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ahead of time досрочно

chair v 1 возглавлять; 2 быть председателем

Chairman of the Central Bank Председатель центрального банка

citizenship n гражданство

commitment n обязательство

confer a title давать титул

consensual adj консенсуальный, основанный на устном соглашении сторон

constituent entity субъект Федерации

Constitutional Court конституционный суд

contradict v противоречить

dismiss v увольнять со службы

dissolve v распускать, прекращать деятельность

eligible adj обладающий избирательным правом

external policy внешняя политика

Federal Assembly Федеральное собрание

Federal Council Совет Федерации

federate division федеральный административный округ

honorary title почетное звание

in succession подряд, один за другим

internal policy внутренняя политика

introduce state of emergency вводить чрезвычайное положение

law-governed управляемый законом

Prosecutor General Генеральный прокурор

resign v 1 отказываться от должности; 2 слагать с себя обязанности;

3 уходить в отставку

resignation of the government отставка правительства

resolution n 1 решение; 2 разрешение (проблемы)

resolve the problem решать проблему

right to vote избирательное право

secret ballot тайное голосование

Security Council Совет безопасности

set up v учреждать

Chairman of the Government Председатель правительства

show mercy проявлять милосердие

significance n значение

State Duma Государственная Дума

Supreme Arbitrage Court Высший арбитражный суд

Supreme Commander-in-chief верховный главнокомандующий

Supreme Court Верховный суд

supreme special title высочайшее специальное звание

suspend v 1 приостанавливать; 2 откладывать; 3 (временно) прекращать

valid adj действительный

violate v нарушать, преступать

Reading tasks

A Answer these questions.

1 When was the Russian Federative Republic set up?

2 What type of state is Russia?

3 Who has the right to pass laws independently from the federal government?

4 When does the President use consensual procedures to resolve the problem?

5 Where is the dispute transferred to in case a consensus is not reached?

6 In which case does the President have the right to suspend acts passed by local

executive authorities?

7 What are the three independent branches of state power in Russia?

8 Who determines the basic objectives of internal and external policy?

9 What are the basic principles of voting when electing the President?

10 Who heads the Security Council?

11 What are other rights and duties of the President?

12 What happens if the President stops performing his duties ahead of time?

Language focus

A Complete these statements with the appropriate preposition from the box.

within on by in

throughout into about for

  1. The population of Russia is _______ 150 million people.

  2. The laws of constituent entities are valid _______ the territory of the appropriate division.

  3. The dispute is transferred to the court _______ its resolution.

  4. The President has the right to suspend acts passed _______ local authorities.

  5. State power is divided ______ three branches.

  6. One and the same person cannot serve as President for more than two terms _______ succession.

  7. Elections of a new President are to take place _______ three months.

  8. He has the right to introduce the state of emergency ______ the country.

B Complete the following text using the verbs in brackets in the present simple active or passive form.

Under the Constitution Russia is a Presidential Republic. The federal government 1) ________ (consist) of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each of them 2) ________ (balance) by the President. The legislative power 3) _______ (vest) in the Federal Assembly. It 4) _______ (consist) of two chambers. Each chamber 5) _______ (head) by the Speaker. The President 6) _______ (sign) treaties, 7) _______ (enforce) laws, 8) ________ (appoint) ministers to be approved by the Federal Assembly.

The executive power 9) _______ (belong) to the government which 10) _______ (head) by the Prime Minister.

The judicial branch 11) _______ (represent) by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and district courts.

The members of the Federal Assembly 12) ______ (elect) by popular vote for a four year period.

B Match these words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.




международные обязательства


to pass law




to be valid


принять закон


appropriate division


достичь согласия


to reach consensus


вводить чрезвычайное положение


to suspend the activity of an act


соответствующий административный округ


international obligations


приостановить действие закона


criminal legislation


быть действительным


external policy


внешняя политика


to perform one’s duties


освободить (от должности)


to release


выполнять свои обязанности


to introduce a state of emergency


уголовное законодательство

C Complete the diagram about the competence of the Russian President

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