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Answer the following questions:

1.What does the building structure consist of?

2.What kind of foundation does the building have?

3.Which panels incorporate insulation?

4.What does the ground floor structure feature?

5.Where are the internal columns omitted?

6.Why does the spandrel of the H-frame have its top sloped back towards the building?

Typical floor plan

View of the building


Assembly of elements at floor above ground level

aprecast concrete H-frame with 2'-6" deep spandrel beam and 6¼" x 11¼" columns;

b5" infill panel;

с 5" spandrel height infill panel; d precast concrete window seat;

e 2⅜ "steel tube to receive lifting bolt for erection and 1" dowel bars from frame above with metal shims and mortar in final condition;

f 3'-0" square section concrete ground beam with slots;

g 9" cast-in-place floor slab.

Vertical section through typical upper floor

h aluminium window frame with opening light;

i precast concrete H-frame with 1'-8" deep spandrel beam and 6¼" x 11¼" columns.


А, РРАН, ДАС, Гр (II семестр)


18th Century

St Petersburg is one of the cities in the world built according to conceived scheme. In 1716 the French architect Jean-Baptiste Le Blond created the general layout for the construction of St Petersburg and after his death the work in accordance with this plan started under supervision of the Swiss architect DomenicoTrezzini.

The first structure of the future city was the Peter and Paul Fortress. Peter the Great himself made a suggestion on the overall scheme of the fortress. Trezzini designed the stone Peter and Paul Cathedral in 1712 on the site of a wooden church. Soon the entire fortress took the cathedral‟s name. The

cathedral is the most important example of the Petrine Baroque.

During the reign of Elizabeth, the daughter of Peter the First, Saint Petersburg changed its appearance beyond recognition and turned into a splendid city of luxurious palaces designed in the Baroque style. Francesco Rastrelli was the most outstanding architect of that time. His greatest creation was the Winter Palace.

The Baroque was displaced by NeoClassicism during the reign of Catherine the Great. Its typical examples are the Tauride Palace built by the Russian architect Ivan Starov and the projects carried out by the

Italian Giacomo Quarenghi (Smolny Institute, Hermitage Theatre, the Academy of Science and others).

19th Century

That century began with the construction of the Kazan Cathedral (1801-1811) when the Empire style of Late Classicism was predominant. The Russian architect Andrey Voronikhin, a former serf, made the Cathedral‟s project.

The most impressive landmark was


the ensemble of three large squares – Palace square, St Isaac‟s square and Senate square. The appearance of this part of the city reflects the traditions of urban construction formed in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries – the principles of “remarkable buildings”, “regular squares”, and “continuous linking of streets”. The focal element of the complex of the three squares is the Admiralty created by Andreyan Zakharov.

St Isaac‟s Cathedral was designed by the French architect Auguste de Montferrand and consecrated to St Isaac of Dalmatia, whose name-day coincides with the birthday of Peter the Great.

Drawbridges spanned the Neva, streets were paved with stone; at the end of the nineteenth century electric lamps illuminated the streets.

20th Century

By that time Art Nouveau broke into the city‟s architectural silhouette. The Yeliseyev

Brothers Trade House (1900-1903) was built in stone, concrete and glass. It has many impressive details: a huge glazed surface of the façade, a large stained glass window, heavy stone facing and naturalistic sculpture

ornaments typical of the Art Nouveau style.

Towards the beginning of the 20th century Nevsky Prospect was occupied by business people, for whom huge buildings of banks, trade houses and company offices were built. One of such structures was put up for the American company (Singers & Co) known for many years as the House of Books (1902-1904).


Present-day architects continue improving and decorating Nevsky Prospect. In recent years pedestrian friendly zones were created in Malaya Koniushennaya and Malaya Sadovaya Streets running from Nevsky Prospect. Malaya Sadovaya Street was paved with tiles, the street separation and sidewalk


were removed, a fountain featuring a Kugel ball (a heavy stone ball easily rotatable because of lubrication by the fountain‟s water) was built. Later new monuments and hardscape were installed there.

