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Каушанская В.Л. - ответы

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9.I can’t imagine how he got here so fast. – How he got here is so fast I can’t imagine.

10.He’s useless. That’s the problem. – The problem is that he’s useless.

14.10 Underline the nominalised in the following examples.

1.A sharp fall in the value because people were speculating about the Government’s planned policy.

2.The total eradication of smallpox was the direct result of an intensive programme of immunization.

3.It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.

14.11Write W next to the sentences that contain a what-clause \ all-clause; C next to those that contain a cleft sentence and X next to any that contains neither.

1. What we did was to go back to the beginning and start again. – W 2. All I’m concerned with is your progress. – W

3. He promised to call me but it wasn’t until later that week that he eventually phoned. – C 4. It is unbelievable the lengths I had to go to in securing the contract. – X

5. I think it’s because we have the same sense of humor that we work so well together. – X

14.12In each sentence one of the underlined words or phrases does not fit. Write the number beside it in the space and the correct word or phrase.

1. What you did (1) wrong was that (2) you started on the topcoat before (3) the undercoat that was (4) dry. (was)

2. All that (1) happened that I (2) told him what I thought of (3) him in no uncertain (4) terms. (I)

3. It was (1) while trying (2) to mend the window when (3) I fell off the ladder . (that)

4. He claimed to like (1) music but it was (2) literature what (3) he loved more than anything else (4). (that)

5. All (1) I love most about the weather (2) in this country is that (3) it is totally unreliable.


6. He left the country at the age of (1) twenty and it was (2) only after several years when

(3) he returned. (that)

7. I mislaid my wedding ring once and it (1) wasn’t before (2) we eventually moved house that it (3) came to light (4) again. (until)

8. It’s (1) not learning (2) new words that I find (3) difficult, and (4) remembering them.




15.1What is the sentence type in each example?

1. Her name is Sachiko and she comes from Japan. A. Simple

B. Compound



2.She runs every day, so she is very fit. A. Simple

B. Compound C. Complex

D. Compound-complex

3.She failed her driving test because she didn't look in her mirror often enough.





4.My family came to Germany when I was in grade 5, but I never learned to speak German very well.





5.I'll help you if you help me.





6.He told me that he is returning to London next summer.





7.Although it was cold and the rain was getting heavier, we decided to go fishing as planned.






8.To build a doll's house you need wood, a hammer, a saw, and lots of nails.





9.I didn't know what time it was so I was very late to class.





10.This is a simple sentence.





11.The new girl in our ESL class has a brother in grade 7 and a sister in grade 9.





12.While I was doing my homework, my father cooked the dinner and my mother was asleep in front of the television.





13.I have not seen my grandmother since I came to Germany.





14.Because she runs every day, she is very fit.





15.You should start working a little harder or you are going to fail your test.






16.I like playing basketball, and my brother likes playing tennis. A. Simple

B. Compound C. Complex

D. Compound-complex

17.Do you want to go swimming tomorrow, or would you prefer to play tennis? A. Simple

B. Compound C. Complex

D. Compound-complex

18.I don't know why he did that.





19.I'm so pleased that you can come to my party.





20.Most European countries now use the Euro, but the United Kingdom still uses the pound (£).





21.He got up, walked over to the window, and jumped out.





22.My mother cooked dinner while I was doing my homework.





23.We were doing a mathematics test when the fire alarm rang yesterday.






24.You should read every day if you want to improve your English more quickly. A. Simple

B. Compound C. Complex

D. Compound-complex

25.I've brought my umbrella with me in case it rains.





15.2 These sentences focus on the distinction between conjunctions in the sentences and sentence adverbials. Using the lists in APPENDIX, fill the gaps in the b sentences with a sentence adverbial, so that two sentences have the same meaning.


1a (conj) Silvia went for a swim after she had done her homework. 1b (adv.) Silvia did her homework. Afterwards, she went for a swim. 2a She was dying for a swim by the time she had finished studying. 2b She studied till midday. by then she was dying for a swim.

3a While she was swimming, I continued to study.

3b I continued to study. meanwhile \ in the meantime \ at the same time, she was swimming.

Reason and result

4a The Addams live in a strange house, so they don’t get many visitors.

