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Where is wonda?

Jenny Gee

One of my reliable sources asked me not to mention her name, but said she could tell me why June Wonda had stopped making her new film. It seems her doctor had advised _______________________. So June went to her director, Sam Hill, and asked _______________________. Sam just ordered _______________________ and told _______________________. There and then June's co-star, Willy Sprout, told Hill _______________________ and proposed _______________________ before deciding anything. But next morning Hill demanded _______________________, and advised _______________________ as she could get. He also suggested _______________________ and told _______________________.

***TASK 23. Translate into English.

    1. Врач порекомендовал пациенту полежать в постели несколько дней и принимать все прописанные ему лекарства.

    2. Мама попросила детей не забыть убрать в своих комнатах и купить хлеба и молока по пути из школы домой.

    3. Пассажир попросил водителя такси не гнать машину слишком быстро, так как его жена боится скорости.

    4. Хозяин оставил собаку перед входом в магазин и приказал ей, чтобы она сидела, сторожила его сумку и не позволяла никому прикасаться к ней.

    5. Экзаменатор предупредил студентов, чтобы они не консультировались друг с другом и не списывали во время теста.

    6. Полицейский посоветовал мистеру Смиту припарковать машину за углом, подальше от пешеходного перехода.

    7. Уходя на работу, миссис Пойнтер проинструктировал няню не давать детям ничего сладкого перед обедом и не позволять им долго играть в саду, так как погода была сырой и ветреной.

    8. Наша хозяйка посоветовала нам в пятницу не возвращаться домой позже 9 часов вечера, так как это самое опасное время в Лондоне.

    9. Экскурсовод предупредила нас, чтобы мы громко не разговаривали и не трогали экспонаты руками.

    10. После этого чрезвычайно трудного дня Мистер Блэк предложил подвезти меня домой и посоветовал мне не обращать внимания на недружелюбное поведение некоторых наших коллег.

    11. Преподаватель порекомендовал студентам внимательно слушать объяснение нового материала и пообещал дать контрольную работу на этот материал на следующем занятии.

    12. Старая дама попросила молодую продавщицу принести ей стакан воды, так как у нее закружилась голова.

    13. Денни предложил пойти поехать на пикник в субботу. Он попросил своего отца одолжить ему машину и посоветовал всем нам взять с собой мячи и бадминтонные ракетки.

    14. Генерал приказал солдатам не открывать огонь до особого приказа.

    15. Фотограф попросил детей посидеть несколько минут спокойно и пообещал, что они увидят птичку.

Present perfect

Formation: have/has + Past Participle

e.g. I have seen Peter twice today. – Have you seen Ann too? – No I haven’t seen her yet.

Jenny has lost her ring. - Has she lost her watch too? – No, luckily she hasn’t.

Present Perfect is used:

  1. Present perfect connects the past and the present. That is, it describes actions, which started in the past and continue up to the present or actions, which were completed in the past but whose results affect the present.

e.g. Mrs. Swift has looked after little children all her life.

I’ve done all my work for today and I’m free now.

  1. Present perfect is used to describe an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with stative verbs such as have, like, know, be, etc. In this case, prepositions for and since are often used.

e.g. They have been friends for twenty years.

(They met each other twenty years ago and they are still friends.)

They have been friends since they met in 1990.

  1. Present perfect is also used for an action, which has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present.

e.g. Look at my basket. I’ve picked a lot of apples.

(The apples are in the basket, so the action has finished.)

4. Present perfect is also used in clauses of time and condition for an action, which will be over before a certain moment in the future,

e.g. The doctor will stay with us until your sister has fully recovered.

Could you wait till I have made these sandwiches?

5. Present Perfect is also used for an action, which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not important, so it is not mentioned. The emphasis is placed on the action,

e.g. Paul has broken his arm. (The exact time is not mentioned because what is important is the fact that his arm is broken.)

Peter has been to Paris four times. (The exact time of each of his visits is not mentioned. What is important is the fact that he has visited Paris four times.)

6. Present Perfect is also used for an action which has happened within a specific time period, which is not over at the moment of speaking, such as today, this morning, this afternoon/week/month/year, etc.

e.g. Pat has received three faxes this morning. (The action has been repeated three times up to now and may happen again because the time period - this morning - is not over yet.)

She received three taxes this morning and answered all of them. (The time period – this morning - is over. It is now probably afternoon or evening).

  1. Present Perfect is usually used in the attributes the first, the second, the only, etc.,

e.g. It is the only book the writer has written.

It is the first time I have tasted mango juice.

It is the second time you’ve told it to me.

  1. Present Perfect is used for ‘breaking the news’

e.g. Mum, I have got married!

Miss Flora, Peter has broken one of the windows in the classroom!

  1. Present Perfect is used to speak about people’s life experiences,

e.g. I have been to many European countries.

John has never eaten fried bananas before.

  1. Present Perfect is used to speak about a series of repeated actions in the recent past,

e.g. Maria has typed ten reports today.

  1. Present Perfect is preferably used in negative sentences instead of Present Perfect continuous,

e.g. What has Bertha been doing all day? – I don’t know for sure, but I do know that she hasn’t lazed about.

  1. Present Perfect is usually used with the following time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time):

  • already

e.g. We have already seen this film.

Have you finished this book already? (surprise)

  • yet

e.g. Has Roger left yet?

Simon has not finished painting the hall yet.

  • just

e.g. I have just phoned Jill.

The postman has just brought a letter for Jane.

  • always, often

e.g. Mary has always loved animals, she is going to be a vet.

How often have you seen Robert this year?

  • ever, never

e.g. Have you ever been abroad?

I have never eaten oysters.

  • so far

e.g. I have sent twenty invitations so far.

What have you done so far?

  • lately, recently

e.g. Peter has had a lot of good luck lately/recently.

I haven’t seen much of him lately/recently.


    • Yet” and “alreadyin general interrogative sentences have different meaning. “Already” is used to show surprise,

e.g. Have you already done your homework? It can’t be so! You began only 10 minutes ago.

Yet” has no emotional colouring,

e.g. Have you done your homework yet? Good. Now we can play football.

  • Recently’ = not long ago = недавно

  • Lately’ = recently, in the recent past = в последнее время; за последнее время

  • For’ ≠ ‘during’.

During’ is used to say ‘when’ something happened and is used with past tenses,

e.g. It rained all Monday but stopped raining during the night.

Paul was ill for a week and during that time he didn’t eat anything.

For’ answers the question ‘how long?’ and can be used with all tenses,

e.g. I’m going to stay in Kiev for 3 weeks. (present continuous)

I stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks last year. (past indefinite)

I have stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks already. (present perfect)

I have been staying in Kiev for 3 weeks already. (present perfect continuous)

I had stayed in Kiev for 3 weeks before moving to Lviv. (past perfect)

How long will you stay in Kiev? – I’m not sure. Probably, I will stay for 3 weeks. (future indefinite)

*/**TASK 24. Fill in “for” or “since” in the sentences below.