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Chapter 22

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to put smb. out of one’s mind, to tear smb. limb from limb, to take smb. down a peg or two, to be broad-minded, at one’s time of life, to have an affair with smb., (a)round the corner, swings and roundabouts, to be a brick, nineteen to the dozen, to fix up, to be full of engagements, to and fro, to get over smth., to walk up and down, to fly in (to) a temper, to be up, to be a ham, to be due to smb., that's another pair of shoes, to pull oneself together, to make a penny, through and through

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.They sat together for a while, ___ silence, and Julia grew calmer ___ spirit; her heart was filled ___ great love ___ Michael.

2.It’s no good trying to force oneself; you are tired ___, and it’s my fault, I ought to have insisted ___ tour taking a holiday long ago.

3.You can hit me, you can swear ___ me, you can yell your head ___, but the facts remains that your acting’s gone all to hell.

4.You were overacting; you didn’t carry conviction ___ a moment, it was about as rotten a piece ___ ham acting as I’ve ever seen in my life.

5.Avice has the looks ___ the part, there’s no doubt about that, and she’ll be a good contrast ___ you; I’m taking her acting on the strength of what you said.

6.You know Tom is very useful ___ us; if we want an extra man we can always call ___ him, and it’s convenient having him ___ the corner when I want someone to play golf ___ me.

7.I don’t want to be hard ___ you; I’m sure we can come to some arrangement that will be satisfactory ___ you.


3) Translate the following sentences into English


1Джулия. почувство,чтоМайклвтянуживотаыдвинулподбородока,






2Нежно. МайкларастДжулиюрь,огнаорькоалакориласебязато,что






3От.с пьесыароймног







4. Яхочутебеко







5Перспектива. пустойжизни,передкоторойстоялагероиняпьесы,это







6Иснова. единственнищемприбедляДжбтеатрулииы.



7. Джулия -








8Несколько. днейспуМайклтяДжулбщил,чтопрдлягласил









- онхочет












4) Answer the following questions

1.Why didn’t Julia confide her grief to any of her friends?

2.How did Julia play that very time?

3.What did Michael think about her acting?


Chapter 23

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to make up one’s mind, to cramp one’s style, to make up for smb./smth., to lay oneself out, to atone for smth., arm in arm, to steam out, to be out of place, to make a great fuss of smb., to grow sharp, a high-necked dress, to be taken aback, for one's sake, to be at one's beck and call, to show smb. into, to have one’s fittings

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.But Julia was a woman ___ character, and when she had come to a decision she adhered to it; before leaving ___ London she wrote a note ___ Charles.

2.The spring passed ___ summer, and ___ the end of July it was time ___ Julia to go to Paris and see about her clothes.

3.Julia had not lost the sense ___ unworthiness which Michael’s great kindness had aroused ___ her, and she was remorseful still because she had been for so long impatient ___ him.

4.The two old ladies had achieved the aloofness from the common ties of men that Julia felt ___ herself when she stood ___ the footlights bowing to the applause ___

an enthusiastic audience.

5.For the little the two old ladies went ___, they could go ___ foot; a chauffeur would steal their petrol, if he had his meals ___ it would be ruinous and if he had them ___ it would upset Annette.

6.Aunt Carrie still wore mourning ___ her husband and her son; it was seldom warm enough for her to leave ___ the little black tricot that she crocheted herself.

7.Michael and her ever-present sense of having been ___ years unjust to him filled her ___ contrition.

3) Translate the following sentences into English



2Майкл. хоткрытьелсезонвпервыхчислахсентября,репетицииновой

пьесыдолжныбылиначатьвавгусте. я


3Чарльз. всегдабылкееуслугам.


4Серые. облаказастДжулиютосковатьвлялипосерому


5. Естеств,мынепросимелгатьннобя, ,еслиэтонебудетабсолютно

необход,тетяКэррисч,теблучшетаговоритьмоне , ы

- актриса.

6Ничего. неподелаешь,людиредкобываютвольнытем,чониимеют,




7Джулия. отказаласьвзсобойтьЭви,онабудетнековэтомору




8Теперь. Джулиявсеейвозместит,онаприложчтобывсеусилия, быть




9Джулия. поняла,чтов,ске Майкломзанное,верно,ивзя


4) Speak on the following topics

1.Julia’s feelings before leaving London for St. Malo.

2.Poor old girls’ (Julia’s mother and her aunt) life.

3.Michael’s and Charles’s letters for Julia.


Chapter 24

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to feel a bit like doing smth., to take a cue, to nestle up to smb., to get into mischief, to laugh in one’s sleeve, to make up for, in vain, low-necked dress, to grow tired of smb., to give a great whoof of relief, to get at smth., to get over smth., to bluff smb., to have some hint of smth., to reckon out one’s age

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.We have nothing to be ashamed ___, we’re clean? We can walk ___ our heads held high and look the whole world ___ the face.

