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Р. В. Хорень -- Английский язык. Лексико-грамматические тесты.doc
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Test 55

1.1 was said that I (get soaked) if I (not, take) my umbrella.

2. Jane (get) a new job not long ago, but she (complain) about it ever since.

3. Listen! Somebody (knock). It (be) Jim at the door.

4. The issue still (discuss) when I (inform) that the decision (not, take) yet.

5.1 doubt if he (be able to, can, must) work soon. His injuries are so severe.

6. Susan has ... degree in ... Literature from ... University of London.(a, the, -)

7. ... was said but ... was done, (many, lot, much, little) I'd like to see it vice versa.

8. The person who is sitting next (for, to, from) you is (a, the, -) famous pianist.

9. He is always in (a, the, -) hurry. He drives (at, with, in) (a, an, the, -) enormous speed.

10. Do you prefer hiking (for, of, to) travelling (by, in, at) your car?

11. When you (feel) thirsty later, room service (bring) you whatever you (order).

12. The police officer asked me what I (do) at the time when the accident (take) place.

13. I (work) for the last two hours and I (not, have) a rest for a single minute.

14. The headmaster asked what we (do) since he (give) us the task.

15. Business letters (are to, may, should) be brief and to the point.

16. James bought ... Levitan I was telling you about ... last week, (a, an, the, -)

17. There isn't (many, much, a lot of) harm in it. I advise you to get (much) information about it.

18. ... rich live in one of ... suburbs of ... city in their beautiful villas, (a, an, the, -)

19. (In, for, to) my mind, it was kind (of, from, to) you to help us.

20. I am not satisfied (for, with, about) the results of my paper (on, in, of) history.

Test 56

I. Harry (leave) London rather suddenly and we (not, hear) from him since that time.

2.1 (not, convince) the inspector that I (lose) my ticket only some moments before.

3. By the end of next week we (decide) what to do.

4.1 couldn't say that at that time I (count) on him in all difficult situations.

5. If you see the sign "No smoking" it (mean) that you (can't, shouldn't, mustn't) smoke.

6. This is ... last time I do you ... favour for ... while, (a, an, the, -)

7. (Nobody, anyone, none) of the new employees have been able to pass the test.

8. (In, at, for) the daytime the streets are crowded but (in, for, at) night they are quite deserted.

9. (A, the, -) more he read for the exam, (a, the, -) better it was for him.

10. She's been married (for, with, to) John (for, since, at) 12 years. They can be seen together everywhere: ... the parties, ... holiday, ... work, (for, at, on)

II. Whatever (happen), I (meet) you here in a week. I (wear) a long brown coat.

12. "I (do) it after all", exclaimed the winner. "I (work) (to, for, in) my victory all (these, that, this) years".

13. The trouble with you is that you constantly (complain).

14. James will always help his friends if they (ask).

15. You (don't have to, may not, aren't to) whisper. Nobody (can, can't, shouldn't) hear our conversation.

16. At... end of ... busy day, ... sleep is ... best remedy, (a, an, the, -)

17. Of all of the girls he phoned (nobody, anyone, none) were at home.

18. I haven't seen him (ago, long, for ages).

19. ... most of her stories about ... French are funny. She (treat) these people with ... humour, (a, the, -)

20. You (should, can, may) hurry if you want to catch (the, a, -) 7 o'clock train (in, to, out) Bristol.