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American traditions. (Episode 19 “I do”)



to tie one”s bow tie a wristband

to be nervous an antique shop

to figure a way to save something for the

a tuxedo wedding day

to wear a clip-on bow tie pearls

to clip a tie around the collar veil

a relief to take off the veil

to kick off the shoes to relax

wedding-day jitters III

to put the ring on to joint in holy matrimony

to put something in a tuxedo jacket pocket legally

a best man just cause

a maid of honour to be lawful, wedded wife

to hand something to somebody by the power vested in smb.

to pick up a clip-on bow tie to pronounce somebody husband

lapel pocket and wife

to kiss the bride

Training exercises:

1. Write out the words from the vocabulary list, which are connected with the traditions of the American wedding.

2. Find out the words, which denote the emotions of the participants of the wedding ceremony. Explain their meaning.

3. What is: a tuxido rental store, lapel pocket, an antique shop.

4. Pay attention to the formal expressions 1 – 7, pronounced by the judge during the wedding ceremony. Who pronounces such formal words to the bride and bridegroom in your country? How do they sound in Russian?

Questions and tasks:

1. What happened when Harry was getting dressed for his wedding? How did his relatives find the way out?

2. What is the American tradition to dress a bride?

3. What is Susan”s maiden name? What will her married name be?

4. Describe the wedding ceremony of Harry and susan. Wo are the best man and the maid of honour at an American wedding?

5. In your country who participates in a wedding ceremony?

6. Have you been to wedding ceremonies? Describe a wedding ceremony in your country.

Family life. (Episode 20 “quality time”)



to balance the check book to be up late

to sit around and do nothing to be around much late

to work late the ships that pass in the night

to be exhausted to spend quality time

to have dinner together with the family to take a vacation away from

different schedules the family

to be at the hospital doing paperwork different schedules

to be off to bed to set up a regular weekly

reading program

to fit in with something

III to encourage something

to work on the special project

to find a way to encourage reading

to spend the leisure time

to take the time to read

to involve the entire family in something

to schedule one hour a week to do something

to go beyond the school system

to guarantee something

to experiment with somebody

to accomplish something

Discuss with the teacher the following expressions from the vocabulary list:

to balance the check book

to sit around and do nothing

to be around much late

the ships that pass in the night

to spend quality time

to fit in with something

to encourage something

to schedule one hour a week to do something

to go beyond the school system

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