too. 3) - They’re having a big….at Mothercare. – Anything in particular….sale? 4) How much did you …for your bedroom suite? 5) – I’m interested in seeing your … coats. – Do you have any particular …. in mind? – White, or some light color, I think. 6) I spent the afternoon … for clothes. 7) I called in the Jeweller’s to buy … for my fiancée. 8) There is a lovely winter coat in your…. Do you sell them, I wonder? 9) - Here comes my coat. I’m dying to see myself in it. – Come this way; this … is vacant. 10) It’s a … at that price. 11) This style is coming into … again. 12) How long do your shops keep … on Saturdays? 13) When I’m very much hard up I do my … at … There is one can get nearly everything surprisingly cheap. 14) This sports car is too … We can’t … to buy it this spring. 15) I want to … a 20 pound note, please. 16) - It’s 5.71 pounds. – I’m sorry, I have no … about me, so keep the …, please.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1) Мне нужно сделать сегодня кое-какие покупки.

2) Завтра мы идем покупать мне пальто.

3) Как привлекательна витрина этого магазина тканей.

4) Больше всего я люблю в этом универмаге отдел электротоваров.

5) Я ищу сумку к этому костюму уже три месяца.

6) Заверните, пожалуйста, мой старый меховой жакет. Я надену новый (Пойду в новом).

7) Покажите мне, пожалуйста, ожерелье, которое лежит рядом с тем большим кулоном.

8) Имеются ли у вас рубашки из быстросохнущего материала?

9) Когда открываются (закрываются) магазины в вашем городе?

10) До которого часа открыта аптека?

11) Как вам нравятся эти ковры? – Выглядят они прекрасно.

12) Я не могу найти ничего подходящего.

13) Такие костюмы сейчас в моде.

14) В этом магазине товары наилучшего качества.

15) Этот материал не выцветает. Он не линяет, к тому же.

16) Образцы наших лучших тканей на втором этаже.

17) Мне идут все оттенки зеленого.

18) У меня с собой только бумажные деньги. Придется поменять 5-фунтовую банкноту.

19) Надо поторопиться. Скоро закрытие.

20) Я не могу найти ничего подходящего.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text.

Know Your Rights

Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. Most people dislike making a fuss. However, when you are shopping, it is important to know your rights. The following extract is taken from a leaflet produced by the British “Office of Fair Trading”, and gives advice to consumers.

Your rights when buying goods.

When you buy something from a shop, you are making a contract. This contract means that it’s up to the shop – not the manufacturer – to deal with your complaints if the goods are not satisfactory. What do we mean by satisfactory?

The goods must not be broken or damaged and must work properly. This is known as “merchantable quality”. A sheet, say, which had a tear in it, or a clock that didn’t go when you wound it wouldn’t pass this test.

The goods must be as described – whether on the pack or by the salesman. A hairdryer which the box says is blue shouldn’t turn out to be pink; a pair of shoes the salesman says is leather shouldn’t be plastic.

The goods should be fit for their purpose. This means the purpose for which most people buy these particular goods. If you wanted something for a special purpose, you must have said exactly what for. If, for instance, the shop assures you that a certain glue will mend broken china and it doesn’t you have a right to return it.

If the shop sells the faulty goods, it has broken its side of the bargain.

If things go wrong.

If goods are faulty when you first inspect or use them, go back to the shop, say that you cancel the purchase and ask for a complete refund. If you prefer, you can accept a repair or replacement.

If the goods break down through no fault of yours, after you have used them for a time, you may still be entitled to some compensation. In some cases it would be reasonable to expect a complete refund – if, for instance, without misuse your shoes came apart after only one day’s wear, or your washing machine irreparably broke down after only three wash days. But if your washing machine worked perfectly for a while and turn broke, you could only expect some of the purchase price back. You and the supplier must negotiate a reasonable settlement.

You need never accept a credit note for faulty goods. If you do so, then later find you do not want anything else in the shop or store, you may not get your money back.

If you have to spend money as a direct result of goods being faulty, you can also claim this from the shop. You could, for example, claim the cost of using a laundry while the washing machine wasn’t working. But you must keep such expenses down to a minimum.

There are four golden rules:

  1. Examine the goods you buy at once. If they are faulty, tell the seller quickly.

  2. Keep any receipts you are given. If you have to return something, the receipt will help to prove where and when you bought it.

  3. Don’t be afraid to complain. You are not asking a favor to have faulty goods put right. The law is on your side.

  4. Be persistent (but not aggressive). If your complaint is justified, it is somebody’s responsibility to put things right.


You can’t complain about defects that were pointed out to you, or that you could reasonably have been expected to notice.

Stop using the item as soon as you discover a fault.

You are not entitled to compensation if you simply change your mind about wanting the goods.

