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Possessive Forms of Nouns

1.3 Образуйте форму притяжательного падежа

1. the owner / the car - the owner of the car

2. the mother / Ann - Ann’s mother

3. the jacket / Kyle – Kyle’s jacket

4. the top / the page – the top of the page

5. the daughter / Charlie – Charlie’s daughter

6. the cause / the problem- the cause of the problem

7. the newspaper / yesterday – yesterday’s newspaper

8. the birthday / my father – my father’s birthday

9. the name / this street – the name of this street

10. the toys / the children – children’s toys

11. the new manager / the company – the new manager of the company

12. the result / the football match – the result of the football match

  1. the garden / our neighbors – our neighbors’ garden

  2. the roof / the building – the roof of the building

  3. the children / Don and Mary – Don and Mary’s children

  4. the economic policy / the government – the economic policy of the government

  5. the husband / Catherine – Catherine’s husband

  6. the brother / Mary – Mary’s brother

  7. the wedding / the friend / Helen- Helen’s friend’s wedding

  8. the magazine / men – men’s magazine

  9. the new album/Christina Aguilera- Christina Aguilera’s new album

  10. the slang/American teens The slang of American teens

1.4 Переведите с русского на английский

преподаватель моего сына – My son’s teacher

игрушки детей – Children’s toys

пальто Сьюзан - Susan’ s coat

название улицы – The name of the street

собака соседей – The neighbors’ dog

подруга Чарли – Charlie’s girlfriend

красота Шотландии – The beauty of Scotland

тетрадь девочки – girl’s notebook

песня Пи Дидди (P.Diddy) – Paff Diddy’s song

женский журнал – women’s magazine

платье моей сестры – My sister’s dress

офис отца моего лучшего друга – My best friend’s father’s office

квартира дедушки и бабушки Роберта – Robert’s grandparent’s flat

книги профессора Стивенсона – Professor Stevenson’s books

начальник моей мамы – My mother’s chief

невеста двоюродного брата моей лучшей подруги – My best girlfriend’s cousin’s bride


1.5 Вставьте неопределенный артикль a/an, где необходимо

1. Jim goes everywhere on foot. Не hasn't got a car.

2. Ann was listening to ….. music while the child was sleeping.

3. We went to ….. very nice café last weekend.

4. I clean mу teeth with ….. toothpaste and I use ……. toothbrush.

5. Can you tell me if there's …… bus stop near here?

7. I don't like ….. sex and …….. violence on TV.

8. Can you smell ….. paint?

9. We need ….. petrol. I hope we соme to …. petrol station soon.

10. I wonder if you cаn help me. I have ….. question to you.

  1. John has got important interview tomorrow.

  2. She bought a new house in Madrid.

  3. It wasn't your fault. It was .an. accident.

  4. Listen! Can you hear .…… music?

  5. I couldn't get into the house because I didn't have a key.

  6. It's very warm today. Why are you wearing a. sweater?

  7. Do you take milk in your coffee?

  8. Are you hungry? Would you like a sandwich with your coffee?

  9. Our lives would be very boring without TV and the Internet.

  10. I didn't phone them. I e-mailed a letter instead.

  11. There is ……… blood all over the floor.

  12. Excuse me. Cаn I ask you a very personal question?

  13. I'm not ready yet. Can you wait a moment, please?

24.I have to make a decision. It is a good chance to start a new life.

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