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Valacyclovir ________ __________ _____________ hsv-1, hsv-2 and hzv. It _____________ minimal ___________ ________________ cmv.

Valacyclovir ____________ _______________ _______________ genital herpes. It ______________ healing time and length of episode. The _____________ for primary genital HSV is 1 g po bid ______________ 10 days; for recurrent _______________ _______________ 500 mg po bid for 5 days. Suppressive therapy _________________ _________________ _____________ and ____________ _______________ considered if the patient has more than six outbreaks a year. Early treatment of herpes zoster demonstrated improvement in __________________ time and, particular in ____________ patients, duration of ______________ neuralgia. _____________ ______________ of valacyclovir are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache.

GRAMMAR. COMPLEX SUBJECT (Part III – with to be likely/unlikely/sure)

Translate the sentenses into your language paying attention to Complex Subject:

  1. Acyclovir is sure to treat herpes viruses .

  2. Patients who have frequent outbreaks are likely to require higher doses.

  3. The medication is likely to cause phlebitis, rash, and neurotoxicity resulting in lethargy, confusion, seizures, or coma in some patients.

  4. It is unlikely to be effective against cytomegalovirus.

  5. Acyclovir is sure to be effective in reducing complications of herpes zoster ophthalmicus.

  6. In immunocompetent adults, oral acyclovir is likely to reduce duration of fever and vesicles.

  7. Adverse effects are unlikely to be frequent with oral administration.

The medication is sure to reduce complications of varicella in immunocompromised patients and pregnant women

Unit 10. Antibiotics.

Grammar: Infinitives

Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and give the translation of the words:

Microbe [ maikrəub ]

Bacterium [ bæk tiəriəm]

( pl bacteria) [bæk tiəriə ]

Fungus [ f ngəs ]

( pl fungi) [ f ndai]

Pathogenic [ pæ ə de nk ]

Fatal [ fei t l ]

Meningitis [menin daitis ]

Pneumonia [ nju:m ə u n ə ]

scarlet fever [ ska:lit fi:v ə ]

de­cline [ di klain ]

livestock [ laivstok ]

grain [ grein ]

feed [fi:d ]

damage [dæ mid]

various [ve ə ri ə s]

add [ æd ]

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary:

Fungus – бот. гриб; пліснява, цвіль; деревна губка;

Soil – земля; ґрунт; Harmful – шкідливий, згубний;

to fight – боротися; (з кимсь - against, with; за щось - for);

to damage – пошкоджувати;

to cure – лікування; виліковувати, зціляти(ся); to de­cline – відкидати;відхиляти(пропозицію.);відмовляти(ся);

drastically – надмірно;

livestock – худоба; живий інвентар; поголів'я худоби;

feed – давати їжу; годувати (чимось - on); їжа, харч; growth – ріст, зростання; розвиток.

Exercise 3. Read the following words paying attention of the letter combinations in the bold type:

[id] – Damage, cabbage, marriage, passage, sewage, cartilage, storage.

[əu] – Various, dangerous, fibrous, nervous, simultaneous, gangrenous.

[ə] – Bacterium, cementum, sputum, fungus, August, septum, tetanus, serum.

[:] – Because, August, trauma, automobile, audience, autopsy, auscultation.

[ ] – come; become, accompany; comfort, discomfort.

[ ə ] – bacteria, pneumonia, insomnia, edema, anuria, malaria, cholera.

[ a] – ( - i . pl. ) – cocci, calculi, fungi, bacilli, glomeruli, streptococci.

Exercise 4. Form and translate the new words by adding – ly:

Model: slow (повільний) + ly= slowly (повільно)

Complete, quick, rapid, obvious, hard, easy, quiet, bright, correct, dangerous, cautious, late, absolute, serious, chief, intramuscular, intravenous, oral, subcutaneous.

Exercise 5. Find words or word combinations in the text denoting the following:

a). any of various chemical substances, such as penicillin, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline, produced by various microorganisms, esp. fungi, or made synthetically and capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms, esp. bacteria;

b). any microscopic organism too small to be visible to the naked eye, esp. a disease-causing bacterium;

c). a very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms. They are prokaryotic, unicellular, and either free-living in soil or water or parasites of plants or animals;

d). any member of a kingdom of organisms (Fungi) that lack chlorophyll, leaves, true stems, and roots, reproduce by spores, and live as saprotrophs or parasites. The group includes moulds, mildews, rusts, yeasts, and mushrooms.

GRAMMAR IN USE: Infinitive and its forms.







Perfect Continuous

To ask

To be asking

To have asked

To have been asking

To be asked


To have been asked



  • To study well is our duty.

  • The doctor’s duty to treat the patients.

  • I want to become a doctor.

  • Pirogov was the first to have used plaster-of-Paris.

  • This lecture is one of the most important to attend.

  • I entered the Medical University to study and become a doctor.

  • The patient was too weak to get out of the bed.

    • Добре навчатися – наш обов’язок.

    • Обов’язок лікаря – лікувати пацієнтів.

    • Я хочу стати лікарем.

    • Пирогов був першим, хто використав гіпс.

    • Ця лекція одна з найважливіших, яку слід відвідати.

    • Я вступив до медичного університету, щоб навчатися і стати лікарем.

    • Пацієнт був дуже слабким, щоб вставати з ліжка.

EXERCISE 6. Define the forms of INFINITIVE and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • The doctor wanted to examine the patient in the morning.

  • To know Anatomy well is necessary for every surgeon.

  • Our students came to the Institute to listen to the lecture on bones.

  • My friend was the first to have taken the examination in Biology.

  • The surgeon will begin to be operating on this patient at 10 o’clock.

  • He wants to determine the direction of muscular fibers.

  • Microbiology is one of the most interesting subjects to study.

  • He seems to have finished his work.

  • The weather seems to be improving.

