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Каушанская В.Л. - ответы

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1.Lucy was looking for an adventure. She answered the advertisement.

Looking for an adventure, Lucy answered the advertisement.

Since she was looking for an adventure, Lucy answered the advertisement. Lucy, who was looking for an adventure, answered the advertisement.

2.She approached the desert island. She was impressed by its beauty.

Approaching the desert island, she was impressed by its beauty.

As she approached the desert island, she was impressed by its beauty. She approached the island, whose beauty impressed her.

3.They found a good place to camp. They pitched the tent there.

Finding a good place to camp, they pitched the tent.

When they found a good place to camp, they pitched the tent. They found a good place to camp, where they pitched the tent.

4. Lucy needed to find food in order to survive. She learned to fish.

Needing to find food in order to survive, Lucy learned to fish.

Since she needed to find food in order to survive, Lucy learned to fish. Lucy, who needed to find food in order to survive, learned to fish.

16.4 Rewrite the following pairs of sentences as single sentences using a past participle.

1.I was excited about the job interview. I woke up many times in the night.

Excited about the job interview, I woke up many times in the night.

2.He was frightened by the anonymous phone calls. He went to the police.

Frightened by the anonymous phone calls, he went to the police.

3.The stamps were collected by my father. They are worth a fortune.

The stamps collected by my father, are worth a fortune.

4. Children must be accompanied by an adult. If they are not, they will be refused admission.

Children not accompanied by an adult will be refused admission.


16.5 Write the main idea in these sentences.

1.We all agreed that, in view of the condition of our feet, we would spend the next day touring the village.

We all agreed that we would spend the next day touring the village.

2.The deer, which stood, silently gazing at us, about 30 meters away, were not disturbed by our presence.

The deer were not disturbed by our presence.

3.After many years of study, years which I believe I have the right to describe as both long and painful, my brother, Matthew, about whom you will hear more later, finally became a good enough trumpet player to join the army.

My brother, Matthew, finally became a good enough trumpet player to join the army.

16.6 Remember to use a pair of commas for parenthesis. If you forget one of the two commas, the sentence can become difficult to read. In each of the following pairs of sentences, one is badly punctuated. Supply the missing commas.

1a She was, however tired, after her expe-

1b She was, however tired after her expedi-


tion, still smiling.

2a Politicians have to be fair, lied the

2b Politicians have, to be fair, lied less this

Prime Minister.



3a He told me when his company was going to be taken over by a multinational, so I quickly bought shares.

4a Jenny, told the story of her husband’s accident, was angry with him.

3b He told me, when his company was going to be taken over by a multinational, that he was drinking too much.

4b Jenny told the story of her husband’s accident, laughing till the tears ran down her face.

16.7Insert any necessary commas in the following sentences. At least one of the sentences does not need a comma.

1. My birthday, which had begun with sunshine, ended with rain.

2. Cleopatra, Henry’s dog, or rather bitch, was a nuisance the whole day. 3. Norway being a bit cold in January, I’ve decided to go to Morocco. 4. Marion, who was frightened of spiders, begged us crying to turn back.

5. What’s happened to the car you used to drive when you were in California?

6. Henry’s brother the doctor was unable to accompany us (,) but his brother the guitarist did come.

7. However, old as she is, she has entered the London Marathon again.

8. He told me, and I know you’re not going to like this (,) after all the drinks you’ve bought him and all the energy you’ve put into your attempt to sell him a Jaguar, that he’s bought a Fiat.

16.8Add commas that may be necessary in the following sentences.

1.I asked her what time her mother expected her home.

2.I couldn’t persuade him to tell me when he had started to indulge in this habit.

3.I told her to simplify matters, that I was the boss.

4.There was no way we could have guessed who was going to be at the party.

16.9 In each of the following pairs of sentences, one of the sentences is well punctuated, while the other needs one or two commasadd those commas.

1a She promised to leave the ball before

1b She promised to keep her mother happy


to leave the ball before midnight.

2a If only you’d told Helen she would be

2b If only you’d told Helen, she wouldn’t


have been shocked when she saw it.

3a She asked me , to cut a long story short ,

3b She asked me to devote my whole

to mend her car.

weekend to working on the engine of her


Seat 127.

4a I can’t remember whether we drank five

4b I can remember, whether you can or

or six.


5a It was she who chose , which was unu-

5b It was she who chose which film we

sual for her.

went to see.

16.10 In each of the following pairs of sentences, one of the sentences is correctly punctuated. The other sentence is incorrectly punctuated and requires one comma. Decide which sentence is incorrectly punctuated, and add the missing commas.

1a When he started to play polo was when

1b When he started to play polo, Kate

Kate stopped loving him.

stopped loving him.

2a Whether or not you’re going doesn’t

2b Whether or not you’re going, I certainly

interest me at all.



3a Where there used to be a factory, now there were fields of wild flowers.

3b Where large sums of money change hands is where lawyers are to be found.

16.11 Add any commas that may be necessary.

1.Wasn’t it Churchill who said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?

