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access ['xksqs] v.– получать (доступ)

connectivity ["kPnek'tIvqtI] n.– возможность соединения или


desktop['desk"tPp] n. настольный компьютер detached [dI'txCt] a. отдельный

disk drive [dIsk'draIv] – дисковод keyboard ['k°"b² d] n. клавиатура laptop ['lxp"tPp] n.- ноутбук

mainframe ['meIn"freIm] n. сервер, мощный компьютер memory capacity ['memqrI kq'pxsqtI] – объем памяти peripheral [pq'rIfqrql] n.– внешнее устройство

purpose ['p´pqs] n. цель

simultaneous ["sImql'teInIqs] a.– одновременный slot [slPt] n.– слот, разъем на материнской плате tablet PC ['txblqt] n.– планшетный компьютер

terminal ['t´mInql] n.– электронное устройство, ПК (здесь) touchpad ['tAC"pxd] n.– сенсорная панель

workstation ['w´k"steISn] n.– рабочая станция

Answer the following questions:

1.What is the purpose of the mainframe?

2.What are the differences between mainframes and PCs?

3.What components does a desktop consist of?

4.What are the differences between desktops and laptops?

5.What unit is used instead of a mouse in laptops?

6.What do tablet PCs look like?


ПМ, ПМИ (III семестр)


WWW is a network of documents that works in a hypertext environment, i.e. using text that contains links, hyperlinks to other documents.

The files, web pages, are stored in computers, which act as servers. A client computer uses a web browser, a special program to access and download them. The pages are organized in

websites, group of pages located on the Web, maintained by a webmaster, the manager of a website.

To find interesting sites a user can apply search engines, where the website information is compiled by spiders, computer-robot programs that collect information from sites by using keywords.

Websites usually have a beginning page or home page. From this starting point a user can navigate by clicking a mouse on hyperlinks in texts or images.

The Web is an open door to a universe of multimedia resources that people use in many different ways. Here are some of them:

Web design

Web pages are created with a special language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), which is interpreted by a web browser to produce a hypertext, a blend of text, graphics and links.

Web pages can also include multimedia files: animation, audio and video files. Sounds are recorded with different audio formats.

To see and hear all these files, a user needs to download the right plug-in, the additional software that enables the web browser to support this new content.


Chatting and video conferencing

IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a system that allows users to meet in channels (or chat rooms) in order to have a live conversation.

To participate you need to install a chat client, a special type of software, on the computer to connect to the chat server, the computer where the meeting takes place.

Video conferencing systems allow a live connection between two or more participants to exchange audio and video data. The users need a computer with broadband access, a webcam, a microphone and speakers.


access['xkses] v.– получить доступ

allow [q'lau] v.- позволять, давать возможность (здесь) broadband ['br² d"bxnd] – широкополосная сеть

comply [kqm'plaI] v.- подчинять

content ['kPntent] n.– информационное наполнение, содержимое download ["daun'lqud] v.– загрузить, скачать

enable [In'eIbl] v.– давать возможность environment [In'vaIrqnmqnt] n.– окружение hyperlink ['haIpq"lINk] n.– гиперссылка

hypertext ['haIpq"tekst] n.– гипертекст - многоуровневый способ

представления информации при помощи связей между документами interpret [In't´prIt] v.– интерпретировать, переводить

maintain [meIn'teIn] v.– поддерживать navigate ['nxvIgeI] v.- передвигаться participant [p±'tIsIpqnt] n.- участник

plug-in [plAg'In] n.– подключаемая программа, программное


search engine [s´C'enGIn] – поисковая система support [sq'p² t] v.– поддерживать, обеспечивать universe ['j³ nI"v´s] n.– сфера, область, вселенная

Answer the following questions:

1.What is the Wide World Web?


2.Where are web pages stored?

3.What does a client computer use to access and download web pages?

4.How are web pages organized?

5.What do users need to do to find interesting sites?

6.What is the starting point of a website?

7.What helps to create web pages?

8.What is the purpose of the plug-in?

9.What is IRC used for?

10.What is the purpose of video conferencing system?

ПМ, ПМИ (IV семестр)


Computer software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of a computer for some purpose. In computer science and software engineering, computer software is all information, programs and data processed by computer system.

There are three layers of software performing a variety of tasks: platform, application, and user software.

Platform software includes the basic input-output system, device drivers, an operating system, and a graphical user interface which allow a user to interact with the computer and its peripherals.

Typical examples of applications include office suites and video games. Application software is often purchased separately from computer hardware. Sometimes applications are bundled with the computer, but applications are almost always the programs independent of the operating system, though they are often tailored for specific platforms.

