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5.15 Переведите с русского на английский, используя must/mustn’t или should/shouldn’t

1. Тебе следует внимательнее слушать, что говорят взрослые.



2. Ты не должен разговаривать со мной в таком тоне.


3. Тихо, мы не должны разбудить детей.


4. Тебе надо надеть что-нибудь потеплее. Уже очень холодно на улице.


5. Ты не должен трогать эти провода. Это очень опасно.


6. Извините, но мы должны уходить. У нас очень много работы.


7. Тебе не следует так говорить. Она может и обидеться.


8. Ты не должен уходить далеко. Ты можешь потеряться.


9 Я считаю, нам нужно позвонить в ресторан и сделать заказ заранее.



10. Ты должен сделать это, пока не поздно.


May and Might

5.16 Прочитайте ситуации. Попросите разрешение

For example: (You want to take your deskmate’s pen for a while.)

May I take your pen for a while?

1. (You want to go out.) ………………………………………………………….

2. (You want to come into the room.) …………………………………………...

3. (You want to ask a very personal question.)


4. (You want to try on your friend’s new jacket.)


5. (You want to have a look at Sarah’s photos.)


6. (You want to add something in a discussion.)


7. (You want to use your friend’s phone) ……………………………………….

8. (You want to join Maria, Paul and Liz to go on a trip to Jamaica)


5.17* Перепишите предложения, используя глагол may/might.

1. Perhaps Margaret is in her office.

Margaret is may be in her office.

2. Perhaps she is busy.


3. Perhaps she is working.


4. Perhaps she wants to be alone.


5. Perhaps Brook has gone shopping.


6. Perhaps Brook is buying a new dress now.


7. Perhaps she has accepted Bill’s invitation to the party.


8. Perhaps Sue is playing tennis now.


9. Perhaps she has seen her sister Carrie who plays tennis on Mondays, too.


10. Perhaps John has overslept and missed the bus.



5.18 Закончите предложения, используя needn't + один из глаголов: ask, come, explain, leave, tell, walk

1. We've got plenty of time. We needn’t leave yet.

2. I can manage the shopping alone. You ………………..with me.

3. We all the way home. We can get a taxi.

4. Just help yourself if you'd like something to eat. You ………………….. .

5. We can keep this a secret between ourselves. We ……………………… .

6. I understand the situation perfectly. You .……………………………… .

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