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publication издание

an advantage преимущество

in shaping public opinion в формировании общественного


regularly регулярно

detail подробность

to cover охватывать

weekly newspaper еженедельная газета

the proceeding week на предыдущей неделе

local-news местные новости

to serve обслуживать

circulation тираж

wedding свадьба

a guide to TV programs телепрограмма

death смерть

finance финансы

birth рождение

community общество


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Look through the vocabulary. Make a situation or sentences

using the words.

III. Learn the words and be ready to write a dictation.

IV. Translate into Russian.

To present and to comment on the news, to play an important role in informing people of current events, the first handwritten newspaper, public places, the earliest daily newssheet, the first printed newspaper, carved wooden blocks, over other mass media, to focus on, event, as well, to provide information, the circulation of some weeklies, copy, daily.

V. Translate into English.

Издание, которое представляет и комментирует новости, информировать людей, общественные места, определенный, СМИ, события, специализироваться на, также, обеспечивать, около, ежедневная и еженедельная газета, местные новости, статьи, секция, тема, комиксы.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is newspaper?

2. What role do newspapers play in the community?

3. What quality have the first newspapers?

4. Enumerate the earliest daily newssheets.

5. What advantages have newspapers over other mass media?

6. Do you read newspapers?

7. What kind of newspapers do you prefer to read?

8. In what topics do you interested in?

9. Can you enumerate local newspapers of your region?

10. What is the difference between daily and weekly newspapers?

VII. Tell your group mates the most interesting article you’ve


VIII. Retell the text. Radio

Radio is one of the most important means of communication. The most widespread and familiar use of radio is broadcasting. Radio broadcasts feature music, news, interviews, discussions, descriptions of sports events, advertising. People wake up to clock radios and listen to radio driving a car. They also spend much of their free time hearing their favourite programs on radio.

Radio broadcasting once had the same entertainment role as television has today. From the 1920's to the early 1950's, in the Golden Age of Broadcasting, people gathered around their radios every night. They listened to dramas, light comedies, music, and other programs. This period ended with the rise of television.

There are more than 25 000 radio stations and more than 1 750 millions of radios in the world. A major reason for the widespread use of radio is its portability. It means that a radio can be carried around easily. People like to listen to it in homes, at beaches and picnics, while walking down the street or driving a car.

About 90% of all radio programs in the US provide entertainment and only 10% provide some kind of information. Music is the chief kind of radio entertainment. Usually, stations specialize in one kind of music such as rock, classi­cal, country, etc. Such stations have disc jockeys who introduce and comment on the music.

Programs that provide information include newscasts, talk shows, and descriptions of sport events. Newscasts may include weather forecasts, traffic reports, and stock market information. Talk shows present discussions on current political topics such as an election or government policy or on a social issue, such as crime, pollution, poverty, racism, or sexism. Each show has a host or hostess who leads the discussion. Listeners are invited to telephone the stations to ask question or give their opinion about the topic. Most of the games played by major league baseball, basketball and hockey teams in the US and Canada are broadcast on radio.