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7.How did Michael manage to become an actor? What engaged him to go on the stage?

8.What did Michael use to do every morning?

9.How many times did the young man see the play with Julia’s performance and why?


Chapter 2

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to be obstinate, effective hoarseness, to bully smb., to mock smb., to bellow with laughter, to drive smb. like a slave, outrageous demands, to keep the appointment, to be in need of a leading juvenile, to take one’s breath away, rotten, to make protestations of passion, many years of faithful concubinage, to come down o brass tacks, to make inquiries about smb., to be word-perfect in any part

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Feel ___ ___ your bones were melting ___ you and if an earthquake were going to swallow you ___ next minute, to hell ___ the earthquake.

2.His voice was a trifle thin and ___ moments ___ vehemence was apt to go shrill.

3.He took it ___ a natural homage, but did not allow it to turn his head.

4.___ Michael explained the purpose ___ his visit Jimmie Langton observed him shrewdly.

5.He would skip ___ the stage ___ one leg if he was pleased, and if he was angry would throw the script ___ and stamp on it while tears of rage ran ___ his cheeks.

6.His ear was perfect, and though he could not produce the right intonation himself he would never let a false one pass ___ anyone else.

7.Michael had played Romeo ___ Cambridge, and when he came ___, after a year

___ a dramatic school, Benson had engaged him.

8.With the same laudable object he had all their press cuttings ___ the very beginning pasted ___ a series of large books.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1. Еслиучеловеканетталан,никемуегтнедасто,ноеслиталантесть




2Вы.неумеезаспубликутеавитьсмотретьнавасдотого,каквы заговорите. 3Она.занипервыеместанаалавсконкурсах,вкоторыхучаствовала,и,

кактолькоокончилашк,п сразуполучилачтиблагсвоемударя превосходнфра ебольшуюцузскгорнмуводноммуичнойз лондонскихтеатров.

4Джул. былаприрожденнаяактриса,,сколькосебяпомнила, укогоне вызывалосомнений,чтоонап йдет насцену. 5Вы.целуетееестакимвидом,будтобоитесьзаразитьсяпростудой! 6Майкл. былдобродушениотзывчив,нежалелтруда,чтобыоказатьуслугу.

7. ДжиммиЛэнгтон, ,лстыйысый,краснощекмужчинасорокпятлет, й

похожийнаодногоиззажиточных бюргерРубенса,обтеатро.жалв

8Джулия. знала,чтоплоховыглядиткостюмахтойэпохи,хотяникогдане моглапонятьпочему:никтолучшенееумелноситьсовременноеплатье. 9Так.досадно,что,п ступивИт,Ронаджеротказалсяез фотографироватьсявмесма.терью

4) Agree or disagree, prove your answer with details

1.When Julia had an impulse to look at some of her old photographs she found them in large cardboard cases, dated and chronologically arranged.

2.Roger liked to be photographed with Julia. It was fun for him to be in the papers.

3.Julia had a lovely figure, everyone admitted that, but her articulation was indistinct.

4.Jimmie Langton loved acting, but his physique prevented him from playing any but a few parts, which was fortunate for he was a bad actor.

5.Jimmie Langton quickly came to the conclusion that Michael’s perseverance and desire to excel would help him to become more than just a competent actor.

6.By the time Jimmie Langton discovered Julia, she’d been already a great actress.


Chapter 3

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to feel inclined to cry, to flatter, to make a packet, to pay one’s share of the expenses, to be in debt, to live on, to gamble away the fortune, a decent family, to take courage in both hands, to get the blue, a damned fool, to get mixed up with smb., a thumping lie, a chap’s career, to be touched, to be a milestone round one’s neck, to throw one’s money about, in vain, an engaging trait, fat chance, to fork out

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.___ the strength ___ an outstanding performance ___ one of these queer plays they had engaged an actor, only to discover that ___ any other sort of play he was no better than anybody else.

2.If I play my cards well I can get some old woman to back me and go


3.There is always the chance ___ her having a baby and she may have to refuse a damned good part.