User software tailors systems to meet the users specific needs. User software includes spreadsheet templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, graphics and animation scripts. Even email filters are a kind of user software.

Computer software should be “loaded” into the computer's storage


Computer software is called so in contrast to computer hardware, which includes mechanical, electrical, and electronic components of a computer system which stores and executes the software.

Computers operate by executing the computer program. This involves passing instructions from the application software, through the


system software, to the hardware which receives the instruction as machine code. Each instruction causes the computer to carry out an operation - moving data, carrying out a computation, or altering the flow of instructions.


application ["æplɪ'keɪʃən] n,– приложение bundle ['bʌndl] v.– поставляться в комплекте

device driver [dɪ'vaɪs 'draɪvə] – драйвер устройства (программа,

которая организует взаимодействие определенного устройства с компьютером)

office suite [fɪs swI:t] – офисный пакет peripherals [pq'rIfqrql] – внешнее устройство platform ['plæt"fɔ:m] n.– аппаратная среда purchase ['pWtʃəs] v.– покупать

script ['skrɪpt] n.– скрипт

spreadsheet ['spredi:t] n.– электронная таблица template ['tem"pleɪt] n.- шаблон

tailor ['teɪlə] v. приспосабливать

user software ['ju:zə'sɒf(t)"weə] – программные средства пользователя word processor marco [wWd 'prəʊ"sesə 'mækrəʊ] макроязык текстового процессора

Answer the following questions:

1.What is computer software and where is it held?

2.How many layers does software have?

3.What does platform software include?

4.What are typical examples of applications?

5.What are applications independent of?

6.What does user software include?

7.What are the components of hardware?

8.What does the computer program involve?


ТТП ЭТМК, ПМХ (II семестр)


The principle of the internal combustion engine has not changed in the last 100 years. The engine takes in fuel and air which are compressed in a combustion chamber. Then, this mixture is ignited by a spark plug to produce an explosion, which moves the piston in the cylinder. The up and down motion of the piston in the cylinder is converted into rotational motion by crankshaft. The rotational force generated by the engine is known as torque. The size of the engine determines the power. The more cylinders there are, the more powerful is the engine. This power is transmitted through the clutch, the gearbox, the propeller shaft (in rearwheel and four-wheel drive), and the axles to the wheels. The position of the engine can vary, but it is usually mounted at the front. In some sports cars, the engine is mounted at the rear, for example Porsche, or in the middle, for example Ferrari or Lamborghini, because of weight distribution.

Engines can be classified in many different ways: by the engine cycle used, the layout of the engine, source of energy, the use of engine, or by cooling system employed.

Common layouts of engines are two-stroke engine, four-stroke engine, six-stroke engine and diesel engine. Cylinder configurations

include the straight or inline configuration and the V configuration.

The most common forms of engine cooling are air-cooled and watercooled.

Engines are often classified by the fuels they used. They include petroleum, coal, biofuels and hydrogen.


combustion chamber [kqm'bAsCqn 'CeImbq] – камера сгорания ignite [Ig'naIt] v.– зажигать

torque [tLk] n.– крутящий момент clutch [klAC] n.– сцепление

gearbox ['gIqbPks] n.– коробка передач

Answer the following questions:

1.Where are fuel and air compressed?


2.How does the piston move in the cylinder?

3.What does a crankshaft do?

4.How is the power of the engine determined?

5.How is the power transmitted?

6.How can engines be classified?

ТТП, ЭТМК, ПМХ (III семестр)


Automobile safety became a very important issue from the beginning of mechanized road vehicle development. The second steam-powered car created by Nicolas Cugnot in 1771 crashed into a wall during its demonstration run.

Automobile safety is the study and practice of design, construction, equipment and regulation to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents. Improvements in roadway and automobile designs reduce injury and death rates.

There is active and passive safety. “Active safety” is used to prevent a crash and “passive safety” (airbags, seat belts and the physical structures of the vehicle) helps to protect occupants during a crash. Crash avoidance systems and devices help the driver to avoid a collision.

Driver assistance systems include Automatic Braking systems to prevent the severity of collision, adaptive headlamps which control the direction and range of the headlight beams, back up camera, anti-lock braking systems, emergency brake assist systems, automated parking system.

There are different systems and devices which prevent the severity of injuries when a crash happens.