Comprehension questions

  1. Why is complaining about faulty goods never easy?

  2. When does a shopper have a right to complain?

  3. What arrangement can be made to satisfy the complaining customer?

  4. Comment on any “Golden Rules”.

Exercise 6. Compose dialogues using the key words for the situation given below.

  1. You are in Glasgow in a shop buying a pair o slacks for your brother. (advise, look for, size, Continental size, British size, color, have in mind, material, a mixture – cotton and silk and nylon, creaseproof, latest style, cheaper).

  2. Two friend s in a gift shop choosing a birthday present for their mutual friend. (a desk set, ornamental but practical, durable, last forever, too expensive, can’t afford, another suggestion, water – color, match, sitting – room)

  3. Mother and son (daughter), buying a lounge suit (trouser-suit) for him (her). The mother is helping. They’re shown several suits but the mother rejects them all. (light-weight woolen, shrink, show dirt, fit, become, match, too tight, less expensive).

Exercise 7. Write a composition on one of the following topics.

  1. Describe a shopper you would call a) thorough, b) careless, c) smart.

  2. What kind of purchases would you call “a bargain” and what are the best places to look for bargains.

  3. Write on your experience of a shopping spree (real or imaginary one).

  4. Create a shopping list for each of the following people (amount of money to spend are shown the brackets)

  1. A teenager who walks to the store ($20)

  2. A coach buying for a basketball team ($30)

  3. A camper preparing for a long hiking trip ($60)


Образование – вспомогательный глагол to have (has) been и окончание – ing к основе смыслового глагола.

Сопутствующие этому времени наречия и временные выражения

for (в течение какого-то периода времени), since (с тех пор, как, с какого-то времени)


Образование – вспомогательный глагол had been и окончание – ing к основе смыслового глагола.

Сопутствующие этому времени наречия и временные выражения

for (в течение какого-то периода времени), since (с тех пор, как).


Образование – вспомогательный глагол shall/will have been и окончание – ing к основе смыслового глагола. Это время используется редко.

Сопутствующие этому времени наречия и временные выражения

for (в течение какого-то периода времени), since (с тех пор, как)

Exercise 8. Open the brackets, using Present, Past and Future Perfect Progressive.

1. Why are you so red? ______ you (run)? 2. By the end of the next month we (learn) English for nearly 6 months. 3. ‘I’m coming all right’, said Mr. Dilinger, who (shiver) for the last 10 minutes. 4. By that time she graduates I (teach) English for 2 years. 5. What you (do) to the child? 6. Mrs. Capone made no sign but her very immobility told something. Jenny went over to her and quickly discovered that she (weep). 7. When my daughter goes to school we (live) here for over 5 years. 8 “Where is my daughter?” – “She (talk) to a policeman” – “What’s happened?” – “She (drive) without a license”. 9. When I arrived, Ann was waiting for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she (wait) for a very long time. 10. Don’t call on me at 10 o’clock tomorrow. I shell be translating the article. By 1 o’clock in the afternoon I (translate) the article for three hours already. Come to see me at three.

Exercise 9. Translate the sentences using Present, Past and Future Perfect Progressive.

1. Вы делаете это не так. Вы уже пять минут пытаетесь открыть дверь не тем ключом. 2. Он поднял голову от полу-холодной чашки кофе, который он все ещё помешивал, но не пил. 3. К концу года, когда мы встретимся, он уже будет писать эту книгу в течение четырёх месяцев. 4. Люди, которых она встречала, казалось, знают, где она была и что она там делала. 5. Я ношу это пальто уже два года. Оно всё как новое. 6. Мы будем рекламировать эти товары несколько месяцев к тому времени, как они появятся на рынке. 7. Они чувствовали себя уставшими, так как шли пешком уже два дня. 8. Я стараюсь найти эту книгу с тех пор, как вы мне о ней рассказали. 9. Мы будем переводить эту статью уже два часа, когда вы позвоните. 10. Это было именно то самое место, которое я искал всю жизнь. 11. Куда ты торопишься? – Мама ждёт меня у метро уже пять минут. 12. Я помогаю ему с начала учебного года, и он уже многому научился. 13. Она жила в этом маленьком городке с самого детства, а потом поехала учиться в Москву. 14. К тому времени, когда она приедет, я уже буду жить здесь в течение двух лет. 15. Почему у Вас чёрные руки? – Я ела чернику. 16. Я уже полчаса наблю­даю за тобой. 17. По свету в квартире он понял, что миссис Хамеет ждала его уже два часа. 18. На будущий год к этому времени она будет изучать французский уже два года. 19. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. Где ты был все это время? 20. Макс поднял книгу, которую он перед этим читал, и загнул уголок страницы, чтобы отметить это место.