  • He is known to have been working on this problem for many years.

Exercise 7 a)Read and translate the following word combinations; b). Make up the sentences of your own.

Certain microbes; antibiotic sub­stances; live in the air, soil, and water; to fight various diseases; harmful to the cells; bacterial diseases; streptococcal bacteria; to attack human cells; the process of dividing; to treat infectious diseases; livestock feed; to stimu­late the animals’ growth; pathogenic microbes.

Exercise 8 a)Read and translate the text; b) Find in the text the sentences with Infinitive.


Antibiotic is a drug produced by certain microbes. Antibiotic sub­stances are obtained from bacteria and fungi that live in the air, soil, and water. Most antibiotics are used by physicians to fight various diseases caused by harmful microbes. A few are used to treat certain cancers.

Antibiotics are selectively toxic — that is, they damage certain types of cells, but do not damage others. Many antibiotics are harmful to the cells of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes, but they do not normally damage human cells. Physicians use these types of antibio­tics to treat a variety of bacterial diseases, including gonorrhea, syphi­lis, and tuberculosis, and infections caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. A small number of antibiotics, however, were developed to attack human cells. Some of these are used to treat can­cer. They are selectively toxic mostly because they only damage cells that are in the process of dividing.

Antibiotics are sometimes called "wonder drugs" because they can cure many diseases that once were often fatal. The number of deaths that are caused by meningitis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever has de­clined drastically since people began using antibiotics.

Antibiotics are also used to treat infectious diseases in animals and to control bacteria and fungi that damage fruits and grains. Farmers sometimes add small amounts of antibiotics to livestock feed to stimu­late the animals’ growth.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions:

  1. What may antibiotics be produced by?

  2. What are antibiotic sub­stances obtained from?

  3. What diseases may antibiotics be used in?

  4. What cells are many antibiotics normally harmful?

  5. When may antibiotics be selectively toxic?

  6. Why do we call some antibiotics as "wonder drugs"?

  7. Why was the number of deaths caused by meningitis, pneumonia, and scarlet fever de­clined drastically?

  8. Where may antibiotics be also used to treat infectious diseases?

  9. Why do farmers sometimes add small amounts of antibiotics to livestock feed?

  10. What are the most frequent side-effects of antibiotics?

Exercise 10.Compete the following sentences using the words and phrases from the text:

  1. Antibiotic is a drug produced by certain… .

  2. Antibiotic sub­stances are obtained from bacteria and fungi that live in the … .

  3. Most antibiotics are used by …. to fight various diseases caused by harmful microbes.

  4. A few are used to treat certain … .

  5. Antibiotics are selectively toxic — that is, they damage certain types of …, but do not damage others.

  6. Many antibiotics are harmful to the cells of … (disease-causing) microbes, but they do not normally damage human cells.

  7. Physicians use these types of antibio­tics to treat a variety of bacterial diseases, including gonorrhea, syphi­lis, and tuberculosis, and infections caused by … bacteria.

  8. … antibiotics, however, were developed to attack human cells.

  9. Antibiotics are sometimes called "wonder drugs" because they can … many diseases that once were often fatal.

Exercise 11. Fill in the prepositions where necessary:

  • The first antibiotic was discovered … Alexander Fleming in 1928 in a significant breakthrough прорив for medical science.

  • Some antibiotics are 'bactericidal', meaning that they work … killing bacteria. Other antibiotics are 'bacteriostatic', meaning that they work … stopping bacteria multiplying.

  • Some antibiotics can be used to treat a wide range … infections and are known …'broad-spectrum' antibiotics.

  • The most common side effects … antibiotics are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.

  • Fungal infections of the mouth, digestive tract and vagina can also occur with antibiotics because they destroy the protective 'good' bacteria … the body (which help prevent overgrowth of any one organism), as well as the 'bad' ones, responsible for the infection being treated.

  • Some people are allergic… antibiotics, particularly penicillin.

  • Allergic reactions cause swelling… the face, itching and a skin rash and, … severe cases, breathing difficulties.

  • The type … antibiotics you take depends… the type of infection you have and what kind of antibiotics are known to be effective.

Exercise 12. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Бактерії та гриби; шкідливі мікроби; мікроби, які викликають хворобу; бактеріальні хвороби; стафілококові та стрептококові бактерії; уражати клітини людини; «дивовижні ліки»; пошкоджувати фрукти та овочі; корм для худоби; стимулювати ріст тварин; поділ клітин; лімфатична система; дуже поширені хвороби; хвороби, які передаються через контакт; вірусна інфекція; венерична хвороба.

Exercise 13. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. The discovery of antibiotics greatly improved the quality of human life in the twentieth century.

  2. Antibiotic drugs are made from living organisms such as fungi, molds.

  3. Antibiotics can also be produced synthetically (artificially) or combined with natural substances to form semisynthetic antibiotics.

  4. Prontosil, the first sulfa drug, was discovered in 1935 by German chemist Gerhard Domagk (1895–1964).

  5. Bacterial resistance occurs when some bacteria survive attack by the antibacterial drug.

  6. .In 1928, British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming (1881–1955) discovered the bacteria-killing property of penicillin.

  7. Fleming noticed that a mold that had accidentally fallen into a bacterial culture in his laboratory had killed the bacteria.

  8. It was not until 1941 that two English scientists, Howard Florey (1898–1968) and Ernst Chain (1906–1979), developed a form of penicillin that could be used to fight bacterial infections in humans.

  9. By 1945, penicillin was available for widespread use and was hailed as the new wonder drug.

  10. The antibiotic works by blocking the formation of the bacterial cell wall, thus killing the bacteria.

  11. Resistance of bacteria to the effects of antibiotics has become a major problem in the treatment of disease.

Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the infinitive:

  1. This is the patient (to give) a painkiller.

  2. She wanted (to send) to the conference in medicine.

  3. My friend appears (to recover) rapidly.

  4. The medicine is to be kept in a cool dark place.

  5. The students were glad (to observe) an operation yesterday.

  6. (To operate) this patient we will have to give him a general anesthesia first.