4.Julia found ___ when his birthday was and gave him a gold cigarette case which she knew was the thing he wanted more than anything ___ the world.

5.Once or twice ___ restaurants Julia thought Michael undertipped the waiter, but he paid no attention ___ her when she ventured to remonstrate.

6.Michael paused; he was not a quick thinker and needed a little time to let a notion sink ___ his mind.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1. ОДжсталиупоминатьлиивстолгазетах, чнвоыхгиесторженные


2Когда. Джулиян нашлакос ,серецимокеевдсжалосьцеруготострой



3Майхотел. скдостаопитьсуммукточную





4Майкбыл. сердечен,добродушен,ласков, ,какейэтонибылобольно,






родитель скажет:Ане«холиВыподитев ?»нец. 6Это.никнедовгдообра.дит

7Он.делазв,еитогдаздойтсяонакамвиситуненашеемго. 8Бедный. ягненочек,емутруднобылзаставойтибольшойсебя расход,ноДжулиябылаоченьтронутатем,чтовообщесделалей пода,ичутьнерасплакаласьок. 9Когда. последолгойр петицииуостальныхактеровначиналисдавать

нервы,Майклоставал сябезмятежен.

4) Answer the following questions

1.Why did Michael decide to become a good actor?

2.Why did Michael’s father insist on sending him to Cambridge?

3.Was Michael proud of his decent family?

4.Julia couldn’t help feeling angry and jealous, could she? Why?

5.What did Julia give Michael for his birthday?

6.How did it happen that Michael found out that Julia was a great actress?


Chapter 4

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to take smb. along, to be at a loose end, neither peppery nor tyrannical, a detached stucco house, quick-witted, to head over ears, to take liberties with, to take fancy to smb., to propose to smb., to get one's foot on the ladder, like a house on fire, to be sick with love for smb., put-up job, to take advantage of smb., to take smth. for granted

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Michael watched the affecting scene ___ sympathy.

2.I know that you can act me ___ the stage, but we get ___ together like a house

___ fire, and when we do go ___ management I think we’d make a pretty good team.

3.The thought occurred ___ Julia that Michael looked like a handsome young footman applying ___ a situation.

4.They were to leave ___ Easter Monday because they were playing that night, and ___ Sunday evening ___ supper Colonel Gosselyn said he was going ___ his study to write letters; a minute or two later Mrs. Gosselyn said she must go and see the cook.

5.The Colonel began to make little jokes ___ her and sometimes he pinched her ear playfully.

6.It did not take her long to discover that the Colonel, notwithstanding his reserve, and Mrs. Gosselyn, notwithstanding her shyness, were taking stock ___ her.

7.The Colonel reminded you ___ a head ___ an old coin that had been ___

circulation too long.

8.Julia did not quite know what to do ___ herself; it seemed hardly worth while to go ___ Jersey.


3) Translate the following sentences into English

1. МиссисГоссезаписвоейлакаланеловкойин,тяжелпоступьюдошлай


кДжулии,обнялаеепоцелсквслезыо. валазь


2Всюэту. неделюонаспрашивсебя,сделлионейпредложениеалает,но







3Джулия. опуглаза,стилаловнопохваэтибыслишкомпреувеличены.


4Ядумала. ,выбудетенакрашивозможно, ескольковульгарны.










6. Джулиярасск,какт зывалантМайклигрпользуется,какойиво




7Унеем. лькнуламысль,чтоМайклпривезееродителямнасмотрины.


8Движения. миссисГосселинбылинел



безвкусно,состаромскошью, днойтейвсемнераяшла.


9Полковник. былхудой,невыроста,морщкоголицомкоронисткоым









4) Answer the following questions

1.What did Julia receive one day?

2.Why didn’t Michael tell his parents that Julia’s father was a vet?

3.What did Julia think of her being brought down for Michael’s parents?

4.What did Julia have to do to make Michael’s parents take fancy to her?

5.Did Julia manage to make tremendous success with Michael’s parents?