4b The Addams live in a strange house. as a result \ because of this \ consequently \ for this reason \ on account of this \ therefore, they don’t get many visitors.

5a Since she had promised to visit him, she went there the next day.

5b She had promised to visit him. she went accordingly there the next day.

Contrast and concession

6a A lot of men are uncomfortable with Morticia, even though she has a sweet nature. 6b Morticia has a sweet nature. despite this \ in spite of this \ nevertheless \ nonetheless \ however, a lot of men are uncomfortable with her.

7a The English eat potatoes, whereas the Chinese eat rice.

7b The English eat potatoes. The Chinese on the other hand \ by comparison \ by contrast \ however \ though eat rice.


8a Not only does Marcel play the trumpet, but he can also juggle.

8b Marcel plays the trumpet. also \ well as that what is more \ in addition \ as he can juggle.

15.3 Complete the sentences by adding any appropriate word or phrase, note which conjunctions are used with commas APPENDIX.

1. We are advised to do this exercise very

a.carefully, otherwise we will make a lot of mistakes.

b.carefully(,) while our teacher in the pub.

c.carefully, even though it looks easy.


2. My weeks of captivity weren’t too

a. unpleasant(,) considering the terrible reputation of my kidnappers. b. unpleasant once I got used to the conditions.

c. unpleasant, even if the food was terrible. 3. The tigers ran away from the

a.Englishwoman as if she was going to eat them.

b.Englishwoman the way mice run away from a cat.

c.Englishwoman the moment they saw her.

4. Her Olympic gold medal was

a. remarkable, though many people for her arrogance. b. remarkable, not that she didn’t deserve it.

c. remarkable in view of the fact that she had just had a baby.

5. His clothes smelled of

a. Chanel Number 5, just as she had expected.

b. Chanel Number 5, besides which he had lipstick on his collar. c. Chanel Number 5 now that he was going out with Vanessa.

6. I’ll look after your crocodiles while you are on

a. holiday provided that you look after my grandparents next August. b. holiday, as though they were my very own children.

c. holiday as well as watering the pineapple plants.

7. I told him I had decided to break off our

a. engagement, much as I regretted losing the opportunity of living in a castle. b. engagement, whereupon he started to cry.

c. engagement, so he made me gave him back the ring.

8. The FBI took the

a. photographs so that they could put pressure on the minister. b. photographs in case the President needed evidence.

c. photographs in spite of CIA asking them not to. 9. I’ve decided to do two hours of aerobics every

a.day in order to lose weight and look good at the beach.

b.day as soon as I can afford the clothes.

c.day as long as my boyfriend comes with me.

10.a. By the time we arrived in Barbados, I was sorry I had married him. b. No sooner had we got to Barbados than I discovered his secret.

c. Whenever I return to Barbados I am filled with nostalgia.

11.a. Hardly had Ana entered the room when everyone started to applaud.

b.As a result of Ana’s recent Hollywood success everyone wanted to meet her.

c.Despite her reputation Ana didn’t seem to be interested in the men.


12. a. Not only was their relationship happy but it also produced two children.

b.Since she has been with Bruno she has forgotten all her old friends.

c.So as to celebrate their anniversary they returned to Barbados.

15.4 For each of the eight lists APPENDIX 8 there is an exercise A which focuses on the meaning of the items. Exercise B then puts these words into context. It consists of pairs of sentences: in each case the second sentence requires a sentence adverbial in order to show how it is connected to the first. Think carefully about:


word order

degree of formality


Then choose an appropriate word from the list indicated above.

1. Time

A Under the heading Time, find

three items similar in meaning to immediately (at once \ instantly \ now)

three items similar in meaning to at the same time (simultaneously \ meanwhile \ in the meanwhile)

three items similar in meaning to finally (at last \ eventually \ in the end)

Which of these implies a feeling of relief? – at last

B 1. I’ve been waiting an eternity for this moment. At last I can hold you in my arms.

2.A friend of mine got a job on a ranch near Buenos Aires. At first (,) he found the life very hard, but it didn’t take him long to find his feet.

3.The food’s in the oven and dinner will be ready in an hour. In the meantime let’s go

and do some gardening.