  7. The nurse brought the blood (to transfer) to the patient (to operate).

  8. The sutures (to remove) on the 4th day.

  9. The patient had (to take) to an operating room immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.

  10. Further studies are needed (to characterize) the cause and possible treatment of inflammation after lung transplantation.

Exercise 15. Translate the sentences into English using proper forms of INFINITIVE:

  1. Антибіотики  - це  органічні речовини, що синтезуються мікроорганізмами в природі для захисту від інтервенції інших видів мікроорганізмів.

  2. Вони мають здатність пригнічувати розвиток, або вбивати цих мікробів.

  3. Як правило, антибіотики виділяють з живих бактерій або грибів.

  4. Існує також велика кількість синтетичних антибіотиків, які відрізняються модифікаціями функціональних хімічних груп природніх антибіотиків.

  5. Такі модифіковані сполуки часто ефективніші, або стійкіші до нейтралізації, що виникає внаслідок набутої мікроорганізмами резистентності.

  6. За хімічною структурою антибіотики об'єднують різноманітні групи сполук.

  7. Зокрема, сполуки, що блокують біосинтез білка на рибосомах; сполуки, що утворюють іоно-проникні канали у плазматичній мембрані, та ін.

  8. Характерною особливістю антибіотиків є їхня здатність порушувати певні ланки обміну речовин мікроорганізмів або дію деяких їхніх ферментів.

  9. Ще 1868—71 В. О. Манассеїн спостерігав антимікробні властивості плісені пеніцилу, а О. Г. Полотебнов застосовував її при лікуванні гнійних ран.

  10. Значний вклад у вивчення антибіотики зробили українські вчені, які виділили ряд антибіотичних речовин — мікроцид (М. М. Підоплічко і В Й. Білай, 1947), іманін(В. Г. Дроботько з співробітниками, 1949), аренарин — антибіотик безсмертника — та ін. Мікроцид виявився ефективним засобом лікування інфікованих ран та різних гнійних процесів, а іманін — великих і тяжких опіків; він запобігає утворенню спотворюючих рубців.

Exercise 16. Explain in English:

Antibiotics, bacterium, fungus, microbe, penicillin.


Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. What are the main ways of taking antibiotics?

  2. Is it important to complete the whole course of the medication? Why?

  3. How should some antibiotics be taken?

  4. What is it necessary to do if you want the medication to be effective?

  5. When do most antibiotics start having an effect on an infection?

How to Use Antibiotics.

Antibiotics are usually taken by mouth (orally); however, they can also be administered by injection, or applied directly to the affected part of the body. Most antibiotics start having an effect on an infection within a few hours. It is important to remember to complete the whole course of the medication to prevent the infection from coming back. If you do not complete the course, there is a higher chance the bacteria may become resistant to future treatments - because the ones that survive when you did not complete the course have had some exposure to the antibiotic and may consequently have built up a resistance to it. Even if you are feeling better, you still need to complete the course. Some antibiotics should not be consumed with certain foods and drinks. Others should not be taken with food in your stomach - these would normally be taken about an hour before meals, or two hours after. It is crucial вирішальний, критичний that you follow the instructions correctly if you want the medication to be effective. If you are taking metronidazole do not consume alcohol. Dairy products should not be consumed if you are taking tetracyclines, as they might affect the absorption of the medication.

Exercise 18. Read and translate the drug leaflet:

ВАСТОХ Amoxicillin

powder for oral suspension


BACTOX 250 mg : powder for oral suspension :

THERAPEUTICAL INDICATIONS : This medicine is an antibiotic of the penicillin type A family. This medicine is recommended for bacterial infections due to sensitive germs, especially for respiratory, urinary infections and all infections of the nose, throat and ears.

CONTRA-INDICATIONS : This medicine MUST NOT BE USED in the following cases :

  1. known allergy to penicillin ■ Glandular fever. In case of doubt it is essential to ask for your doctor's or chemist's advice.

WARNING: Because of possible allergy always inform your doctor about your present or past diseases.

  1. WARNINGS FOR USE : It is necessary to inform your doctor of all renal diseases due to the necessity of adapting the treatment.

OTHER POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF THE MEDICINE : Like any other active product this medicine may present following secondary effects to some people. The most usual are : digestive out­breaks : nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea • allergic outbreaks : urticaria. In case of diarrhoea during the treatment with Bactox, immediately inform your doctor. Never start an anti diarrhoea treatment without medical prescription.


    1. Fill the bottle with plain water up to the circular mark.

    2. Shake it several times until obtaining an homogeneous liquid. If necessary add some water up to the mark.

    3. Fill the standard spoonful to get a full measure.

    4. Shake the bottle well before each use.

Bactox can indifferently be taken on an empty stomach, before, during or after the meals.

POSOLOGY AND ADMINISTRATION WAY : The usual posology is 25 to 50 mg per kilo and per day.

To be efficient this antibiotic must be used regularly according to the prescribed posology and as long as recommended by your doctor. Fever or any other symptom when disappeared doesn't mean that you have completely recovered. The possible sensation of fatigue is not linked with the antibiotic treatment, but with the infection itself.

duration of stability : DO NOT exceed THE LIMIT date of use indicated on the packing. particular warnings for conservation : this medicine must be kept at room temperature. The prepared suspension cannot be kept more than 7 days.