2.Many of the students and their friends and supporters were shot at by the police, who later claimed that they were only obeying orders.

3.My youngest sister, who was a baby during the time I spent in the House of the Rising Sun, was strongly advised not to do what I had done.

4.A large number of fairly successful trials had already been completed with laboratory animals before any change in the behaviour of the professor who was responsible for the project was noted.

16.12 In the following sentences, add any commas that may be useful.

1. Australian footballers can kick the ball or throw it.

2. The burglars ate all our food, and the baby never woke up.

3. She thought Miss Verner was going to be furious and she waited all morning to be summoned to the 5th floor, but the call never came.

4. She squashed a grapefruit in Cagney’s face and walked out of his life.

16.13 Insert commas as appropriate in the following sentences.

1.Before he took off, Lindberg made himself some sandwiches.

2.Much as I admire his paintings, I wouldn’t trust him with my daughters.

3.I bought this bicycle so I could go to the beach every morning.

4.Footballers dream of scoring goals, and the philosophy students dream of finding the meaning of life.

Revision of commas

The commas have been removed from the following text. Put the commas back in the text.

The ageing process effects us all at different rates. Some people of 53, like the esteemed author, look a mere 35, with sparkling brown eyes and a handsome gait. Others, like the author’s friend Colin, look like little middle-aged men of 21(,) with middle-aged outlooks, set ways and planned futures. In women the former condition is common, but women rarely suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by the time they are 30.

No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on the 14th of March 1829 in Stafford. At the age of four (,) Charles had a beard and was sexually mature.

In the final three years of his life (,) his skin wrinkled and he developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year (,) he fainted and never regained consciousness. The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to old age.

(Ralph Steadman Charles Who Died of Old Age at the Age of Seven)



16.14In which of the three examples below might a semicolon be preferred to the full stop?

1. Neurotic men, from Lord Byron to Cary Grant, have been admired for dominating their condition. Neurotic women, notably Marilyn Monroe, have been admired for surrendering to it.

2. Sir John was found guilty of driving with double the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream. «You are a very foolish man», said the judge, «but on this occasion I shall turn a blind eye to your folly».

3. At about 2 in the morning, the last customers left the bar. The next day I was awakened early by the sound of laughter outside my window.

4. In winter, I bring the geraniums into the house. All the other plants I leave outside.

5. The strong kept on walking until they reached the safety of the woods. The weak stopped to rest by the side of the road.

6. It was good to be in Italy at last. My grandmother had travelled a lot in Europe, but the rest of the family had little or no curiosity about the Old World.

16.15The following sentences all contain lists. Supply commas and semicolons, as appropriate. Make sure that the meaning is absolutely clear and unambiguous.

1. Almost half the club will be playing in the doubles tournament: six women including myself; Peter Bates and John Wade; the twins; and, of course, the team captain with his partner.

2. While working at the hospital she was overworked, exploited and constantly criticized at the same time as being underpaid, undervalued and taken for granted.

3. When you come to one of our theatre workshops you can expect a whole rainbow of activities: music and singing; circus skills, including juggling; vegetarian cooking; mime and acrobatics; improvisation and, above all, a warm group experience.


16.16 Write a phrase after the colon to complete the unfinished sentences. In your finished sentence, the colon should have the meaning of the linking word given so you do not need to use the linking word.

Because (The river is polluted: \ because \ there is a paper factory upstream.)

1.I think Mary is in love: she hasn’t bitten anybody today.

2.I’m sure I will pass my exams: I’m going out with the examiner.

Indeed \ in fact (He comes from an athletic family: \ in fact\ both his parents are Olympic gymnasts.)

1.Silvia is interested in animals: she has hundreds of wildlife videos.

2.The dress was elegant, sensual and provocative: tonight she would be irresistible.

So \ as a result (The river is polluted: \ so \ why are they swimming in it?)

1.He was bitten by a cobra: he died at once.

2.I had a terrible hangover this morning: I stayed in bed till midday.

Namely \ and that is \ in other words \ for example (Empress Wu’s eldest son came to fast Wu-type end: \ in other words \ she had him murdered.)

1.Suddenly I remembered my grandmother’s advice: never trust a man whose eyebrows meet in the middle.

2.She thinks she’s a model: she spends all her time dressing up and posing in front of the mirror.


16.17 Add colons and commas where appropriate to these sentences.

1.Rosewell no longer had the strength and energy of his youth and so his game became more economical: nothing was wasted.

2.The string quartet I play with comprises two violins, a viola and a cello, but my jazz quartet has rather an unusual line-up: double bass violin piano and tenor saxophone.

3.But now, after a bath, a change of clothes and a drink, the thought returned to me: how was Foxton going to react when he found that I had escaped?

4.I’ve just decided to emigrate to Canada: it sounds like the perfect solution.

5.There are four things we would need to know more about before we could offer you a job: we would need to question you further about your education, your family background, your experience(,) and your plans for the future.


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АБРАМОВА Раиса Николаевна БОТОВА Анастасия Леонидовна


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