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Medicine Unit 3.doc
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35. Complete the word formation table. Use a dictionary if necessary.












36. The medical words in the box below can also be used in a metaphorical way. Fill the gaps in the following text using these words. Use a dictionary if necessary.









The country has been …................................................ (1) by the latest rail strike, with no rail services at all running today. The railway service has been …................................................ (2) for some time, but if today's action is prolonged it may prove …................................................ (3) to the rail industry. The Minister for Transport commented, 'The country has been suffering from a …................................................ (4) of local strikes since the first one in Nortown last month. It was…................................................ (5) and one strike led to another. Things reached ….......................................... (6) pitch last week and we can only hope that this …................................................ (7) will come to an end soon.' The minister's …................................................ (8) is that things will only start to improve once people appreciate the seriousness of the situation.

37. Asking about Health

Listen to the dialogues, read them. Ask about health using the phrases:

When an Englishman asks you about your health, he is probably only doing so out of politeness. Unless he knows you have been ill, he is certainly not expecting a detailed medical report, and will be most surprised if you give him one.





A How's your father keeping?

Where's Tony this evening?

How's your brother these days?

I haven't seen Bob lately. How is he?

B He's been off work for a day or two.

He's not feeling very well.

He hasn't been too well just recently.

As a matter of fact, he's laid up.1

A What's wrong with him?

Really? What's the trouble?

I'm sorry to hear that. What's the matter?

Oh dear! What's up with him?

B He's gone down with a cold.

I think he must have eaten something.

I think he's been over­working.

We don't know, but we're havin the doctor in to­morrow.

A Tell him I hope he soon feels better.

Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.

I hope he soon gets over it.

Let me know if there's any­thing I can do.

B That's very kind of you. I'll pass it on.

Thank you very much. I'll tell him what you said.

Thank you. He'll be pleased to hear you asked after him.

Thanks very much. I'll tell him you inquired about him.

1laid up: il

  1. Replace the underlined expressions with one of the metaphors. Make any other necessary changes.

1. Excitement grew extremely strong as the day of the final match dawned.

2. Unfortunately, a number of our investments are weak at the moment.

3. There has been a sudden large number of car thefts in our part of town.

4. Unfortunately, she is still affected in a negative way by her divorce.

5. Ralph's jealousy is a characteristic feature of a person with general low self-esteem.

6. What do you think the prospects are for the peace talks?

A Visit to the Doctor

1. Read the text and describe your last visit to the dentist.


Once I had had a toothache for several days, but I couldn’t pluck up courage to go to the dentist. As a matter of fact I went twice, but just as I got on his doorstep and was going to ring the bell the toothache seemed to have gone away, so I went home again. But at last I had to go back, and this time I rang the bell and was shown into the waiting-room.

There were a number of magazines there, and I had just got in the middle of an exciting story when the maid came in to say Mr. Puller was ready to see me - I’ll have to wait for the next toothache to finish the story.

Well, I went into the surgery (the room where a doctor or dentist gives advice or treatment) and he told me to sit in a chair that he could move up and down, backwards and forwards, and then he had a look at the inside of my mouth. He put a little mirror on a long handle inside my mouth and poked about for a while, then he looked serious and said. “Yes, I’m afraid we can’t save that one, it will have to come out.”I asked him to give me an injection. He filled a syringe with some medicine. I felt a little prick on the gum and then he injected the liquid. He did this in two or three places and waited for a minute or so.

My mouth felt rather dead. Then he took a pair of forceps, gripped the tooth, gave a twist, then a pull, and the tooth was out. I could see it and hear it but I couldn’t feel it. Then he said, “It’s all over. Spit in there and then wash your mouth out with this disinfectant”

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