6.Julia was in love with Michael, wasn’t she? And what about Michael?


Chapter 5

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

as vain as a peacock, to work like a dog, to be breathless with excitement, t be beneath one’s dignity to accept, on the road, black despair, to take smb. out, to get free meals, to have the best part of smth., to get on without smb., to pass like a flash of lightning, to let smb. down, to burst out crying, to pull oneself together, in earnest, in point of fact, to pull off a trick, to be up, to be a flop, to be not up to the mark

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.You want to go ___ management; he’ll want to play ___ you.

2.Now you know just ___ well ___ I do that you can act him ___ his head.

3.I warn you that if you attempt to touch me I shan’t give you a little bit ___ a slap, I shall give you such a biff ___ the jaw that you won’t be able to eat ___

comfort ___ a week.

4.He’ll be back ___ the end of the season and back ___ good.

5.___ an angry gesture Julia swept the books ___ the floor ___ an armchair, threw herself ___ it, and began to cry ___ earnest.

6.Jimmie Langton took a swing and ___ his open hand gave her a great smack ___

her face.

7.Michael walked ___ and Julia went in ___ the stage door.

8.Julia consoled herself ___ thinking that he loved her ___ much ___ he was capable ___ loving, and she thought that when they were married her own passion would excite an equal passion ___ him.

9.Though when they sat side ___ side like that he preferred to talk ___ the parts they were studying or make plans ___ the future, he made her very happy.


3) Translate the following sentences into English

1Тебеизвестно. ,какиеунассб. ры



2Ты.неповеришь,наскольколегчеигр ртнеромть,когдаес .ьдача


3Зачем. тебесвязыватьсебячеловеком,которыйвсегкамнембудует





4Помяни. моеслово,непримесяцайдет,какониобнаружат,










6Майкл. шелкудаглглядят,заноДжулиявсевремянезаметнонаправляла



и,икакразвэтотмоментониоказалисьпердвер ми



7. Еслибымнепосулилитысячудолларовнеделю,ябыпоехала,чтобы неразлучатьсяМайклом. 8УДжулии. упалосердце,нонасдвид,чтолалаонв жеквом,сторге



9Подозревая. ,что

е сценичуспехусилискийчуго,Джулиявствоает

трудиласькаккаторжная,чтобыхорошоиграть. 10Майотносился. кнейнежностьювосхищением,емубылолегко

ней,ондоверял,ноДжулияпрекрасноз нала,чтоонв неевлюблен. 11Майкл.былслишкомпоряд,чтобывоспользоватьсяченлюбовью Джулии.

4) Answer the following questions

1.Why didn’t Michael want Julia to be his mistress?

2.What did you get to know about Michael’s meeting with the American manager?

3.What were Julia’s feelings when Michael told her that he had accepted the part and was going to America for a year?


Chapter 6

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to be thrown out of smth., a costume play, to make good, to come off smth., to damn the expense, in peace and quiet, not at any price, to put on a brave face, to be out of a job, to take a risk, to be caustic in comments, to kick one’s heels about, to save every bob

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.When Michael accompanied Julia ___ her room she held ___ her face ___ his.

2.Of course it’s not enough to start management ___, but it’s enough to get married ___, I mean we’d have something to fall back on if we didn’t get parts right away or happened to be ___ ___ a job ___ a few months.

3.Well, I shall go home ___ a bit and think things ___.

4.Michael must have had to put ___ ___ a good deal ___ unpleasantness.

5.Julia sat ___ Michael’s knees, ___ her arm ___ his neck, her cheek ___ his.

6.___ a fortnight ___ rehearsals, Michael was thrown ___ ___ the part for which he had been engaged, and for three or four weeks was left to kick his heels ___ till something else could be found ___ him.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1Вечером. онипошливтеатр










2Джулии. понадобинесекундколько,чтобосознатьосьегослова.




3ХотяМайкл. делалхорошминприплохойую








4Ятаки. предпо,новсежепроформыляагалспр, бслионираютсял









