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Грамматика английского языка.doc
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Текст №1

Now we have come to Gorky Street. It is a beautiful street with all kinds of office-buildings, hotels, theatres, cinemas, shops, restaurants and cafes. That large building over there is a hotel. In front of the hotel we can see several buses and cars. A big bus has just brought a number of people from the airport and among them we can see a friend of mine, Tom. It is the first time he has come to Moscow.

Tom has been in Moscow for a few days, but he has already seen a lot of things. He has visited some of the best museums and theatres. He has seen a ballet at the theatre. I have taken him for a walk in the Kremlin and also to some of the new parts of the capital. My brother has shown him some of the underground stations and today they both have been to an international football match at the Luzhniki sports grounds.

All has made a great impression on Tom.

Времена группы perfect progressive

Времена группы Perfect Progressive указывают на то, что действие продолжалось в течение некоторого периода времени до определенного момента в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем и может продолжаться в данный момент.

Present Perfect Progressive

единственное число

множественное число

I have been writing

we have been writing

he has been writing

you have been writing

she has been writing

they have been writing

it has been writing

Вопросительная форма

единственное число

множественное число

Have I been writing?

Have we been writing?

Has he been writing?

Have you been writing?

Has she been writing?

Have they been writing?

Has it been writing?

Отрицательная форма

единственное число

множественное число

I have not been writing

we have not been writing

he has not been writing

you have not been writing

she has not been writing

they have not been writing

it has not been writing

Past Perfect Progressive

единственное число

множественное число

I had been writing

we had been writing

he had been writing

you had been writing

she had been writing

they had been writing

it had been writing

Вопросительная форма

единственное число

множественное число

Had I been writing?

Had we been writing?

Had he been writing?

Had you been writing?

Had she been writing?

Had they been writing?

Had it been writing?

Отрицательная форма

единственное число

множественное число

I had not been writing

we had not been writing

he had not been writing

you had not been writing

she had not been writing

they had not been writing

it had not been writing

Future Perfect Progressive

единственное число

множественное число

I shall have been writing

we shall have been writing

he will have been writing

you will have been writing

she will have been writing

they will have been writing

it will have been writing

Вопросительная форма

единственное число

множественное число

Shall I have been writing?

Shall we have been writing?

Will he have been writing?

Will you have been writing?

Will she have been writing?

Will they have been writing?

Will it have been writing?

Отрицательная форма

единственное число

множественное число

I shall not have been writing

we shall not have been writing

he will not have been writing

you will not have been writing

she will not have been writing

they will not have been writing

it will not have been writing

Perfect Progressive употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: for 2 hours – вот уже 2 часа, for the last two days (years, weeks) – в течение 2 последних дней (лет, недель), since 5 o’clock – с 5 часов, since yesterday – со вчерашнего дня.

The plant produces cars

Завод производит автомобили (вообще)

is producing

производит (сейчас)

has produced

произвел (только что, на сегодняшний день)

has been producing

производит (с какого-то времени)


произвел, производил (в прошлом)

was producing

производил (в определенный момент в прошлом)

had produced

произвел (уже до определенного момента в прошлом)

had been producing

производил (уже сколько-то времени)

will produce

будет производить (в будущем)

will be producing

будет производить (в определенный момент в будущем)

will have produced

произведет (к определенному моменту в будущем)

will have been producing

будет производить (уже сколько-то времени к определенному моменту в будущем)