Saint Petersburg is often described as the most Westernized city of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. It is the northernmost city in the world having the population of over one million. Since around the end of the 20th century a great deal of active building and restoration works have been carried out in a number of the city's districts. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


conceived [kqn's°vd] a.– задуманный

beyond recognition [bI'jPnd"rekq'gnISn] – до неузнаваемости continuous [kqn'tInjuqs] a.– непрерывный

feature ['f°Cq] v.– характеризоваться, отличаться

Isaac ['aIzqk] Исаак

landmark ['lxnd"mRk] n.– достопримечательность, архитектурный


lubrication ["l³ brI'keISn] n.– смазка luxurious [lAg'zjuqrIqs] a.– роскошный serf [s´f] n. – крепостной

supervision ["s³ pq'vIZqn] n. – наблюдение

Tauride Palace ['t² rIdq'pxlqs] – Таврический дворец Petrine Baroque ['petrIn bq'rPk] – Петровское барокко

World Heritage Site [w´ld'herItIG"saIt] – объект всемирного наследия hardscape ['hRdskeIp] n. – малые архитектурные формы

Answer the following questions:

1.What is the main feature of the construction of Saint Petersburg?

2.Who created the first general layout of Saint Petersburg?

3.What was the first structure of the future city and who made a suggestion on the overall scheme of this structure?

4.What structure did DomenicoTrezzini design?

5.What was the first predominant architectural style in Saint Petersburg?


6.Who was the most outstanding architect during the reign of Elizabeth and in what architectural style did he create his luxurious palaces?

7.What architectural style replaced the Baroque? Give the examples of the structures built in accordance with this new style.

8.What two remarkable cathedrals were constructed in the19th century?

9.What was the most impressive landmark of Saint Petersburg in the19th century?

10.What architectural style prevailed in the 19th century?

11.What architectural style was developed during the construction of the Yeliseyev Brothers Trade House and the House of Books?

12.How do present – day architects improve and decorate the centre of

Saint Petersburg?

13. What architectural value do the Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute ?

А, РРАН, ДАС, Гр (III семестр)


Urban design involves the arrangement and design of buildings, public spaces, transport systems

and services. Urban design is the process of giving form and character to groups of buildings, to whole neighborhoods, and the city. It is a framework that orders the elements into a network of streets, squares, and blocks. Urban design blends architecture, landscape architecture, and city

planning together to make urban areas functional and attractive. Urban design includes the following elements:

1.Buildings are the most pronounced elements of urban design - they shape and articulate space by forming the street walls of the city.

2.Great public spaces are the places where people come together to enjoy the city and each other. Public spaces make possible high quality life in the city.

3.Streets are the connections between spaces and places, and are spaces themselves. They are defined by their physical dimension and


character as well as the size, scale, and character of the buildings that line them.

4.Transport systems connect the parts of cities, help to shape them, and enable movement throughout the city. They include road, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian networks, and form the total movement system of a city. The best cities are the ones that elevate the experience of the pedestrian minimizing the dominance of the private automobile.

5.The landscape is the green part of the city that weaves throughout - in the form of urban parks, street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms. The landscape defines the character and beauty of a city and creates soft or contrasting spaces and elements.


arrangement [q'reInGmqnt] n.– расположение articulate [±'tIkjuleIt] v.– соединять neighbo(u)rhood ['neIbq"hud] n.– микрорайон

order ['² dq] v.– располагать в определенном порядке, упорядочивать pronounced [prq'naunst] a.– резко выраженный, заметный

service ['s´vIs] n.– коммуникации weave [w°v] v.– виться

Answer the following questions:

1.What does urban design involve?

2.What parts does urban design blend?

3.What elements does urban design include?

4.What are the most pronounced elements of the urban design?

5.Where do people come together?

