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Р. В. Хорень -- Английский язык. Лексико-грамматические тесты.doc
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Test 33

1. It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud {on, at, in) the sky.

2. When I'm a passenger {in, by, at) a car, I prefer to sit {in, by, at) the front.

3. He {sit) on the bank fishing when he (see) a man's hat floating down the river. It {seem) strangely familiar.

4. The house next to yours {be) full of policemen and police dogs yesterday.

- What they (do)? - I heard that they {look) for drugs. -They {find) any? — Yes, I believe one of the dogs {discover) something there.

5. It's a long time {for, since) I had a good rest.

6. In detective stories the murderer always {catch) which doesn't happen in real life.

7. Some people {can, must, may) break the law and get away with it. Others get punished.

8. There was {a, the, -) knock on (a, the, -) door. I opened it and found {a, the, —) small dark man in (a, the, —) blue overcoat and {a, the, -) woolen cap.

9. I'll wait as long as you {like), but don't let me down. 10. If he {not, stay) in bed for a couple of days at least, he

will never feel better.

11. I {be) interested in politics lately.

12. His theory is very difficult: very {a few, few, little) people {can, must, may) understand it.

13. When I got {for, into, to) the car this morning I found that (a, the, -) radio had been stolen.

14. She came in and (say) that the kettle {boil).

15. (A, the, -) pollution is one of (a, the, -) greatest problems facing (a, the, -) mankind.

16. Our luggage is very heavy. We {have to, may, should) take a porter.

17. I didn't see the signal, so I {not, stop).

18. I just {remember) that I {not, pay) the rent yet.

19. Tom {can, must, may) speak Welsh very well.

20. Could I speak {at, to) Jane, please?

Test 34

1. In {a, the, -) afternoon {a, the, -) wind increased and they soon found themselves in {a, the, —) difficulties.

2. We believe that he {have) special {knowledge, knowledges) which {may, can, should) be useful to the police.

3.1 {look) out before I {go) to bed and (see) a man {stand, 1 standing) on the opposite pavement watching the house.

4. You look exhausted! — Yes, I {play) tennis for two hours.

5.1 often {look) through my old photograph album. It's full of photographs of people {who, whose) names I completely {forget). I wonder what {happen) to them all.

6. When the Titanic {cross) {a, the, -) Atlantic, she struck (a, the, an, -) iceberg.

7. {Should, ought, be) I tell him {the, a) truth?

8. There {be) often accidents {at, by, in) these crossroads.

9. He {use) to smoke very heavily. Now he hardly smokes at all.

10. We {must, have, may) to take a taxi. Otherwise we'll be late.

11. He (park) his car and (rush) into the shop to buy some bread.

12. There was little time left but they (drive) at the top speed and (come) to the airport in time.

13. I already (pack) my things when Kitty entered the room.

14. You should change (a, the, your) wet shoes, or you'll catch another cold.

15. As she was very afraid (at, of, -) thieves, she locked up (a, the, -) house very carefully before she went to (a, the, -) bed.

16. {Could, may, should) you lend me your dictionary, please?

17. All sorts of things (leave) by passengers on buses.

18. Did you say that you (want) to help picking apples? I (could, may, have to) come on 10 October. - Oh, we (pick) them all by that time. But come all the same.

19. I (be) back again at the end of next month.

20. He is always (in, at) a hurry.