Seatbelts limit the forward motion of an occupant. Airbags inflate to cushion the impact of a vehicle occupant with various parts of the vehicles interior. Crumple zones absorb and dissipate the force of a collision. There are also pedestrian protection systems. Cargo barriers are sometimes fitted to provide a physical barrier, between passenger and cargo compartments in vehicles such as station wagons and vans.


occurrence [q'kArqns] n.– происшествие, случай


consequence ['kPnsIkwqns] n.– последствие injure ['InGq] v. – травмировать headlamp ['hedlxmp] n.– фара

severity [sI'verqtI] n.– серьезность, опасность (травм) airbag ['eqbxg] n. подушка безопасности

crumple zone ['krAmpl 'un] зона смятия barrier['bxrIq] n.- перегородка

headlight beam['hedlaIt b°m] – луч света фар

Answer the following questions:

1.What became a very important issue from the beginning of mechanized road vehicle development?

2.What does automobile safety mean?

3.What reduces injuries and death rates?

4.What is the difference between active and passive safety?

5.Which systems and devices prevent the severity of injuries?

ТТП, ЭТМК, ПМХ (IV семестр)


Hybrid electric vehicle is a type of hybrid vehicle which combines a conventional internal combustion engine with an electric system. The aim of the electric powertrain is to achieve better fuel economy or better performance. There are many HEV types. Modern HEVs use improved technology which converts the vehicle‟s kinetic energy into electric energy. Some HEVs use their internal combustion engine to generate electricity by spinning an electrical generator.

Many HEVs reduce idle emissions by shutting down the internal combustion engine at idle and restarting it when needed.

A hybrid-electric vehicle produces less emission than a pure-gasoline burning vehicle. Hybrid electric vehicle can be classified according to the way in which power is supplied to the drivetrain.

In parallel hybrids, the ICE and the electric motor are both connected to the mechanical transmission and can transmit power to drive the wheels.


In series hybrids only the electric motor drives the drivetrain, and the ICE works as a generator to power the electric motor. Power-split hybrids have the benefits of a combination of series and parallel types.

Hybrids can be classified by degree of hybridization. Full hybrid is a vehicle that runs only on just the engine, only on the batteries or combination of both. Mild hybrid is a vehicle that cannot be driven solely on its electric motor, because the electric motor does not have enough power to propel the vehicle on its own.


hybrid electric vehicle ['haIbrId I'lektrIk 'v°Ikl] – гибридный электромобиль powertrain ['pauqtreIn] – передача, трансмиссия

convert [kqn'v´t] v.– превращать generate ['GenqreIt] v.– производить emission [I'mISn] n.– выделение

drivetrain ['draIvtreIn] n.– привод на ведущие колеса propel [prq'pel] v. двигать вперед

Answer the following questions:

1.What does hybrid electric vehicle combine?

2.What is the aim of the electric vehicle?

3.What does modern HEV use?

4.What is a hybrid-electric vehicle special for?

5.How can HEVs be classified?


НТТС (II семестр)


A crane is a machine which can be used both to lift and lower materials and to move them horizontally. It is one of the oldest types of construction equipment and one of the most useful on the building site. The first cranes were invented by ancient Greeks and were powered by men or animals. Modern cranes usually use internal combustion engines or electric motors and hydraulic systems to provide much greater capacity.

The main characteristic of a crane is its lifting capacity which varies with the boom reach and depends on the crane stability. Typical crane mechanisms are the following: hoisting mechanism, travelling mechanism, slewing mechanism and luffing mechanism.

Different types of cranes are available now, for example tower cranes, gantry cranes, overhead cranes, self-propelled mobile cranes mounted on wheels or crawlers. Each type is adapted to a specific use. Sizes range from the smallest jib cranes used inside the workshops to the tallest tower cranes used for constructing high buildings.

Modern cranes are used for many purposes. Most of them are convertible. Versatility is added to the crane by different attachments and devices. They are attached to the end of the hoist line to handle materials. The examples of such devices are buckets for loose bulk material and concrete, hooks and grapples for lumber, pipes and drums.

Using cranes we concentrate building operations on a single site, increase the speed of construction and save building costs.


crane [kreIn] n. кран machine [mq'SJn] n. машина

equipment [I'kwIpmqnt] n. оборудование site [sQIt] n. участок

ancient ['eInSqnt] a. древний

power ['pQuq] v.– приводить в действие

internal combustion engine [In't´nl kqm'bAsCqn 'enGIn] – двигатель

внутреннего сгорания

hydraulic [hQI'dr² lIk] a. гидравлический

capacity [kq'pxsItI] n.– мощность, производительность reach [r°C] n.– радиус действия


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