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5К. оокгданивотелезались,МайклпоприглашДжулиипришелвеению




7Д. ждулиякапиждлассоьматрасгонетерпениемнымбезконца


8Труппу. послаливтур

не,носпектакльпринвсехужеихужемали, го


4) Answer the following questions

1.Why didn’t Julia tell Michael that she would meet him when his boat came in?

2.What did Michael plan to do after he arrived back home?

3.At the end of chapter 6, what were Julia and Michael planning to do?


Chapter 7

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to keep one’s brain clear, to sweep up and down, to do one’s best, to throw up one’s hands, to get down to work, to bring down the house, to be of service, to commit suicide, to be on the same soil as smb., not to care two straws for smb., to be free of the bondage, to cuddle up to smb., to push smb. away, weather-beaten skin, to go to much expense

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Was it possible that three months had made so much difference ___ Michael, or was it merely that ___ years Julia had still see him ___ the eyes that had seen him when he came ___ the stage to rehearse ___ Middlepool ___ the glorious beauty of his youth and she had been stricken as ___ a mortal sickness?

2.Now Julia could deal ___ him ___ equal terms.

3.When Michael had recalled himself ___ the recollection ___ the public they could look about for a theatre, and with the reputation Julia had now acquired it would be safe to start ___ management.

4.He was ___ great spirits, not only because he was home ___ a few days, but because the end of the war was ___ sight.

5.It was just before the end of the war that Julia fell ___ of love ___ Michael.

6.Michael ___ his gentlemanly push, ___ his breezy goodnature, had got them both a lot of publicity and their photographs appeared ___ the illustrated papers.

7.We had a lot of fun ___ our honeymoon, that’s what a honeymoon’s ___, but now we’ve got to get to work.

8.But Michael saw ___ the expression of Julia’s face that she was registering it

___ her memory, and he knew that when the occasion arose she would make effective use ___ it.


3) Translate the following sentences into English

1Майклу. всеоченьпонр,дажеценапоказаласьвилосьемуумеренной. 2Взя. вотдельностиые,этобылимел, , чибравместе,онныеи

абсолютновсем .няли


3Теперь. онабудетснимнаравных.


4Д. ждалаус ияедующегоотпускаМайникогдараньшела










7Ониоба. умудрилполучитьвполнсь




8Джулия. бросалананегопрезрительныйвзгляд.


9Джулию. приводилоярость,что,конагдахдистерическогодила


припсидела,Майсовершенноклспо, койноестивунак ,ленях


добродушнойулыбкой накрасилице,словноэтосеомпросозабавно.

4) Answer the following questions

1.Why was the first year of their marriage unpleasant for Julia?

2.What did Julia want to do at the beginning of the war?

3.Whose idea was it to have a baby and why?

4.Why wasn’t Julia attracted to Michael anymore?


Chapter 8

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to drive smb. from the field, to come down to business, a good gamble, to be simple-minded, to seize an opportunity, to twist smb., round one’s finger, to slow down, to be left out in the cold, to put an idea into one’s head, to take all the point out of smth., to cast an eye over smth., to make up one’s mind, an extreme of lavishness, to run the house

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Michael looked ___ himself as devilish generous when he parted ___ a guinea, and a five-pound note was to him the extreme ___ lavishness.

2.When people were ___ trouble, and ___ the stage they too often are, they got sympathy and kind friendly words ___ Michael, but very little cash.

3.Michael came ___ to her and kneeling by her side put his arms ___ her.

4.I’m going to put ___ the money to start you ___ management.

5.A lot of people talk ___ art, but you don’t often find them paying ___ hard cash unless they’re going to get something ___ of it ___ themselves.

6.___ the end the money was found ___ a rich woman, and not an old one either, but who was interested not ___ him but ___ Julia.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1Джулия. былатакглубокорастр,чтонемоглаговоритьгана. 2Скоро. Майклобнаружил,чтоДжулиятратитхозяйствомногоденег,и,

сказав,чтох избавитьчехлопоте,взялбраздыправленсвоирук. ия

3Джулия. продолжалаемульстить.

4УМайкла. наредкостьудачныйбрак; онсмотрелгданадругиепары,он




6Майкл. может,положарукунасердце,сказать,чтоникнеподавалейгда надежд.

7Майкл. былнеи зтех,ктолегкотступтого,чтозается.думал

8Джулия. наотказаласьрезприбегатьпомД. ллищи

9Майкл. упорнодобивалваньяжал,к ,торогосчитал,заслуживает,но,

еслиемуэтонедавал,предпочиталс сьглнменьшситься,чемсидееть без работы.

4) Agree or disagree, prove your answer with details

1.Michael ran the theatre with the method and thrift. They lost little over the failures and made every possible penny out of their successes.

2.Michael never sought out unknown authors and actors who had never been given a chance.

3.As time went on Michael began to act more frequently.