Exercise 19. Answer the questions to ex. 16:

  1. What type of drugs is Batox?

  2. In what form is Batox manufactured?

  3. How is Batox administered?

  4. In what cases is Batox indicated?

  5. What are the contraindications of Batox?

  6. Should Batox be taken after or before meals?

  7. What are the doses of Batox?

  8. What symptoms may appear during Batox intake?

  9. How long should the prepared suspension be kept?


GRAMMAR: Present Perfect Passive

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

chemotherapy [keməu’Өerapi] - хіміотерапія sulfanilamide [sᴧlfə’niləmaid] - сульфаніламід

chloride [‘klɔraid] - хлорид

hydrolysis [hai’drɔlisis] - гідроліз derivative – похідне compound - сполука to melt – таяти overcome - подолати

dizziness – запаморочення cyanosis – ціаноз, синюха

to monitor – спостерігати tonsillitis - ангіна

mucous membrane – слизова оболонка

Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents:

Administration of local anesthetics, number of toxic reactions, to monitor the liver functions, antibacterial power, white odourless crystalline compound, boiling water, exhibit toxic reactions, adverse reactions.

Exercise 3. Match English word combinations with their definitions:

Sulfanilamide a drug used to prevent or reduce fever

Anesthetics a synthetic compound with antibacterial properties

Acidosis a substance that induces insensitivity to pain

Antipyretics an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues

Exercise 4. Read and translate the pairs of sentences:

1. A good student usually asks many questions. The student is asked many questions.

2. Poisonous drugs may cause death. Death may be caused by poisonous drugs.

3. The nurse sponged the patient’s skin. The patient’s skin was sponged by the nurse.

4. A doctor usually examines the patients. The patients are usually examined by the doctor.

5. The students will attend the lecture on Monday. The lecture will be attended by students on Monday.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:


The most important development in the history of chemotherapy was the discovery of the antibacterial power of p-amino benzene sulfonamide and its derivatives. This compound is better known as Sulfanilamide. Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drug which made the antibiotic revolution in medicine. The first sulfonamide was called Prontosil, which is a prodrug. Experiments with Prontosil began in 1932 by a team of German scientists. Prontosil was the first medicine ever discovered that could effectively treat a range of bacterial infections inside the body. It had a strong protective action against infections caused by streptococci.

Synthesis. Sulfonamides are prepared by the reaction of a sulfonyl chloride with ammonia or an amine.

Sulfanilamide is a white, odourless, crystalline compound with a slightly sweet taste, melting range 164,5 C to 166,5 C, soluble in water. It is readily soluble in boiling water, hot alcohol, cold hydrochloric acid, cold dilute sodium hydroxide and cold acetone.

Sulfanilamide is prescribed for the treatment of various bactericidal infections such as tonsillitis, cystitis, enterocolitis, infectious disease of the skin and mucous membrane. The examples of modern sulfanilamides are Streptocid, Phtalazol. It is usually given in the form of tablets. In both mild and severe infections, the usual dose is calculated as 0,1 gm per kilogram of body weight per day, divided into 6 parts and given at intervals of 4 hours, day and night until the temperature of the patient is normal for 5 days. The drug exhibits a number of toxic reactions such as dizziness, cyanosis, hemolytic anemia, psychosis, acidosis, fever and rash. When used in large doses, they may cause a strong allergic reaction.

It is very necessary to monitor the patient during the treatment with sulfanilamide. Sodium bicarbonate is commonly given to counteract acidosis. It has been found that p-amino benzene acid in relatively small amount overcomes the antibacterial action of sulfanilamide and its derivatives.

The administration of local anesthetics derived from this compound, such as procaine, monocaine, etc., must be avoided.

Exercise 6. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Ряд бактеріальних інфекцій; захисна дія ліків проти інфекції; інфекція, викликана стрептококами; швидко розчиняється у киплячий воді; холодний розбавлений розчин; прописувати ліки; проявляти токсичні реакції; шкіряний висип; нейтралізувати; подолати токсичну дію.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What was the most important development in the history of chemotherapy?

2. What was the 1st sulfanilamide?

3. When was the 1st sulfanilamide discovered?

4. How are sulfunilamides produced?

5. What are the main characteristics of sulfanilamines?

6. When are sulfanilamides prescribed?

7. What dose is given in both mild and severe infections?

8. What are the examples of modern sulfanilamides?

9. Why is it so necessary to monitor the patient?

10. What adverse reactions can sulfanilamides cause?

11. What is given to counteract acidosis?

12. What overcomes the antibacterial action of sulfanilamide?

Exercise 8. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. Sulfonamide drugs were the first antimicrobial drug which_________________.

2. The prodrug was called _________________ and it was discovered in _______ .

3. Sulfonamides are prepared by _______________________________________ .

4. The characteristics of sulfanilamides are _______________________________ .

5. Sulfanilamide is prescribed for the treatment of _________________________ .

6. Sulfanilamide is usually given _______________________________________ .

7. Toxic reactions can be _____________________________________________ .

8. Sodium bicarbonate is given ________________________________________ .

9. ___________________________________________ must be avoided.

10. Sulfanilamides can cause strong allergic reaction when __________________ .

Exercise 9. Insert the prepositions where necessary:

1. This drug is administered …. the form of tablets.

2. It is produced … boiling substances in hot water.

3. …. severe infections this drug is administered in double dose twice … a day.

4. This drug should be given until the temperature … the patient is normal…. 5 days.

5. The administration of local anesthetics derived … this compound was prohibited.

6. This drug is soluble … water.

7. Streptocid is less toxic …. Tubazid.

Exercise 10. Approve or contradict:

1. Sulfanilamide is a powerful antibiotic drug.

2. Its prodrug was first discovered in 1945 by the team of USA doctors.

3.Prontosil had a strong protective action against infections caused by streptococci.

