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1C First impressions

Active vocabulary

Ex.1 p.12

To impress – производить впечатление

To impress sb with sth

To be impressed

Impression – впечатление

To gain an impression – получать впечатление

To make a good/ bad impression on sb – произвести хорошее/ плохое впечатление на кого-либо

Listening ex.1,2 p.12

Judge – судья, эксперт

To judge – оценивать, судить; считать, полагать

To judge by appearances – судить по внешнему виду

Judging by/ from sth – судя по

Scary – страшный, жуткий, ужасный

To scare – пугать, испугать

To be scared to death – испугаться до смерти

Word combinations

To have a soft spot for smb – питать к кому-либо нежные чувства, испытывать симпатию

To stick to sth – держаться, придерживаться; быть верным чему-то

To stick to ones word – держать слово, сдерживать обещание

Vocabulary exercises.

Ex.9 Read the following definitions and match them with active words and expressions.

  1. To think someone is nice, to like someone

  2. To make someone feel admiration and respect.

  3. Frightening.

  4. The opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem.

  5. The official in control of a court who decides how criminals should be punished.

  6. To do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in, even if it is difficult.

  7. To form or give an opinion about someone or something after thinking carefully about all the information you know about them.

  8. To make someone feel frightened.

  1. to impress

  2. impression

  3. judge

  4. to judge

  5. to scare

  6. scary

  7. to stick to

  8. to have a soft spot for sb

Ex.10 Fill in the gaps with active words and expressions.

To impress, impression (2), impressed (2), judge (2), to judge (2), judging from, to judge by appearances, scared to death (2), scary, to stick (2), to stick to one’s word, a soft spot (2)

  1. When writing an article, _____________ to one style throughout.

  2. That was a really ______________ film. I couldn’t help shaking with terror.

  3. I made a bad _______________ by arriving late for the interview.

  4. He is too quick to _________________ other people by their looks.

  5. I can't say I spare much sympathy for his crab-apple Sally, but Phyl has _____________for her.

  6. He was one of the ________________ at a flower-show.

  7. Don’t ask him to do something for you! He always promises to help but he never __________________________.

  8. She was very ________________ by one of the male dancers.

  9. The age of a good wine can be _______________ from its colour, smell, and taste.

  10. When I saw a giant spider I was ________________________!!! It was so awful!!!

  11. I beg you not to tell horror stories to Mark! After hearing them he has nightmares and cries a lot! He is really easily ______________________.

  12. A ______________ is a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronounce judgment upon them.

  13. I’ve always had __________________ for my math’s teacher.

  14. The headline gave a false __________________of what the article was about.

  15. When meeting people for the first time never ________________________________.Your first impression can be deceptive.

  16. If everyone ____________ to the rules, we shouldn’t have any problems.

  17. Her carvings attracted many admirers but her paintings failed to _____________.

  18. __________________what you say in the letter, you don’t sound well.

  19. What are you doing in there? I was _________________________! I thought a thief had broken in!

Ex.11 Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary.

  1. Чтобы получить работу, тебе нужно произвести хорошее впечатление на начальника.

  2. Никогда не судите о человеке по его внешности. Внешность обманчива.

  3. – Зачем ты так кричишь? Ты напугал моего котенка!

  4. – Ты только взгляни на Питера! Он глаз не отводит от Марии. Я думаю, что он к ней неравнодушен.

  5. – Я только что вернулась из кинотеатра. Фильм очень впечатлил меня!

  6. В нашем деле мы придерживаемся строгих правил.

  7. – Что это было? – Я разбил вазу. – Господи, ты меня до смерти напугал!

  8. Она поражает меня своим пониманием предмета.

  9. Судя по тому, что ты говоришь, у Питера снова большие неприятности.

  10. Он всегда держит свое слово и никогда не судит о людях по их внешности.

  11. Она сейчас работает судьей на выставке кошек.

  12. Он до смерти напугал меня своей шуткой про пожар!