6.What function do city streets perform?

7.What are city streets defined by?

8.What are the purposes of the transport system?

9.What does any transport system include?

10.What are the characteristics of the best cities associated with transport systems?

11.What is the landscape?

12.What does the city‟s landscape define?


А, РРАН, ДАС, Гр(IV семестр)


Eco-architecture sees buildings as part of the larger ecology of the planet and the building as part of a living habitat. The human has increasingly sophisticated technologies to exploit the Earth‟s natural resources. But it should be known that buildings are the most damaging polluters on the planet, consuming over half of all the energy used and producing over half of all climate-change gases.

For example, air-conditioning systems represent the greatest source of climate-change gases.

The shift towards green design began in the 1970s and was a response to high oil prices. It was then that the first of the oil shocks sent fossil fuel prices sky high and the „futurologists‟ began to look at the life history of fossil fuels on the planet and make

claims about how much oil and gas were left.

The oil crisis of the 1970s resulted in the rise of the solar house movement: homes built to use clean renewable energy from the Sun.

In the 1980s came the next big shock climate change. It was then that the rates of depletion in the ozone layer and the increase in greenhouse gases and global warming became apparent.

Nowadays the world needs a new profession of architectureengineers, who can design passive buildings that use minimal energy and the energy they use comes from renewable sources if possible.

The key issues of green buildings are resource conservation, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation features; using ecological building materials; and waste minimization. The main concept of eco-architecture is defined as “taking less from the Earth and giving more to people.”


claim ['kleIm] n. – заявление

consume [kqn'sj³ m] v. – потреблять, тратить, расходовать depletion [dIp'l°Sn] n.– истончение, уменьшение


fossil fuel ['fPsqlfj³ ql] – природное топливо (газ и уголь), полезные


habitat ['hxbItxt] n.– место жительства, среда обитания impact ['Impxkt] n.– влияние

issue ['IS³ ] n.- проблема

polluter [pq'l³ tq] n.– источник загрязнения rate [reIt] n.– показатель, величина, скорость

renewable [rI'nj³ qbl] a.- восстановимый, возобновляемый result in [rI'zAlt In] v.– приводить к

see [ѕі׃] v. – зд. рассматривать shift [SIft] n.– изменение, сдвиг

sophisticated [sq'fIstI"keItId] a.– сложный waste [weIst] n.– отходы

Answer the following questions:

1.How does eco-architecture see buildings?

2.Why are buildings considered to be the most damaging polluters?

3.What represents the greatest source of climate-change gases?

4.When and why did the shift towards green design begin?

5.What did the oil crisis of the 1970s result in?

6.When did the rates of depletion in the ozone layer and the increase in greenhouse gases and global warming become apparent?

7.What new type of buildings do architecture-engineers need to design?

8.What are the key issues of green buildings?

9.How is the main concept of eco-architecture defined?


ПМ, ПМИ (II семестр)


A mainframe is the most powerful type of computer. It can process and store a large amount of data. It supports multiple users at the same time and can support more simultaneous processes than a PC. The central system is a large server connected to hundreds of terminals over a network. Mainframes are used for large-scale computing

purposes in banks, big companies, and universities.

A desktop PC has its own processing unit, monitor, and keyboard. It is used as a personal computer in the home and as a workstation for group work. Typical examples are the IBM PC and the Apple Macintosh.

A laptop (also called a notebook PC) is a lightweight computer that can be transported easily. It can work as fast as a desktop PC, with similar processors, memory capacity, and disk drivers, but it is portable and has a smaller screen. Instead of mouse, they have a touchpad built into a keyboard a sensitive pad that you can touch to move the pointer on the screen.

They offer a lot of connectivity options: USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports for connecting peripherals, slots for memory cards, etc.

A tablet PC looks like a book with a screen on which you can write using special digital pen. It can be folded and rotated 180 degrees. A user can type at the detached keyboard or use voice recognition.


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