4. Sulfanilamide is a white, odourless, crystalline compound with a slightly sweet taste.

5. Such diseases as pneumonia, hepatitis and so other can be efficiently treated by sulfanilamides.

6. Sulfanilamides are manufactured and prescribed only in the form of injections.

7. The drug exhibits a number of toxic reactions such as nausea, vomiting, flu-like symptoms.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets and put verbs in a correct form in Passive:

1. Sulfanilamides (to produce) on treatment with excess ammonia and hydrolysis of the acetyl group.

2. Sulfanilamide (administer) by the doctor 2 days ago.

3. The adverse effect of the drug (to show) already by experimental data.

4. The efficacy of the drugs (to compare) in future experiments.

5. Any positive effect (not to give) by the drug.

6. A cough mixture (to prepare) already by the pharmaceutist.

Exercise 12. Make questions to underlined words:

1. Medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold in pharmacies.

2. An important work was carried out to determine the anatomic weights.

3. The operation will be performed in 2 hours.

4. The name of the drug is indicated on the label.

5. All precautions have been taken to prevent side effects.

6. Skin irritation was caused by over dosage of the drug.

Exercise 13. Transform sentences according to the model (Present Perfect Passive):

To be found, to be known, to be shown, to be established.

Model: The drug is contraindicated in stenocardia. - It has been found that this drug is contraindicated in stenocardia.

1. P-aminobenzoic acid in relatively small amounts overcomes the antibacterial action of sulfanilamide.

2. The food of man and animals contains small amounts of organic substances called vitamins.

3. The choice of the base for preparing sulfanilamide depends upon the nature of the compound.

4. The roots of wild growing ginseng are stronger than the roots of cultivated one.

5. Sulfanilamnide is usually given in the form of tablets.

6. Sulfanilamnide exhibits a number of toxic reactions.

Exercise 14. Make up sentences from the given words:

1. may, sulfanilamides, reaction, a, strong, cause, in, allergic, doses, large.

2. reactions, the, drug, a number, exhibits, of, toxic.

3. sulfanilamide, is, a white, compound, a, taste, odourless, slightly, with, sweet, crystalline.

4. bactericidal, for, the treatment, sulfanilamide, various, of, is prescribed infections.

5. commonly, acidosis, is given, sodium bicarbonate, to counteract.

6. by, ammonia, a sulfonyl chloride, or, are prepared, the reaction, sulfonamides, of with, an amine.

Exercise 15. Topic vocabulary:

antibacterial power derivative compound boiling water

protective action against infection toxic reactions to counteract acidosis

administration avoid overcome antibacterial action

Make a summary of the drug leaflet below, comment on the properties, composition, mechanism of action, indication, dosage and use, contraindications, side effects, storage and term of validity of the drug.

TRIMZOL TABLETSCOMPOSITION:Each TRIMZOL tablet contains Sulphamethoxazole 400 mg and Trimethoprim 80 mg.PHARMACOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION:SulphonamidePHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION:Co-trimoxazole is a bactericidal chemotherapeutic agent. Its antimicrobial activity results from the sequential blockage of two enzymes intervening in the biosynthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid in the microorganism.Its antibacterial activity in vitro covers a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms such as Strep. pneumoniae, C. diphtheria and N. meningitidis.INDICATIONS:Infections due to susceptible organisms such as:Respiratory tract infections: Acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiactasis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, acute otitis and acute maxillary sinusitis.Genito-urinary tract infections: uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections, chronic and recurrent urinary tract infections. Bacterial prostatitis. Acute gonococcal urethritis in both sexes.Gastrointestinal infections: Typhoid and paratyphoid fever, typhoid carrier state and bacilliary dysentery and shigellosis.Skin infections: Abscesses and wound infections.CONTRA-INDICATIONS:TRIMZOL should not be given to patients with a history of sulphonamide or trimethoprim sensitivity. TRIMZOL should not be given to infants during the first 6 weeks of life. The product should not be given in pregnancy, lactation, in patients with megaloblastic anaemia or in the presence of vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency states.DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS FOR USE:TRIMZOL tablets:Adults: 2 tablets twice daily.Maximum dosage (for severe infections): 3 twice daily.Children over 12 years: As for adults.6 - 12 years: 1 tablet twice daily.SIDE-EFFECTS AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS:Gastrointestinal disorders may occur e.g. nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Haematological changes such as anaemia or coagulation disorders may occur, particularly in elderly patients or after long-term treatment, which regress after withdrawing the medicament.Monitoring of the blood count is advisable during long-term therapy. Photosensitivity may occur.Skin disorders e.g. reddening, exanthema and itching are possible. Glossitis and stomatitis are relatively common. Central nervous system reactions consist of headaches, depression and hallucinatory manifestations known to be produced by sulphonamides.It should be used with caution in patients receiving pyrimethamine or immunosuppressive therapy.Sulphamethoxazole is strongly bound to proteins. Patients receiving anticoagulants of the coumarin group should therefore be carefully monitored. Because of the risk of crystalluria, an adequate fluid intake should be maintained.KNOWN SYMPTOMS OF OVERDOSAGE AND PARTICULARS OF ITS TREATMENT:Symptoms: Nausea and vomiting, headaches, hallucinations, cyanosis, haematuria, oliguria or anuria.Treatment: Supportive and symptomatic.Full blood counts twice a week and liver function tests once a week for three weeks.IDENTIFICATION:TRIMZOL tablets: White, scored, biconvex tablet.PRESENTATION:TRIMZOL is available in containers of 1 000 tablets.STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS:Store in a cool dry place (below 25°C)KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.