Chapter 9

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to lose little over the failures, to make every possible penny out of smth., to take the rough with the smooth, a couple of duds, to buy smb. out, to find one’s match, to take smb. down a peg or two, to put smb. down for a salary, to foster one’s career, to pass through one’s head, to have one’s face lifted, to be food and drink for smb., a chink in one's armour

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Julia took ___ half a dozen of his later photographs ___ random and looked ___

them carefully one ___ one.

2.An actress ___ ___ a job had only to tell him to his face that he was too handsome to be true ___ him to think that she might do for a part he had ___ mind.

3.Roger had been entered ___ Eton within a week ___ his birth.

4.Michael knew what Julia was capable ___, and, familiar with her every inflection, every glance of her wonderful eyes, every graceful movement of her body, he was able to give her suggestions ___ of which she managed to build ___

the best performance of her career.

5.But now ___ great courage Michael made another effort to get rid ___ Dolly.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1. Джулииказалось,чтообманулазньее,потомучтоеелюбовьумерла. 2Это.былаегоахиллесовапята. 3Это.превруМавнавязчивуютийклидеюось. 4Яназн. тебеаплатучаюкупотому, еезарабатываешь.

5За.добразованием РоджераМайклиДж улияплатилипополам. 6Когда. унихначисдаватьнервы,алиДобродушиеМайкла,егоискренняя доброжелатесглаживаливсеострыеуг. ьность


7Не.былотакойвещинасвете,которойбыМайклнеразбиралсяучше других - поегос бствмнению. ному

8Нако. нец-тоМайклвстредостойногопротивникаил. 9Джулия. решила,чтон театрнеудачливый,чтонапубдое. ике

4) Agree or disagree, prove your answer with details

1.As soon as Michael had felt safe he had tried to buy Dolly de Vries out, but she wouldn’t listen to his persuasion.

2.Michael worked hard when directing the plays. Julia felt that he was getting more out of her than any other director had done.

3.Julia and Michael were the most highly paid actors in London.

4.Michael devoted anxious care to his figure.


Chapter 10

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

to cry over spilt milk, to be as blue as a devil, to be fit for smth., to clean up, to give smb. another thought, to keep one’s figure, to drop in, to look prosperous to smb., to keep in touch with smb.

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Julia was ___ to step ___ the world of make-believe ___ the world of reality.

2.The call-boy came ___ knocking ___ the dressing-room doors.

3.Why, you’ve got the figure of a boy ___ twenty, I don’t know how you do it,

___ my word I don’t.

4.Of course even ___ sixty I could play women ___ forty-five.

5.Michael had long wanted Julia at least to get a maid, whose appearance was more suitable ___ their position, and he had tried to persuade Evie that the work was too much ___ her, but Evie would not hear ___ it.

3) Translate the following sentences into English

1Таким. образДжулияподдержмконтактсозри. телямиваа

2ЛордЧарльз. Тэмерлибылсамыйдавнийсамыйверныйпоклонник


3Садясь. передтуалетнымстоликом,чтобыналожитьгрим,Джулия


4Ста. припомнитьаясьпьесу,вкоторой



5Еслиначинаешь. думатьопрошлом,значит,утебяуженетбудущего.

4) Agree or disagree, prove your answer with the details

1. Evie, Julia’s maid and dresser, was a cockney.


2.Michael had long wanted Julia to get a maid whose appearance was more suitable to their position.

3.Julia enjoyed diets greatly. Like Michael she thought that everybody should keep to them.


Chapter 11

1) Find these expressions in the text, translate them and use them to describe

the situations they’re used in or make your own sentences

at the bottom of one’s heart, used to do smth., to feel a slight sickness in the pit of one’s stomach, to keep smth. in check, to do smth. up one’s sleeve, to go out of one’s way, to be an amateur of the arts, to be tongue-tied, to make no demands on smb., to keep one’s eyes open, to queer one’s pitch, to earn a living, to take a great deal of trouble, to pay off, to take a pew, as poor as a church mouse, to make a move, on one’s honour

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or conjunctions

1.Julia always had magnetism, but ___ this occasion it seemed to flow over the house ___ a great radiance.

2.Julia tore ___ the clothes, and flung them with ample gestures all over the room.

3.A young man insisted ___ coming ___ stairs with her and putting her ___ a cab.

4.When Julia arrived ___ the house and had paid ___ the taxi she suddenly remembered that she did not know his name and when the maid answered the door she would not know whom to ask ___.

5.When he discovered that Julia spoke French he insisted ___ conversing ___ her

___ that language.

6.Julia could not bear the thought ___ his wasting his life ___ her.

7.Charles stepped forward and sinking ___ his knees took that broken woebegone body ___ his arms.

8.Even Michael, fondly thinking Julia got her clothes for nothing, did not know how much she really spent ___ them.

9.Julia had a great gift ___ mimicry, which ordinary she kept ___ check thinking it was bad ___ her acting, but in these circles she turned it to good account and by means of it acquired the reputation ___ a wit.
