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Tunnels and bridges

Ex.1. Practice the reading.


▪ appear, clear, near, hear, gear, tear, rear, fear, dear, nuclear;

earn, learn, early, heard, rehearse, search, research, earthquake, pearl;

BUT: beard; heart; wear, pear, bear.


▪ advantage, usage, tonnage, drainage, mileage, haulage, shortage, storage, cottage, assemblage, carriage, average, courage, manage, passage, percentage, voyage, voltage, envisage, language, garbage, package, leakage.

Words and word combinations to be remembered

1) advantage – преимущество

disadvantage – недостаток

2) although – хотя

3) to bore – бурить, сверлить; проходить тоннель

4) to collapse – разрушаться, рушиться

collapse – крушение, разрушение

5) to cross – пересекать, переходить, переправляться

crossing – переправа, перекресток, ж.д. переезд

6) emergencyчрезвычайный, экстренный, запасный; крайняя необходимость,

непредвиденный случай

7) to exist – существовать

8) failure – неудача, провал; (тех.) авария, повреждение, отказ в работе

9) ferry – паром

10) to mention – упомянуть

11) noise – шум

12) to object (to smth) – возражать (против чего-либо)

objection – возражение

13) to proceed (to) – следовать (до); перейти (к) ...; продолжать

14) profit доход

profitable – выгодный

15) to refuseотказываться

16) to remain – оставаться

17) research – исследование, научно-исследовательская работа

18) to result (in smth) – приводить чему-либо)

19) scheme – план, схема, проект

20) so farпока

21) success –успех

successful – успешный

22) to take place – происходить, иметь место

Ex.2. Read the sentences translating the Russian words into English. Be careful with Grammar.

1) The first мост at Niagara Falls was built by Samuel Keefer but it разрушиться under the action of wind in seven months after completion. 2) The sign of the London Underground is a red circle пересечённый with a blue stripe. 3) The главные недостатки of steel sleepers are their high price and the шум caused by trains passing over them. 4) The first double-deck buses появляться in London in 1851 but at that time the upper deck had no roof and the passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain. 5) The trip by высокоскоростной паром from Helsinki to Tallinn длится an hour and a half, even быстрее than by plane. 6) Road safety оставаться one of the most important problems in the modern world. 7) The construction of early bridges without basic knowledge of mathematics приводить к great tragedies из-за the bridges’ крушение. 8) The engine driver’s work on the automatically управляемый trains is to supervise that the оборудование operates properly and to take over manual control in case of необходимость. 9) When working out the project of the Moscow Metro, the Russian engineers carefully studied the существующий systems abroad. 10) How can you explain the отказ в работе of the engine? 11) Хотя the report was short, it covered the subject completely. 12) The greater part of the исследование has been completed. 13) Such substance doesn’t существовать on the Earth. 14) After the fire, very little оставаться of the house.

Ex.3. Choose the correct word and translate the sentences.

1) The railroad [connects; improves; exists; crosses] the highway about three miles from here.

2) A ferry is a [train; carriage; vehicle; ship] that carries people and goods across the river, lake or channel.

3) There is a train radio telephone in each driver’s cab and a dispatcher can communicate with the driver in case of [research; emergency; success; crossing].

4) The weight of the snow on the roof caused the house to [disappear; exist; collapse].

5) I remember your [discussing; mentioning; approving; objecting] to this project.

6) The main [failures; advantages; disadvantages; collapses] of electric locos are high speeds of running and clean operation.

7) People believed J. Watt to be the inventor of the first steam engine because the work of I.I. Polsunov [took place; existed; remained; mentioned] unknown for more than a century.

8) The experiment was a [success; failure; research; emergency], because the measuring instruments were defective.

9) The main [advantage; profit; disadvantage; success] of the steel sleeper is its durability and reliability.

10) Finland has the same railway gauge as Russia that is why high-speed trains can [proceed; remain; disappear; cross] the border without stopping.

11) Why did you [object; remain; arrive; refuse] to take part in the expedition?

12) In case of [emergency; derailment; failure; danger] the doctors are sent to the island by helicopter.

Ex.4. Translate the words given in the box.

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