  13. Мой брат всегда питал нежные чувства к своей коллеге Анне.

  14. Все знают, что он никогда не держит свое слово.

  15. – Что ты делаешь? – Я ищу свое новое платье. Я хочу произвести хорошее впечатление на родителей моего жениха.

Describing appearance

Ex.12 Complete the conversation between two friends, Julie (J) and Anita (A) with words or phrases from the box.

eyes big what do they look like shaved healthy, tanned average dark brown hair what’s his hair like pointed

J: We've got three new men in the office.

A: Anybody nice?

J: You mean, (1)___________?

A: OK. I admit it. I'm superficial. So?

J: Well ... Neil's (2)__________build, he's got a pale complexion and he's nearly bald. He's got small brown (3)___________and ... err, a ... a ... prominent nose.

A: You mean a 'big' nose? OK, so you aren't interested in him. And the other two?

J: Well, Jamie ... Jamie's really sporty ...

A: But you aren't interested in sports, Julie.

J: ... really sporty and he's got a muscular build, a (4)___________head and a (5)___________ complexion.

A: And a 'prominent' nose?

J: Er, no, a straight nose. And blue eyes. Yeah, (6)___________blue eyes.

A: I can see you like him. And the next contestant?

J: OK, that's George. He's slim, tanned ... he's got a round face, these big, dark brown eyes ....

A: And (7)___________? Wavy? Straight?

J: He's got thick, (8)___________. Oh, and a lovely, (9)_________ nose.

A: You like noses, don't you?

Ex.13 Underline the word that does not go with the noun. Can you think of any other words that can be used with these nouns?

  1. complexion pale shaved tanned fair

  2. build wide muscular average slim

  3. height short small muscular tall

  4. skin tanned plump dark pale

  5. face wavy freckled wrinkled oval

  6. eyes dark blond narrow almond-shaped

  7. eyebrows thick bushy square thin

  8. hair wavy prominent shiny curly

  9. nose slim pointed prominent upturned

  10. chin hooked double pointed round

  11. lips thin full long thick

Ex.14 Listen to the radio announcement and fill in the table below. Using the notes, describe each suspect; then, write each suspect’s description.

Suspect 1

Suspect 2





quite muscular







…….. ………





thick,…..., grey











Special features

walks with a limp


Ex.15 Describe the people in the pictures.

Ex.16 Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentences.

  1. Does she look as if / like her mother?

  2. They look as if / like boyfriend and girlfriend.

  3. My mother looks like / looks very tired. I think she works too much.

  4. Are you OK? You look as if / look you have just seen a ghost.

  5. He looks like / looks that film star, Orlando Bloom.

  6. She looks like / looks French. I think it's because of her clothes.

Ex.17 Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Она высокая стройная девушка 25-30 лет. У нее длинные вьющиеся светлые волосы. Ее глаза – голубые.

  2. Это высокий хорошо сложенный молодой человек 20-25 лет, с овальным лицом. У него темные короткие волосы и прямой нос.

  3. Это невысокая стройная женщина средних лет. У нее круглое лицо, короткие прямые рыжие волосы, тонкие брови, карие глаза.

  4. У моей сестры маленькое заостренное лицо, густые светлые волнистые волосы.

  5. – Я хочу познакомиться с твоей сестрой. Как она выглядит? – Она стройная симпатичная девушка. У нее блестящие светлые волосы, слегка заостренный носик и яркие голубые глаза.

Prepositional phrases.

Ex.18 a) Study the list of prepositional phrases and translate them into Russian.

To be interested in sth

To lie about sth

The truth about sb/ sth

To look at sb

No doubt about sth

At the moment

To arrive at

To arrive in

Similar to sth

Career in politics

To think of sb

To think about/of sb/sth

To care about sth

To spend money on sth

To waste money on sth

To happen to sb

Sb’s opinion of sb

To explain to sb

To listen to sb

Typical of sb

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