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Feed in english, print out in french

Once upon a time, according to a much told story, a computer was set a task of translating “traffic jam” into French and back into English. The machine buzzed, clicked, blinked its lights and eventually came up with “car-flavored marmalade”.

Machine translation has come a long way since then. Computer translation systems are now widely used for various purposes. But although the efficiency of machine translation is rapidly improving, there is no question of human translators being made redundant. On the contrary, people and machines work together in harmony.

Today’s computers are of little value in translating literary works, where subtlety is vital; or the spoken language, which tends to be ungrammatical; or important texts, where absolute accuracy is essential. But for routine technical reports, working papers, and the like, which take up so much of the translation workload of the international organizations, computers are likely to play an increasing role. The method of operation will probably be for the machines to make a rough version, which the translator will then edit, correcting obvious errors, and where necessary referring back to the original.

If machines can translate languages, could they teach languages? Yes, say enthusiasts, although they doubt that the teacher could ever be totally replaced by a machine in the classroom. Good old teachers know best!

Ex.23. Answer the following questions and give the reason why you answer in this way, using words and word combinations given in the box.

What would you prefer (what would you rather do):

1) Communicate with a person or a computer? 2) Learn a foreign language with the help of a computer or a teacher? 3) Have a diagnosis stated by a computer or a doctor? 4) Have your marriage arranged by your friend or by a computer? 5) Play chess (games) with a person or a computer?

Heartless unfeeling soulless indifferent inhuman liable to error/ subject to error to provide an enormous variety of choice to reduce the element of risk it depends


Read and translate the following text using a dictionary.

Viruses and vaccines

The terms viruses and vaccines have entered the jargon of the computer industry to describe some of the bad things that can happen to computer systems and programs. Unpleasant occurrences like the March 6, 1991, attack of the Michelangelo virus will be with us for years to come. In fact, you need to check your IBM or IBM-compatible personal computer for the presence of Michelangelo before March 6 every year – or risk losing all the data on your hard disk when you turn on your machine that day. And Macintosh users need to do the same for another intruder, the Jerusalem virus, before each Friday the 13th, or risk a similar fate for their data.

A virus as its name suggests, is contagious. It is a set of illicit instructions that infects other programs and may spread rapidly. The Michelangelo virus went worldwide within a year. Some types of viruses include the worm, a program that spreads by replicating itself; the bomb, the program intended to sabotage a computer; and the Trojan horse, a program that covertly places illegal, destructive instructions in the middle of a legitimate program.

Although viruses can be destructive, some are quite benign; one simply displays a peace message on the screen on a given data. Others may merely be a nuisance, like the Ping-pong virus that bounces a “Ping-pong ball” around your screen while you are working. But a few could result in disaster for your disk, as in the case of Michelangelo.

There have been occasions when commercial software was released with a virus, but these situations are rare. Viruses tend to show up most often on free software acquired from friends. So before any diskette can be used with a computer system, it should be scanned for infection.

A virus may be dealt with by means of a vaccine, or antivirus, program that stops the spread of the virus and often eradicates it. The drawback of the antivirus program is that once you buy this type of software, you must continuously pay the price for upgrades as new viruses are discovered.

Ex.24. True or false? Correct the false statements.

1) The terms viruses and vaccines are used only in the language of medical officers. 2) These terms are used to describe some unpleasant occurrences that can happen to programmers. 3) The Michelangelo virus attacked the computer systems in March 1991 and went worldwide within a month. 4) You need to check your PC for the presence of the Michelangelo before March 6 every year. 5) The Jerusalem virus is known to appear on Monday the 13th. 6) A virus is a set of instructions that infects other programs. 7) The worm, the bomb, the Trojan horse are the names of computer games for children. 8) The Ping-pong virus is said to be the most dangerous and destructive one. 9) Commercial software is always released with various viruses. 10) Any diskette should be scanned for infection. 11) A virus may be dealt with by means of another virus. 12) The antivirus programs must be often updated because new viruses are discovered.


Read the text given below and guess the idea. Think about the title of the text.


The first computers appeared right after World War II in the USA, and since that time they have changed not only the lives of Americans. They have been changing the lives of people all over the world. At present wherever the man turns, he finds a computer working.

Computers in banks can transfer money from one account to another. Computers are used to launch, guide and track spacecrafts and satellites; they help predict weather and earthquakes. They help people make long-distance and local telephone calls. Computers are also used when one reserves space on an airplane or a train. In medical labs computers have reduced the errors in testing, and they have saved doctors’ countless hours of work.

Many stores use computers to keep track of sales and orders. Also, many stores use optical scanners to record purchases and total prices. A tiny computer chip controls your washing machine. Computers linked to TV, telephone and satellite networks spread information throughout the world.

Without special training it is impossible to understand exactly how a computer works. Nevertheless, many people use computers in their daily lives. Computers are everywhere. They are so much a part of our lives that we usually don’t even know they are here.

Computers have become the foundation of the modern working world. Today, virtually all types of jobs use them to some degree and all the countries are affected by the “computer revolution”.

In the future computers will be a million times faster than they are today. They will become easier to use, but anyone who has not learnt how to use the new technology will be seriously disadvantaged, particularly in the field of employment.

Ex.25. Answer the questions to the text you have read.

1) When did the first computers appear? 2) Was it in England that the first computers began to be used? 3) Computers are used everywhere, aren’t they? 4) Is it hardly possible for people to use computers in their everyday life? 5) What can computers do in banks? 6) What are the other spheres where computers may be used? 7) It is impossible to understand exactly how a computer works without special training, is it? 8) Do many people use computers in their daily lives? 9) Have computers become the foundation of the modern working world? 10) What countries are affected by the “computer revolution”? 11) Will computers be a million times slower in the future than they are today? 12) The problem is that in the near future computers will become more and more complicated to use, isn’t it?


Read and Smile. Translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.

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