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ambassador n посол

appointment n назначение

assemble v созывать, собирать

Associate Justice член Верховного суда США

bargain v вести переговоры, договариваться

branch n власть; executive branch исполнительная власть; judicial branch

судебная власть; legislative branch законодательная власть

Chief Justice Председатель Верховного суда США

Circuit Court of Appeals окружной апелляционный суд (федеральный суд

второй инстанции в США)

civilian n штатский; гражданское лицо

conduct war v вести войну

contradict v противоречить

convict v 1 признать виновным; 2 осудить

convince v убеждать

count (upon) v рассчитывать на (что-либо, кого-либо)

Department of Agriculture Министерство сельского хозяйства

Department of Commerce Министерство торговли

Department of Defense Министерство обороны

Department of Education Министерство образования

Department of Energy Министерство энергетики

Department of Health and Human Services Министерство здравоохранения и

социального обеспечения

Department of Housing and Urban Development Министерство жилищного

строительства и городского развития

Department of the Interior Министерство внутренних дел

Department of Justice Министерство юстиции

Department of Labor (Laborамер. Labourангл.) Министерство труда

Department of State Государственный департамент, Министерство иностранных дел

Department of Transportation Министерство транспорта

Department of Treasury Министерство финансов

design v 1 составлять план, схему; 2 планировать

District Court 1 федеральный районный суд (федеральный суд первой

инстанции в США); 2 местный суд (в ряде штатов США)

domestic policy n внутренняя политика

flexible adj гибкий

foreign policy n внешняя политика

for life 1 на всю жизнь, до конца жизни, до смерти; 2 пожизненно

House of Representatives Палата представителей

impeach v ставить под сомнение чью-либо репутацию, обвинять (гражданское

должностное лицо) в ненадлежащем исполнении обязанностей

lawsuit n 1 судебное дело; 2 иск

make certain v удостовериться, убедиться

manage v вести ( дела)

native-born American коренной американец (не иммигрант)

negotiate a treaty with another nation заключить договор с другим


nominate v 1 назначать на пост с последующим утверждением Сенатом;

2 предлагать кандидата на Сенатское утверждение

obey the law v подчиняться закону

pardon v 1 прощать; 2 помиловать, оставлять без наказания

presiding officer n председательствующий

rely (on) v полагаться, надеяться

representative democracy n представительная демократия

Senate Сенат (верхняя палата конгресса США)

senator n член Сената США

separation of powers разделение властей

Speaker n спикер, председатель палаты парламента

standing committee n постоянный комитет

state elector член коллегии выборщиков штата

Supreme Court Верховный суд (федеральный и в большинстве штатов США)

term n период, срок, время; term of office срок полномочий

treaty n договор, соглашение

Reading tasks

A Answer these questions.

1 Why is the government of the USA called federal?

2 Does all the power belong to the federal government?

3 What branches does the government of the USA consist of?

4 Who represents the legislative power in the USA?

5 What is the main task of the Congress?

6 Where is most of the work of the Congress carried out?

7 Who does the executive power belong to?

8 Who may become the President of the USA?

9 Who is the President elected by?

10 Is it easy for the President to get the legislation through the Congress?

11 What is the major difference between American system of presidency and

presidency in countries with parliamentary systems?

12 Who are Presidential assistants and advisers?

13 What is the President responsible for?

14 What is the judicial branch of the government? What is its job?

15 What power does each state have?

B Are the following sentences about the American government true (T) or false (F)?

1 The government of the USA is composed of three branches.

2 The executive power is vested in the Congress.

3 The Senate has members from each state depending on population.

4 The Vice-President is the presiding officer in the House of Representatives.

5 Law-making is the main task of both houses of the Congress.

6 The Cabinet is the highest executive power of the government.

7 The US President must be 40 years old.

8 The President cannot serve more than two terms.

9 The President carries out the programmes of the government.

10 The President appoints secretaries of departments who are not necessarily

approved by the Congress.

11 The judicial branch has power over the other two branches.

12 The justices of the Supreme Court are appointed by the Senate for a term of four years.

B Complete these sentences using appropriate modal verbs: can, may or must.

1 No branch in the US government _____ have two much power thanks to the system of checks and balances.

2 A senator _____ be at least 30 years old.

3 According to the Constitution each house _____ determine the rules of proceedings.

4 The leaders of the House of Representatives _____ make key decisions about legislative work without consulting other House members.

5 The President and the majority in the Congress _____ be from different parties.

6 The President’s policies _____ be approved by the Congress before they _____ become law.

7 The President _____ be able to convince Congressmen of his point of view.

8 The head of each executive department _____ be approved by the Senate.

9 If the President disagrees with the bill and doesn’t sign it, he _____ veto it.

10 The President _____ do his job according to the Constitution or he _____ be impeached.

11 The judicial branch _____ declare the laws unconstitutional.

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