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Текст №3

It was a busy day for Kostya Pavlov. In the morning he went to the airport to meet his uncle who was coming from abroad, and then spent part of the day with him, and in the evening he went to the railway station to see off his friend Sasha, who was leaving Moscow for a small town in the North to see his old parents.

It was still early morning but the airport was full of life. Big buses were bringing passengers from the town. Porters were taking luggage to a plane which was ready to take off. In the restaurant upstairs Kostya found many people who were having breakfast before getting on board the plane. As soon as the radio announced that a passenger plane was about to land Kostya and a few more people went out to meet the plane. After making a circle over the airport the pilot landed his machine and taxied it up to a stop. A group of passengers, with Kostya’s uncle among them, got out of the plane and walked over to the custom-house.

The clock on the tower above the entrance to the airport was striking eight as Kostya and his uncle left the airport.

Времена группы perfect

Времена группы Perfect указывают на законченность действия к определенному моменту времени в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем. Все времена группы Perfect обычно переводятся на русский язык совершенным видом.

to have + -ed (III форма глагола/Participle II)

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

I have written

I had written

I shall have written

he has written

he had written

he will have written

she has written

she had written

she will have written

it has written

it had written

it will have written

we have written

we had written

we shall have written

you have written

you had written

you will have written

they have written

they had written

they will have written

Вопросительная форма

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

Have I written?

Had I written?

Shall I have written?

Has he written?

Had he written?

Will he have written?

Has she written?

Had she written?

Will she have written?

Has it written?

Had it written?

Will it have written?

Have we written?

Had we written?

Shall we have written?

Have you written?

Had you written?

Will you have written?

Have they written?

Had they written?

Will they have written?

Отрицательная форма

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

I have not written

I had not written

I shall not have written

he has not written

he had not written

he will not have written

she has not written

she had not written

she will not have written

it has not written

it had not written

it will not have written

we have not written

we had not written

we shall not have written

you have not written

you had not written

you will not have written

they have not written

they had not written

they will not have written

Present Perfect употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: ever – когда-либо, never – никогда, just – только что, already – уже, (not) yet – еще нет, today – сегодня, this week – на этой неделе, all this time – все это время, since – с, for – в течение.

Past Perfect, Future Perfect употребляются с обстоятельствами времени: by 7 oclock – к 7 часам, before – до того как, прежде чем.