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Medicine Unit 3.doc
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32. Injuries. Choose the right answer.

1. I think I've got a …. of dust in my eye. Can you see it?

a) grain b) sliver c) speck d) splinter

2. She ….. and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.

a) slipped b) sloped c) spilt d) split

3. While the children were playing on the beach, Peter ….. on a broken bottle and cut his foot rather badly.

a) came b) ran c) tripped d) trod

4. Mr Jackson is permanently ….. as the result of a car accident.

a) disabled b) inactive c) incapable d) powerless

5. He was hit by a bullet but luckily he was only ….. wounded.

a) barely b) little c) merely d) slightly

6. John slipped as he was walking beside the river, and fell into the water with a loud ….. .

a) bang b) crash c) splash d) trickle

7. The patient was found to be suffering from ….. injuries as a result of his fall.

a) multifarious b) multiple c) multipliable d) multiplied

8. I didn't notice the log on the ground and ….. over it.

a) crept b) crushed c) skipped d) stumbled

9. The sudden noise made me….. .

a) frighten b) jump c) shudder d) startle

10. John slipped on a piece of orange ….. and broke his leg.

a) crust b) coat c) peel d) shell

33. Listening. First Aid.

Рrе-listening task

Correct first-aid treatment, if it is given properly and promptly, can save lives. Of course, if the situation is serious, the first thing to do is seek medical attention. How good is your knowledge of first aid?

What would you do in these circumstances?

1. Someone has a minor burn; should you:

a. put cold water on the burned area?

b. put a tight bandage on it?

c. put butter on it?

2. Someone has a bad burn; should you:

a. put cold water on the burned area?

b. put a tight bandage on it?

c. put a loose, clean covering on?

3. You are the first to arrive at the scene of a car accident; should you:

a. lie the victims flat and keep them warm?

b. avoid moving the victims and keep them warm?

Listening for specific information

Listen to this interview with a doctor and check your answers.

What do you think?

Doctor Clarke advises people to find out as much as they possibly can about first aid.

Do you know how to: give artificial respiration?/stop bleeding?

What would you do if someone: is choking?/has an electric shock?/has swallowed some kind of poison?

Discuss your answers. If you're not sure, find out the right answers.

34.Discuss in pairs the ideas on health expressed by the great minds of the world. Suggest the Ukrainian for the quotations:

1.”What cannot be cured must be endured” /F.Rabelais/

2. “Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies”. /F.Burgess/

3. “Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the

year.” /F.P.Adams/

Keeping Fit. Promoting Healthy Way of Life.

1. Read the article and do the exercises, which follow it.

Are you on top of the world?

These days most doctors and scientists agree that our physical health is closely related to our psychological well-being. But just what have the experts discovered about what makes us feel good?

Some things that can make you feel better ...

Getting moving

As well as being important to your health, regular exercise is now believed to improve your psychological state by releasing endorphins or ‘happy chemicals' into the brain. Some researchers consider it can be just as valuable as psychotherapy in helping depression, and engendering a more positive outlook.

Even a brisk ten-minute walk every day can help according to researchers. In one project, unemployed urban youths who undertook intensive sports training for several months, not only became involved in that sport, but also in other activities such as study, politics, and voluntary work.

A lively social life

According to experts, companionship and social support are vital to both our psychological and physical well-being - one reason, perhaps, why married people tend to live longer than unmarried ones. Modern researchers emphasise the value of group social activities in this respect. 'Relationships we form at church or in clubs tend to be more supportive and uncritical than those we form at work or in the family,1 says Professor Michael Argyle, of Oxford Brookes University, 'and these positive relationships improve our self-esteem, which is vital to our physical and mental health. This is backed up by recent research which shows, perhaps surprisingly, that people who spend more time with others actually get fewer colds and viruses than those who stay at home on their own. In fact social support is so important to our mental and physical well-being that it may even increase our life expectancy! Another piece of research found that people who belong to strong church groups, not only claim to be happier than those who don't, they suffer from less than half the number of heart attacks than the rest of the population, and live up to four years longer!

Watching soap operas on TV

One rather surprising piece of research found that on average, people who regularly watch soaps on television are significantly happier than those who don't! Psychologists believe that this is because such programmes provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends, and a sense of belonging to a community, in the same way that a club or a church might.


Many scientists these days believe that indulging in life's little pleasures - a bar of chocolate, a glass of wine, a shopping trip, even a cigarette - can actually improve your health, because of the psychological lift it gives you. There is evidence, for example,' says Professor David War burton of Reading University, 'that old people living in residential homes who have a cocktail hour each day actually live longer! Indulging - in moderation - in the small pleasures of life can make people calmer, alleviate stress and provide positive health benefits. There is a lot of truth in the

old saying that "a little of what you fancy does you good."

... and some that can make you feel worse

Low self-esteem

Feeling like an underdog, it seems, can damage your health. Research by the National Rheumatism and Arthritis Council showed that workers who feel undervalued or out of control at work, are significantly more likely to suffer from back problems. Depression, a spokesman claimed, is actually far more likely to cause backache than heavy lifting. Professor Warburton of Reading University believes that one of the greatest health threats comes from negative feelings such as depression or guilt, which create stress hormones, producing cholesterol.’ It's quite likely that by worrying about whether or not you should be eating a chocolate bar you are doing yourself more harm than just getting on and eating it,’ says the professor!

Lack of bright light

Scientists have known for some time about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): a form of depression caused by lack of light in winter, and thought to explain the relatively high suicide rates in countries such as Sweden, where for parts of the year days are very short. However, recent research has shown that those working night shifts in factories can suffer from the same problem, leading to stress and depression. The problem can be overcome by illuminating workplaces with lights three times brighter than usual, making workers feel happier and more alert.

A low-fat diet

A low-fat diet may be good for your waistline, but the latest research suggests that it is less beneficial psychologically. A team of volunteers at Sheffield University, asked to follow a diet consisting of just twenty-five per cent fat (the level recommended by the World Health Organisation) reported a marked increase in feelings of hostility and depression. And an earlier piece of research revealed, startingly, that people on low-fat diets are more likely to meet a violent death!

Drinking coffee

Many of us are already aware that drinking coffee raises your blood pressure and can cause anxiety, but according to the latest research it can also make you bad-tempered. Mice who were given regular doses of caffeine by researchers, were found to be unusually aggressive!

The wrong genes

Despite all the changes we make to our behaviour, diet, and environment, there is growing evidence that at the end of the day, whether we are cheerful or miserable is largely a question of our genes. 'Of course what happens to you in your life will make a difference to how happy you are,1 say scientists, 'but there are two or three vital genes which probably decide how cheerful you are in comparison to others in a similar situation.' So whatever else you do, make sure you choose your genes carefully!

Discuss the answers to the questions below.

Questions for group A

1. What is the value of physical exercise for your mental health?

2. Give two pieces of evidence that show that companionship and social support can be important for your physical health.

3. Why do psychologists believe that watching soap operas on TV can make people feel better?

4. What happens to old people who are given a cocktail every evening? What is the explanation for this according to the text?

Questions for group B

What is the connection between backache and 'feeling like an underdog’?

Give two examples of groups of people affected by SAD. What is it, and what can be done to help sufferers?

From the research described, why do you think people on low-fat diets might be more likely to meet a violent death?

Give three possible ill effects of drinking coffee.

Can your genes affect how happy or miserable you are?

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