2.I’m so glad when I look ___ to think that we have nothing to reproach ourselves


3.Charles took the framed drawing ___ the wall and brought it over for her to look at ___ the light; it was a portrait ___ pencil ___ a stoutish woman in a bonnet and a low-necked dress.

4.Julia had been deaf ___ his passionate entreaties ___ twenty years, and it was very natural if he had given ___ his quest as hopeless.

5.A sudden pang shot ___ her heart as Julia thought ___ Tom.

6.Charles and Julia dined ___ the Savoy; the head waiter gave them a table ___

the gangway so that they were admirably ___ view.

3) Translate the following sentences into English




2Чарльз. встал,ионапротянулаемуоберуки,чтобыонпомейподнятьсяг







иногдамыдостигжел. аемого



4. Англияпотерябысвеоюличайшонимаюк,терисяперь,укакимя


былужаснымэгоистом,когдапредлагвампокинутьтеатр. л


5Спервой. минуты

, каконивошлидом,Джулиязадавала



тиобольщение - вкабинетеилинаверху





7Встранном. миремыживем

- актдевселаютрывозможное,чтобыбыть


похонаджентльменовими,аджентльменыделаютвсевозможное,чтобы выглядкак.терыть

4) Speak on the following topics

1.Julia’s first date with Charles.

2.Julia’s attitude to Charles after their date.


Chapter 25

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

presence of mind, to snatch victory from defeat, to be ill at ease, to take some trouble, fat lot of good it did me, on the nail, to be a trifle nervous, to stroll on, to give smb. a bold stare, to avert one’s gaze or eyes, a wash-out, to jump out of one’s skin, to put on airs, to catch one’s breath, to play up, a lot of tommy rot, on the tick, to be devoid of smth.

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Julia pretended to be absorbed ___ the goods that were displayed, but just before she moved ___ gave him a quick flash ___ her faintly-smiling eyes.

2.People passed her ___ one direction and another, they seemed ___ a hurry, but no one paid any attention ___ her.

3.___ first Julia walked ___ her eyes straight ___ ___ ___ her, looking ___ to the right ___ to the left, but soon realized that this was useless.

4.When Julia reflected ___ her adventure ___ the previous night she could not but be pleased that she had shown so much presence ___ mind.

3) Translate the following sentences into English







2Яочень. сожалею,номынепускаемпостороннихзакулисы.




3Офиц. прсчетивместенесланткачаем,и,вставаяиз




вынуши. ллинга




4. Интересно,пригласитлионменявотель;




этоп зволить.




5Джулия. шлатакмедлен,чтопрохиноеезажиегд;этоевалиначалоее















6Джулия. нацыпочкахспустиласьлестнице,чтобыеениктонеуслышал,


7Вп. волне




4) Answer the following questions

1.What does Julia want to do at the beginning of this chapter?

2.Whose attention does she finally attract?

3.What happens with this stranger?

4.What do they talk about over tea?


Chapter 26

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to keep smth. in the bill, to have a score to settle with smb., to let bygones be bygones, not to turn a hair, to be as pleased as Punch, a cast-iron part, to kick smb. out, to take direction, to say a line, in one’s own way, to queer one's pitch

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Well, I suppose it’s my job to get the best performance I can ___ of every member ___ my cast; In every case you have to find ___ which is the best method

___ approach.

2.Michael walked ___ and ___ the room once or twice; he seemed to be considering the matter ___ every side.

3.Tom might even think that Julia had put this affront ___ her ___ revenge ___ his desertion.

4.Julia had her reasons ___ wishing to keep Avice ___ the cast, she knew her well enough to be sure that if she were dismissed she would tell Tom that it was because Julia was jealous ___ her.

5.I’m not happy ___ Avice, and I’m not sure if it wouldn’t be better to kick her

___ and get somebody else.

6.Though Julia had been ___ the stage so long she had never lost the thrill she got

___ of rehearsing, and the first rehearsal still made her almost sick ___ excitement.

7.The revival that Michael put ___ when Julia went abroad had done ___ very well ___ very badly, but rather than close the theatre he was keeping it ___ the bill till “Nowadays” was ready.

3) Translate the following sentences into English





2Втом. ипроблема:Эвиссовсемне указанийшает,яо


надопр репликуизнести,аонавсеравноговп рит


3Отак. неуклюжа,еежестытакбессмысленны.


4Это.жег рт,оеесовершеннольваяневозмиспортить. жно






6Авт. почнеотротходилстароготекста,роль

прекрасно подходила







4) Answer the following questions

1.How does Julia feel at the rehearsals?

2.What does Julia think of Avice Crichton’s acting?

3.What are her reasons to keep Avice in the cast?

4.Is revenge a ‘strong’ weapon in woman’s hands?