Grammar: The Sequeence of Tenses

Exercise 1. Learn the active vocabulary:

Antacid [æntˈæsɪd] - засіб, що нейтралізує кислоту

Heartburn [ˈhɑːtˌbɜːn] - печія

brand name - торгівельна марка

to purchase [ˈpɜːtʃɪs] - купувати

to promote [prəˈməʊt] - сприяти

to inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt] - пригнічувати

to resist - чинити опір

to recur [rɪˈkɜː] - повторюватись, відбуватись знову

Exercise 2. Match the words with the definitions:

brand name

a substance that eliminates the burning feeling in your stomach when you have eaten too much, drunk too much alcohol etc.

to inhibit

to help something develop or increase


to buy something

to purchase

to prevent something from growing or developing well

to recur

not to be changed or harmed by something


the name given to a product by the company that makes it

to promote

to happen again (especially about something bad or unpleasant)

to resist

an unpleasant burning feeling in your stomach or chest caused by acid from your stomach

Exercise 3. Translate into your language:

  1. Indigestion had been his problem since early adulthood, but was controlled with antacids.

  2. Magnesium hydroxide, normally used as an antacid or a laxative, may also serve as a magnesium supplement.

  3. The hypercalcemia is easily treatable by hydration and withdrawal of the calcium containing antacids.

  4. The pharmacist will advise which medicines are safe to take and how to cope with problems like heartburn.

  5. Brand names such as Coca-Cola and Sony are recognized all over the world.

  6. You can purchase insurance on-line.

  7. A balanced diet promotes good health and normal development.

  8. An unhappy family life may inhibit children's learning.

  9. They were treating only the symptoms of the disease rather than its underlying cause.

  10. When treating any health problem, it's always important to con­sider the underlying causes.

  11. Test-tube studies show that the virus is able to resist most antibio­tics.

  12. There is a danger that the disease may recur.

  13. Although the treatment for skin cancer is usually successful, the problem can recur later.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:

Gastrointestinal Drugs

Antacid (aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum carbonate, calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, hydrotalcite, bis­muth subsalicylate) is any of a group of drugs that neutralize acid in the digestive system. Hydrochloric acid, produced in the stomach, is important to digestion. However, this acid can cause pain when it comes in contact with peptic ulcers, sores that can occur in the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Antacids help relieve or prevent pain associated with peptic ulcers by neutralizing this acid. People also take antacids to stop the pain of heartburn and indigestion.

Many antacid products contain compounds of aluminum, magne­sium, or, often, both. These chemicals react with acids to form more neutral compounds that do not irritate peptic ulcers. By relieving ir­ritation, antacids can also help promote healing of the ulcers. Many doctors recommend their use along with other antiulcer drugs, such asantibiotics and histamine H2-receptor antagonists (for example, ci-metidine).

Antacids come in tablet, capsule, and liquid form. Commonly used antacids include such brand-name products as Maalox and Mylanta. Turns, another common antacid, contains a compound of calcium that is helpful f°r digestion but not recommended for ulcer treatment. These drugs ordinarily do not cause harmful side effects, and a doctor's prescription is not needed to purchase them. However, antacids that contain magnesium hydroxide can cause diarrhea, while those with aluminum hydroxide can cause constipation. Problems also may develop when antacids are used for long periods. For example, extensive use of antacids that contain calcium carbonate can cause too much calcium to accumulate in the body. High calcium levels can lead to kidney damage and other problems.

H-2 antagonists (cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, and nizati-dine) promote ulcer healing by reducing the acid and digestive en­zymes in the stomach and duodenum. These highly effective drugs are taken only once or twice a day. Most cause few serious side effects, and several are now available without a prescription.

Omeprazole and lansoprazole are very strong drugs that inhibit the production of the enzymes needed for the stomach to make acid. These drugs can completely inhibit acid secretion and have long-last­ing effects. They promote healing in a greater percentage of people in a shorter period of time than H-2 antagonists do. They are particu­larly useful in treating people with esophagitis and people who have other conditions that affect gastric acid secretion.

Antibiotics (bismuth subsalicylate, tetracycline, metronidazole, amoxicillin) are being increasingly used when the bacterium Helico-bacter pylori is the major underlying cause of ulcers. The treatment consists of one or more antibiotics and a drug to reduce or neutralize stomach acid. Combinations of bismuth subsalicylate, tetracycline, and metronidazole or aifloxicillin are most commonly used. Omepra­zole and an antibiotic are also an effective combination. Such treat­ment may relieve ulcer symptoms even if ulcers have resisted previous treatment or have recurred repeatedly.

Exercise 5. Fill in the prepositions from the list. One preposition should be used twice.without, to, by, in

  1. ... relieving irritation, antacids also can help promote healing of the ulcers.

  2. These drugs cause few serious side effects, so they are now avail­able ... a prescription.

  3. Omeprazole and lansoprazole promote healing ... a greater percent­age of people ... a shorter period of time than H-2 antagonists do.

  4. Hydrochloric acid, produced in the stomach, is important ... di­gestion.

Exercise 6. Match each word from column A with its opposite from column B.




to disapprove

to relieve

to hinder

to prevent


to promote

to permit


to diffuse

to recommend

to aggravate

to accumulate


to inhibit

to enable

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

  1. When can hydrochloric acid cause pain in the stomach?

  2. How do antacids help relieve or prevent pain associated with pep­tic ulcers?

  3. What do antacids contain?

  4. What problems may result from the long-term use of antacids?

  5. How can H-2 antagonists promote ulcer healing?

  6. What drugs can completely inhibit acid secretion?

  7. When are antibiotics prescribed?

Exercise 8. Correct the sentences below:

  1. People take antibiotics to stop the "pain of heartburn and indiges­tion.

  2. Antacid products irritate peptic ulcers.

  3. Antacids come in the form of injections.

  4. Turns, another common antacid, contains a compound of calci­um, that's why it is helpful for ulcer treatment.

  5. H-2 antagonists cause many serious side effects.

  6. Omeprazole and lansoprazole are more effective than H-2 antago­nists.

  7. Antibiotics aren't usually prescribed in combination with other drugs.


Exercise 1. Study the table below:

Direct Speech

Reported Speech |

Present Simple

'I I want to find a job at a pharma­ceutical firm,' he said.

