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Points for discussion.

  • What are health and wellness to you? How do you understand these two notions?

  • Do you live in harmony, i.e. are the six dimensions in tune with one another?

  • What is the most stressful situation to you? What do you do to cope with stress?

Unit 7


    1. Phonetic Training

1. Listen to the rhyme and repeat it after the speaker. Learn the rhyme by heart.

There was a 'wise 'old 'owl who 'lived in an ↓oak,

The 'more he heard, the 'less he spoke,

The 'less he spoke the 'more he heard –

Oh, if 'men were 'all like 'that 'wise bird!

Note: Pay attention to the construction: the more he heard, the less he spoke. It’s translated as: чем больше…тем меньше.

Read and translate into Russian one more example:

The longer life,

The more offence.

The more offence,

The greater pain.

The greater pain,

The less defence.

The less defence,

The lesser gain.

2. Listen to the song. Read it, learn by heart and sing.

Donna, Donna

1. On the wagon bound for market

There’s a calf with a mournful eye.

High above him there’s a swallow,

Winging swiftly through the sky.

Rf How the winds are laughing

They laugh with all their might

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer’s night.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

2. Stop complaining said the farmer,

Who told you a calf to be

Why don’t have you wings to fly with

Like a swallow so proud and free

Rf How the winds are laughing

They laugh with all their might

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer’s night.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

3. Calfs are easily bound and slaughtered

Never knowing the reason why

But whoever treasures freedom

Like a swallow must learn to fly.

Rf How the winds are laughing

They laugh with all their might

Laugh and laugh the whole day through

And half the summer’s night.

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

Donna, Donna, Donna, Donna,

Donna, Donna, Donna, don

3. Memorize the tongue-twister.

Sudden swallows swiftly skinning,

Sunset’s slowly spreading shade,

Silvery songsters sweetly singing

Summer’s soothing serenade.

Once a very witty witch of Venice

Went from Venice to visit a niece.

But she saw no niece

‘cause her niece returned to Venice.

    1. Grammar Revision Present Perfect and Past Simple

Present Perfect и Past Simple обозначают прошедшее действие и переводятся на русский язык прошедшим временем.

John lost his key.

John has lost his key.

Джон потерял ключи.

Present Perfect в английском языке – это настоящее время, т.к. в предложении “John has lost his key” говорящий соотносит действие с настоящей ситуацией и для него важен сейчас результат, т.е. Джон потерял ключи и сейчас их у него нет (т.е. он не может ими пользоваться). В предложении “John lost his key” говорящего не интересует настоящая ситуация, он констатирует факт в прошлом (некоторое время назад Джон остался без ключей).

E.g. Jack grew a beard but how he has shaved it off (so he doesn’t have a beard now).

The Chinese invented printing. (There is no idea of the present here. The action took place a long time ago.)

How many novels did Tolstoy write? (The action took place when the writer was alive.)

Cf. 1. Shakespeare wrote many plays. We enjoy reading them now.

2. My brother is a writer. He has written many novels.

В первом предложении действие относится к далекому прошлому, ко временам В.Шекспира. И несмотря на то, что мы ими наслаждаемся сейчас, сам факт написания не связан с настоящим. А вот во втором предложении самой ситуации ясно, что брат и сейчас продолжает писать романы, но при этом уже многие завершил.

На горизонтальной оси координат эти действия можно схематически изобразить следующим образом:

Note 1: Past Simple часто употребляется со следующими наречиями и наречными сочетаниями: yesterday, the day before yesterday, some time ago, last week, month, year.

Present Perfect сопровождают наречия: yet (в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях), still (в отрицательных предложениях), already, just.

Note 2: Past Simple всегда употребляется для обозначения последовательно друг за другом происходящих действий.

E.g. The girls got off the train, bought a few magazines at the station book-stall and went to a snack bar to have a bite.

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