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Пособие. Баранова Никулина.rtf
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IV. Make up sentences of your own using the words and word combinations given in tasks I and V.

V. Find the following word combinations in the text and explain their meaning:

  1. in desperate straits

  2. to be laid up with smth

  3. to stretch a point

  4. in the thick of things

  5. to turn up

VI. Paraphrase the following using the word combinations from task V:

  1. We arranged with Mathew to meet there at seven but he didn’t come.

  2. After the father got fired, our family got into a really bad financial situation.

  3. Harvey is a good journalist, and whatever happens, you can always find him among the acting crowd.

  4. Jane took to her bed with a most terrible fever.

  5. Although it was not our habit, we made an exception and talked to him.

VII. Answer the following questions:

  1. What way of spending money does Judy suggest to Daddy?

  2. What health problems does Judy have this time?

  3. With what result does Daddy follow Judy’s advice about the money?

  4. How does the family take it?

  5. What is Judy reading at the moment?

  6. What surprises her in men of the period she reads about?

  7. What change does Judy experience in her everyday college life?

  8. What sermon does Judy hear in church?

  9. What does she say of the John Grier Home this time?

  10. What book is Judy writing at the moment?

  11. What request does Judy have for Daddy?

  12. What does Jimmie McBride do after Princeton?

VIII. Give a good translation of the following passages in a written form:

  1. ‘This morning I did … of spotted fever.’

  2. ‘What do you think … Good night.’

  3. ‘It’s a beautiful day … make it eight.’

IX. Translate the sentences and comment on the notions in italics paying attention to their cultural meaning:

  1. The father worked in a glass factory and got consumption –it’s awfully unhealthy work – and now has been sent away to a hospital. That took all their savings

  2. But anyway, Daddy, I trust the good Lord will reward you suitably. You deserve ten thousand years out of purgatory.

  3. Judy Abbott, A.B.

X. Explain the use of the words given in italics:

  1. I don’t care much what happens to the mother – she is such a jelly-fish.

  2. I have quite a feeling of tenderness for it as I look back through a haze of four years.

  3. Sallie and I are embellishing Lock Willow with our presence during the Easter Vacation.

  4. I started it three weeks ago and am eating it up in chunks.

  5. This new book is going to get itself finished –and published!

  6. Goodbye, Daddy dear (I like to call you Daddy dear; it's so alliterative.)

  7. Commencement was as usual, with a few showers at vital moments.

XI. Task:

  1. What philosophic issues does Jerusha study at the moment? Have you ever heard of the philosopher whose ideas she describes? Do you agree with these ideas? What is Judy’s attitude to them? Find some additional information about this philosopher’s ideas.

  2. Have you ever heard about Jean-Jacques Rousseau whose name Judy mentions? Why does she mention him? Find some additional information about his philosophic ideas.

  3. Why does Judy feel such resentment against a traditional religious doctrine? What does she dislike about it? In what way does it characterize Judy’s personality?

  4. Why does Judy choose Lock Willow for her dwelling place after graduation? How does she explain her choice? Do you think Judy could spend all her life there (as she intends)? Why do you think so?