4.We are always looking for bright young men to join our staff. However, there are no vacancies at present.

5.The police received the bomb threat at 6.15 pm and arrived at the scene six minutes later. By then, the cinema had already been evacuated and the adjoining streets cordoned off.

6.On my twelfth birthday, I was finally told where babies come from. Until then, I had imagined they came from the supermarket like everything else.

2. Ordering points, adding information

A when giving a number of reasons for something adverbials can be used to mark each reason, and sometimes to indicate which is most important:

There are three reasons why I crossed the Atlantic in a pedal boat. First, it had never been done before. Second I was generously sponsored by a soft drink company. And lastly, I want to promote «green» technology.

Find three items that could be used in the place of First in this text. (Firstly \ First of all

\ In the first place)

Find three items that could be used in the place of Second in this text. (Secondly \ Next \

In addition)

Find three items that could be used in the place of Lastly in this text. (Finally \ Furthermore \ On top of that)

B There are ten adverbials in the list similar in meaning to also. Two are rather informal, and another two are particularly formal. Concentrating on the formality of the context, choose appropriate words for the gaps in each of these three sentences.


1.It’s luxurious, it’s not too expensive, and the food’s out of the world. On top of that there’s the Italian barman: my friends think he’s the real reason I always go there.

2.I don’t want to have a drink with you because it’s too early in the day and also I don’t like you very much. Besides, I’m not thirsty.

3.We are not wholly satisfied with your work to date, particularly in terms of productivity. Moreover, on more than one occasion your poor timekeeping record has been brought to our attention.

3. Reformulating, clarifying

A Find three items similar in meaning to in other words. (that is \ I mean \ to put it another way)

B 1. It came as a surprise to hear that Clea was married. In fact, it came as a shock.

2.The only thing Chantal wants for her birthday is a new English grammar book. At least, I think that’s all she wants.

3.Our hotel was what the travel agents describe as «lively and colorful». In other words, it was in the red light district.

4.I don’t know how you can listen to that music. I mean, it sounds like Rambo’s foreign policy: no harmony but lots of explosions.

4. Comparing and contrasting

A 1. Find four items similar in meaning to similarly (equally \ in the same way \ likewise \ by the same token)

2.Find five items similar in meaning to by contrast (by comparison \ conversely \ in comparison \ on the contrary \ on the other hand)

3.Find 12 items similar in meaning to but (all the same \ and yet \ despite this \ even

so \ however \ nevertheless \ still \ then again \ though \ yet)

B 1. All three films give an extremely fine grained result. Delta, however, cannot quite match T-Max 100 for the fineness of its grain structure.

2.The Delco freezer is cheap and efficient. Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to open.

3.Batman Returns is surely Hollywood at its most original. Nevertheless, the film has its faults.

4.He’s not much to look at, and he’s certainly no hero. But, I love him.

5.Managers are advised to avoid confrontation. Instead, they should encourage staff to discuss their problems.

6.Professional cyclists do not get stomach pains, even though they eat and drink while competing. Likewise, swimmers rarely suffer.

7.You say I was driving fast and dangerously. On the contrary, I was observing the speed limit and driving with great care.

5. Concluding, summarizing, generalizing

A Find three items similar in meaning to in brief (in short \ in conclusion \ to sum up)

Find four items similar in meaning to in general (as a rule \ generally \broadly speaking \ by and large)

B 1. The earnings gap between men and women in Europe is at its highest in Britain. On average, women in British industry receive 69 % of men’s earnings.

2. The Personnel Manager interviews all job applicants here. On the whole, she looks for potential rather than experience or qualifications.


3.And what was worse, it was raining all the time. All in all, it was a disastrous weekend.

4.(430 students voted in favor of the motion to ban smoking on the college premises, while 462 voted against.) Overall, students at the college are against a smoking ban.

5.At the back of the bookshelf, I found the cassettes of the telephone calls. It was Barbara, then, who had been tapping the Palace phone lines.

6.Giving examples, focusing

A Find two items similar in meaning to for example (for instance \ among others) Find two more items similar in meaning to mainly (primarily \ principally)

B 1. My cat seems to think she’s a dog. Yesterday, for instance, she bit the postman, and this morning she jumped up and started licking my face.

