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Практична граматика англійської мови для першок....doc
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Part a.

When Simon _________ (to arrive) at the cinema, dozens of people _________ (to queue) outside. They _________ (to wait) to see the same film as Simon. Simon, however, _________ (to buy) a ticket in advance, so he _________ (to walk) straight to the front of the queue and _________ (to enter) the cinema. He _________ (to feel) relieved that he didn't have to queue. He _________ (to reach) his seat just as the lights _________ (to go down) for the start of the film.

Part b.

Last weekend, Cathy _________ (to hire) a car and _________ (to drive) to the seaside. When she _________ (to arrive) the wind _________ (to blow) and the sky _________ (to be) cloudy. She _________ (to get out) of the car and _________ (to take) a walk along the seafront. Then she _________ (to decide) to go for fish and chips at a nearby restaurant that she, _________ (to see) earlier and liked the look of. By the time she _________ (to leave) the restaurant, it already _________ (to grow) dark. As she _________ (to walk) to her car it _________ (to begin) to rain. However, Cathy_________ (not to mind) because she _________ (to have) a wonderful day.

Part c.

One fine morning, a man _________ (to fish) in a river. The sun _________ (to shine) and the man _________ (to sit) on the river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man _________ (to wait) patiently for several hours when suddenly he _________ (to feel) something pulling on the fishing line. He _________ (to stand up) quickly and _________ (to begin) to take in the line. He just _________ (to lift) the huge fish he __________ (to catch) out of the water when there _________ (to be) a loud splash and it _________ (to fall) back into the river. At first, the man _________ (not to know) what _________ (to happen). Then, he _________ (to look) carefully at his fishing line. It _________ (to snap). The poor man _________ (to be) so disappointed that he _________ (to pack) away all his things and _________ (to go) home.

*TASK 49. Choose the correct grammar form for the answer to each question.

  1. 'Were you expecting James and Paul to stay for dinner?' - 'No, but I _________ (to prepare) a lot of food, so it didn't matter.'

  2. 'Tony has been singing for years, hasn't he?' - 'Yes. He _________ (to make) his first record when he was sixteen,'

  3. 'There was a power cut last night.' - 'I know. I _________ (to do) some paperwork when the lights _________ (to go) out.'

  4. 'Did you see Paul Simon in concert?' - 'No. I was hoping to get tickets, but they _________ (to sell) them out.'

  5. 'The restaurant was packed last night.' - 'Yes. Luckily, I _________ (to book) a table in advance.'

  6. 'Did you watch the film yesterday?' - 'No. It _________ (to finish) by the time we got home.'

  7. 'Did you stay up late last night?' - 'No. I _________ (to work) all day, so I _________ (to go) to bed early.'

  8. 'Did you enjoy your holiday?' - 'Yes. We _________ (to spend) most of our time on the beach.'

  9. 'Kim looked tired this morning.' - I know. She _________ (to study) all night long.'

  10. 'So what happened?' - 'We _________ (to walk) through the woods when we _________ (to hear) a gunshot.'

**TASK 50. Wat Piston is an inventor. Read this article about one of his inventions. Use the correct form verb given in brackets.

Wat Piston, who last year _________ (to receive) a prize for his invention of the Piston Gas Fire, now _________ (to invent) a new type of steam engine When I _________ (to interview) him recently at his home in York he _________ (to tell) me about it. 'I _________ (to get) the idea from some work I _________ (to do) many years ago for the Steam Preservation Society', he _________ (to say). 'For years now, people _________ (to think) that there is no future for steam as an everyday source of power. Indeed, after the railways _________ (to stop) using steam engines people almost _________ (to forget) about it .Yet steam_________ (to be) the main source of power in this country for over 150 years, until World War Two. I always _________ (to believe) that steam has a future as well as a past.'

Piston is a remarkable man, who _________(to have) an unusual career. He _________ (to leave) school when he was 15, and _________ (not to have) any training as an engineer until he was 35. Yet now he _________ (to design) a steam engine more efficient than any of the engines that _________ (to be built) during the great age of steam. 'The engineers of the past _________ (to be) great men', he says. 'But they _________ (not to develop) the best possible steam engine. The

techniques I _________ (to invent) will change that.'

**TASK 51. Joe Morran was one of the few survivors when the S.S. Gigantic sank on its first voyage across the Atlantic. Complete his story by putting the words in brackets into one of the past forms.

It all seems like yesterday. Did you know that the newspapers _________(to say) the Gigantic was unsinkable? The King himself _________ (to launch) the ship, and we were all so proud of her. Everyone said she was the greatest ship that

People ever _________ (to build), anywhere or anytime. And then I remember the voyage itself, and that terrible night. All evening the passengers _________ (to enjoy) themselves. Some of them _________ (to drink) champagne and others _________ (to dance). And then came the horrifying crash.

Actually, it was just bad luck that we hit the iceberg. