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Unit 1 ‘The Environment’


1. Complete the questionnaire below about your everyday activities. Analyze your answers and decide if you can call yourself a friend of planet Earth.

Are you a friend of planet Earth?



1. Do you turn off lights, TV and computer when they are not needed, for example when you leave a room?

2. Do you avoid wasting water (for example, never leave dripping taps, use a glass of water when brushing your teeth, avoid using washing machines and dishwashers too much)?

3. Do you sort your waste for it to be recycled later?

4. Do you take your own plastic bag when you go shopping?

5. Do you pay attention whether the product you are going to buy is labeled “ozone friendly” - , “recyclable” or “made from recycled materials” -?

6. Do you try to buy products without excessive packaging?

7. Do you buy household cleaning products that do not have strong chemicals?

8. Do you mend things when they go wrong instead of throwing them out and buying new ones?

9. Do you always put your trash in the trash can?

10. Do you use public transport regularly?

11. Do you prefer walking or riding a bike to going by car to any places nearby?

12. Have you ever planted a tree?

2. Share your analysis with the class to find out who is the most planet-friendly student in your group. Explain your choice.

Reading The Environment


  1. Mark the statements below as true or false:

  • People damage the environment because they are not fully aware of the consequences of their actions. __________

  • Natural resources must be in public but not in private possession to avoid damage to the environment. _____________

  • There is little disagreement that the warnings of scientists about future dangers are groundless. ___________

  • New sources of energy and new materials may lead to pollution rather than solve the problem. ____________

  • Industry is the most considerable source of air pollution. _______________

  • Environmental organizations have powerful impact on governments and their decisions. ___________

  1. Discuss your answers and your reasons with your partner.


Skim the text “The Environment” to find out whether the author shares your ideas about the statements in Pre-reading task 1.

http://images.paraorkut.com/img/wallpapers/1024x768/r/rocky_reef-1470.jpg http://greenword.ru/images/trash.jpg