2.Yes, I am studying English at the moment. It’s primarily for my job, but it also means that I’ll find it a lot easier to travel.

3.His parents said I was a bad influence on him. In particular, they accused me of taking him drinking last Sunday morning; they didn’t mention any other ways in which I was supposed to have corrupted him.

7. Changing subject, referring to subject

A Find two items similar in meaning to anyway (anyhow \ at any rate) Find the item closest in meaning to by the way (incidentally)

B 1. I spent the rest of the day watching the cycling on television. Talking about bikes, have you got yours mended, yet?

2.Darlene is as miserable as ever, and Jackie never comes to visit us. Anyway, I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my problems, so let’s get back to those holiday plans.

3.I had a letter from Patrick Eggli the other day. By the way, I don’t suppose you remember Carine Imhof?

4.Education is still way behind the rest of Europe, and the Health Service is in crisis. As for the economy, there’s no immediate sign of an end to the recession.

8. Cause and effect, reason and result, inference

A Find four formal items that can mean as a result (accordingly \ consequently \ hence \ thus)

Find two words that can mean in that case (for this \ because of this)

B 1. It was not advisable to drink beer after vigorous exercise because alcohol is a diuretic – it makes you urinate. Thus, rather than replacing what you lose in sweat, it promotes dehydration.

2.Finally, I found the pricing to be as attractive as the other features detailed above. Accordingly, I recommend purchase of the A\EU\W4CAE Mark 1.

3.Sorry I didn’t come out last night, but I was feeling a bit under the weather. That’s why I stayed at home and watched telly.

4.Don’t forget to pack insect repellant. Otherwise, you may find yourself eaten alive by the local mosquitoes.

5.«She’s only inviting you because you’ve got a car». «In that case I won’t go».



16.1It is possible to combine two sentences in many ways, but a comma alone cannot join two sentences. Which of these sentences are correct? Which of them need full stops to divide them into two or more sentences? Insert full stops in the place of commas where necessary.

EXAMPLE: I watched the soldiers march past, when they had gone I went back to my writing.

I watched the soldiers march past. When they had gone I went back to my writing.

1. One day he married a cabaret dancer. This woman already had two daughters. 2. She was surprised to see her father, who had come home, earlier than usual.

3. I think that a teacher’s method is very important. Would I have learned as much with another teacher?

4. I seem to have lost Naomi’s address. I wonder, if you could have a look to see if you’ve got it.

5. Cinderella was in her room. She couldn’t help thinking about the boy who had bought her the Coke. Her father came in and asked her how the disco had been. She told him about the boy, and how she didn’t even know his name. Finally she told her father the worst of it, that she had forgotten her bicycle when she left the disco some time around midnight. Suddenly there was a ring at the doorbell. It was the boy who had bought her the Coke, and he had her bicycle with him. «This bike’s much too small for you», he said. «Shall I adjust the saddle? Or better still, if you’ll be my girlfriend. I’ll buy you a new mountain bike».

16.2In the following text, some commas are used correctly, while other commas are used incorrectly in the place of full stops. Use full stops and capital letters, then divide the text into three paragraphs. The first paragraph is an introduction to the theme, the second tells the story, and the third is the writer’s concluding comment.

The Fakirs of India are distinguished by their attempts to demonstrate their resistance to pain and privation. Some have been frauds, and some have shown remarkable powers of mind

over matter, demonstrating that all pleasure and pain is Maya, or illusion. At the end of the 19th century, Fakir Agastiya of Bengal proved the mental control he possessed over his body by raising his left arm above his head and leaving it in that position until he died in 1912. Gradually, the blood circulation diminished to almost nothing and rendered the arm completely numb and rigid. Even the joint locked, and Agastiya was laid to rest with his arm in the same position. The only poetic touch to an otherwise pointless exercise was the decision by a bird to nest in the palm of his hand. Whether the accumulating bird-lime set solid over the years and helped to support his arm is unknown and open to after-dinner speculation.

16.3Rewrite the following pairs of sentences as single sentences in three different ways:

using a present participleusing a conjunction

using a relative clause

Example: Lucy saw an advertisement in Times. She was immediately interested.


Since…….. Lucy, who……….


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