Past Simple

He said he wanted to find a job at a pharmaceutical firm.

Present Continuous

They are playing tennis,' he said.

Past Continuous

He said they were playing tennis.

Present Perfect

'I have read this article,' she said.

Past Perfect

She said she had read that article.

Past Simple

'Jack graduated from the university,'

they said.

Past Perfect

They said Jack had graduated from

the university.

Future Simple

'I will send you a letter,' he said.

Future Simple in the Past

He said he would send me a letter.

Exercise 2. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, as in the example.

  1. 'Where do you live?' she asked me. She asked me where I lived.

  2. I'll see you tomorrow,' Jack said to Sally.

  3. 'Have you written the project?' the teacher asked.

  4. 'Who sent the e-mail?' Richard asked Jim.

  5. 'I can't read without my glasses,' the woman said.

  6. 'Do you like your job?' Clair asked Sue.

  7. 'Did you go to the university yesterday?' Mary asked Bob.

Exercise 3. Turn from direct into reported speech.

'I can't find my exercise book,' he said.

He said (that) he couldn't find his exercise book.

  1. 'They are working at the laboratory,' she said.

  2. 'We studied anatomy last year,' she said to us.

  3. 'I'll phone you tomorrow,' he said.

  4. T passed my chemistry exam two weeks ago,' he said.

  5. 'We aren't doing anything this weekend,' they said.

  6. T forgot to remind him about the test,' he said.

  7. 'We've brought you a present,' she said to me.

  8. 'I'm going to the library tomorrow,' she said.

Exercise 4. Turn from direct into reported speech.

'How old are you?9 he asked me. He asked me how old I was.

  1. She asked, 'Will they visit us in the summer?'

  2. 'How did you get to the university today?' he asked.

  3. 'Do you want to become a pharmacist?' she asked me.

  4. 'What text have you translated for today?' the teacher asked.

  5. 'Have you seen the doctor yet?' she asked.

  1. She asked, 'Can you translate this sentence from Ukrainian into English?'

  1. The pharmacist asked, 'Have you got the prescription?'

  2. The doctor asked, 'What do you complain of?'

  3. Jim asked, "Did you take a test yesterday?'

  4. The doctor asked, 'Have you got pain in the stomach?'

Exercise 5. Turn from direct into reported speech.

  1. The doctor said to me, 'Don't go to work for three days.' The doctor told me not to go to work for three days.

  2. Ann said to me, 'If your heartburn persists, see your doctor.'

  3. The secretary said to him, 'Wait here, please.'

  4. The teacher said to them, 'Don't talk in class.'

  5. The doctor said to me, 'Call me if you have a high temperature.'

  6. She said, 'Shall we go swimming?'

  7. The teacher said, 'Ruth, sit down, please.'

  8. He said to them, 'Don't stay out late tonight.'

  9. The doctor said to the boy, 'Take your temperature twice a day.'

  10. The teacher said, 'Do this task at home.'

Make a summary of the drug leaflet below, comment on the properties, composition, mechanism of action, indication, dosage and use, contraindications, side effects, storage and term of validity of the drug.

MAGASIL (MIXTURE)COMPOSITION:Each 10 mLof mixture contains:

Magnesium carbonate, light

500 mg

Magnesium trisilicate

500 mg

Sodium bicarbonate

500 mg

PHARMACOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION:Antacids (acid neutralizers)PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION:Acid neutralising, diminish activity of pepsin in gastric secretion.INDICATIONS:For the relief of acid ingestion, heartburn, hyperacidity, dyspepsia, gastritis and reflux oesophagitisCONTRA-INDICATIONS:Sensitivity to any of the active ingredientsWARNINGS:Do not use this product if you are on a sodium-restricted diet, or suffer from hypertension, of heart failure, except under the advice and supervision of a doctor.DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Adults: two to four medicine measurefuls every four hours. Do not use the maximum dosage of this product for more than 2 (two) weeks, except under the advice and supervision of a medical practitioner, or use as directed by a doctor.SIDE EFFECTS AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS:May cause diarrhoea. Release of carbon dioxide may cause discomfort. MAGASIL may interfere with the absorption of other medicines if taken concomitantly.Sodium bicarbonate can cause stomach cramps and flatulence. Excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate may lead to metabolic alkalosis, especially in patients with impaired renal function. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, muscle weakness and mental disturbances such as restlessness, convulsions and comaSodium bicarbonate should be administered extremely cautiously to patients with congestive heart failure, renal impairment, and cirrhosis of the liver or hypertension and to patients receiving corticosteroids.IDENTIFICATION:A white homogenous mixture with a slight peppermint flavourPRESENTATION:Brown plastic containers of 100 mL, 200 mL, 500 mL, and 2.5 litresSTORAGE INSTRUCTIONS:Store in a cool, dark place below 25ºC.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN



Grammar: Revision (Modal Verbs + Active/Passive Infinitives)

Exercise 1. Learn the new words:

compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd] – суміш, сполука

nutrient [ˈnjuːtrɪənt] - поживна речовина

amount [əˈmaʊnt] - кількість

sufficient [səˈfɪʃənt] - достатній

exception [ɪkˈsɛpʃən] - виняток

expose [ɪkˈspəʊz] - піддавати (чомусь - to)

fatty acid – жирна кислота

store - накопичувати

ingest [ɪnˈdʒɛst] - ковтати

diverse [daiˈvəːs] - різноманітний

protein [ˈprəʊtiːn] - протеїн, білок

carbohydrate [ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt] - вуглевод

assist - допомагати, сприяти

heal - виліковувати, загоювати, заживати

wound [wuːnd] рана; поранення

performance [pəˈfɔːməns] - продуктивність

outer [ˈaʊtə] - зовнішній

deficiency [dɪˈfɪʃənsɪ] – нестача, дефіцит

Exercise 2. Form nouns with the help of the following suffixes, traslate the nouns into your language:

