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I. Запомните произношение следующих слов и переведите их без словаря:

economics [ ekə′nomiks], speciality [ spe∫i′æliti], dynamic [dai′næmik], organization [ o:gənai′zei∫ən], construction [kən′strΛk∫ən], manager

[′mænid ə], economist [i′konəmist], professional [prə′fe∫ənəl], administration [əd mini′strei∫ən], marketing [′ma:kitiŋ], dividend [ dividend], maximize [′mæksimaiz], minimum [′miniməm], certificate [sə′tifikət], geodesy [d i′odisi].

II. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

foreign economy – внешняя экономика

banking - банковское дело

to make progress - добиться успеха

venture - предприятие

to be experienced in ... – быть сведущим в ...

market economics - рыночная экономика

to be aware of ... - знать ч-л.

notion - понятие

share - акция

bank loan - банковский кредит

to keep in mind - помнить

profit - прибыль

to earn profit - приносить прибыль

turnover – товарооборот

lightness – легкомысленность

an accountant – бухгалтер

in particular [pə′tikjulə] –в особенности, особенно; в частности

III. Прочтите текст, переведите:

I’m a second-year student of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. I study economics at the Faculty of Architectural and Building Engineering. The faculty trains civil engineers, architects, sanitary engineers and managers in economics. The department “Organization and economics in construction” trains economists for the construction industry. Professional activities of a manager in economics include organization and administration, economics of production, planning, marketing, foreign economics and others.

Economics and market economics, in particular, is a dynamic science. It develops under its own laws and requires well-educated specialists with analytical mind and quick response. It is impossible to make progress in any venture without being experienced in the market economy. The future specialist should be aware of the basic economic notions: shares, dividends, bank loans, pricing, banking, etc. Every economist should keep in mind that market teaches to earn profit from turnover and not by increase in price. One should remember that business doesn’t forgive lightness, the wish to grow rich without putting much effort.

To master all the aspects of their future speciality the students study statistics, management, elementary market economics, marketing, accounting, a foreign language.

The aim of a manager in economics is maximizing profits with minimum expenses. After graduating from the university the students get a certificate of a manager in economics and can work as economists, managers, and accountants.

IV. Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of specialists does the department Organization and Economics in construction train?

  2. What is economics?

  3. What features must an economist possess?

  4. What should a future specialist be aware of?

  5. What should a manager in economics keep in mind?

  6. What subjects do the students study?

  7. What is the aim of a manager in economics?

V. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

развиваться по своим собственным законам; быть сведущим в рыночной экономике; помнить; получать прибыль с товарооборота; увеличение цен; увеличить прибыль с минимальными затратами; прилагать большие усилия; работать экономистом (в качестве экономиста); организация и экономика строительства; образованные специалисты; с аналитическим умом и быстрой реакцией; добиться успеха; основные экономические понятия.

VI. Перескажите текст.



The United Kingdom…………………………………………………….4

The Ufa State Petroleum Technological University……………………..8

My Speciality – Building Engineering………………………………….11

My Speciality – Water Supply and Drainage…………………………...13

My Speciality – Road Construction……………………………………..15

My Speciality – Architecture……………………………………………18

My Speciality – Geology and Geophysics………………………………20

My Speciality – Economics……………………………………………...22

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