-ance(-ence): perform, assist, differ, maintain, appear, occur, disturb, resist

-ion: except, protect, direct, ingest, suggest, correct, infect, solute, palpate

Exercise 3. Translate the word combinations into your language:

Organic compound, sufficient quantity, single exception, essential nutrients, fatty acid, amino acid, water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins, be stored in the fatty tissue, ingest frequently, excreted through the urine, diverse biochemical functions, maintain body tissues, immune system’s performance, outer cell membrane, deficiency disease, vitamin poisoning.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into your language paying attention to the use of modal verbs with active and passive infinitives:

  1. Water-soluble vitamins must be used by the body at once.

  2. Vitamin B12 is the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the liver for many years.

  3. You can develop health problems if you do not get enough vitamins.

  4. Any woman who is pregnant should get enough folic acid.

  5. High doses of certain vitamins can be poisonous.

  6. Oil-soluble vitamins can be stored for long periods of time in the body's fatty tissue and the liver.

Exercise 5. Fill the gaps with the verbs from the box in the form of active or passive infinitive:

decrease produce include find administer take contain keep

  1. Some vitamins can …by injection.

  2. You may … a supplement that contains several needed nutrients in one tablet or capsule.

  3. The potency of most vitamins may … by sunlight.

  4. Vitamin supplements should … in a cool, dark place.

  5. Excesses of isolated vitamins or minerals can … the same symptoms as deficiencies of vitamins or minerals.

  6. Nutrients in supplement form should …for optimal health.

  7. Natural supplements may …vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

  8. Supplements that are not labeled natural also may … artificial coloring, preservatives, sugars, and starch, as well as other additives.

Exercise 6. Read the text:

A vitamin is an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism. In other words, an organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when it cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by an organism, and must be obtained from the diet. If a molecule can be synthesized in the body, it is not a vitamin. The single exception to this rule is vitamin D which can be synthesized in the skin, but only when exposed to sunlight and Niacin (B3) which itself can be synthesized in the liver in small amounts. The term vitamin does not also include other essential nutrients such as minerals, fatty acids, or amino acids (which are needed in larger amounts than vitamins).

Vitamins are classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. There are 13 universally recognized vitamins: 4 fat-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and 9 water-soluble (8 B vitamins and vitamin C). Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body's fatty tissue, so they do not need to be ingested every day. Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored, with the exceptions of В12 and Folic Acid and must be ingested frequently for optimal health. They are easily excreted through the urine.

Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. For example, vitamin A helps to develop and maintain body tissues such as bone and skin; it also helps the body’s vision, nervous system functioning, reproduction, and growth. The B vitamins are responsible for increasing the production of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates as well as assisting with metabolism, building red blood cells, and maintaining the protection of the nervous system. Vitamin C helps form tissues, cells, bones and teeth; heals wounds; and improves the immune system’s performance. Vitamin E protects the outer cell membranes from harm, thus assisting the immune system in fighting off diseases.

A diet naturally high in vitamins and minerals can be the best defense against many diseases. You can develop health problems (deficiency disease) if you do not get enough of a particular vitamin. But it is als important to remember that high doses of certain vitamins can cause vitamin poisoning.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

  1. What vitamin can be synthesized in the body?

  2. How are vitamins classified?

  3. Which vitamins are fat-soluble?

  4. Which vitamins are water-soluble?

  5. How many vitamins are universally recognized?

  6. Why is it unnecessary to ingest fat-soluble vitamins daily?

  7. How are water-soluble vitamins excreted out of the body?

  8. What functions do vitamins have?

  9. What are B vitamins responsible for?

  10. What are the functions of vitamin A?

  11. What happens when an individual doesn’t get enough of a particular vitamin?

  12. What can high doses of certain vitamins cause?

Exercise 8. Find words or word combinations in the text denoting the following:

  1. a condition, such as pellagra, beriberi, or scurvy, produced by a lack of vitamins or other essential substances;

  2. a condition of high storage levels of vitamins, which can lead to toxic symptoms;

  3. an organic compound required as a nutrient in tiny amounts by an organism, which cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities within the body;

  4. a chemical compound whose molecules contain carbon;

  5. a group of vitamins stored in the body's fatty tissue;

  6. a group of vitamins which cannot be stored in the body.

Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Різноманітні біохімічні функції, викликати отруєння вітаминами, захищати зовнішню клітинну оболонку від пошкодження, органічна сполука, покращувати продуктивність імунної системи, розвивати авітаміноз, виділяти з сечею, допомогати підтримувати тканини тіла, у достатній кількості, єдиний виняток з цього правила, жирні кислоти та амінокислоти, потрібно споживати щоденно, необхідні поживні речовини, накопичуватися у жировій тканині, водорозчинні вітаміни, жиророзчинні вітаміни.

Exercise 10. Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. Vitamin D can be synthesized in the body.

  2. Water-soluble vitamins must be ingested frequently.

  3. Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions.

  4. High doses of certain vitamins can cause vitamin poisoning.

  5. Vitamin C helps form tissues, cells, bones and teeth.

  6. Vitamin E protects the outer cell membranes from harm.

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English paying attention to modal verbs with active and passive infinitives:

  1. Печінка може накопичувати вітамін B12.

  2. Вітамін В12 може накопичуватися у печінці.

  3. Нам слід включати вітамінні добавки до нашого раціону.

  4. Вітамінні добавки мають включатися до нашого раціону.

  5. Не слід вживати жиророзчинні вітаміни щоденно.

  6. Більшість вітамінів не можуть вироблятися організмом.

  7. З яких джерел можна отримати вітаміни групи В?

  8. За яких умов тіло може виробляти вітамін D?

Exercise 12. Define the following: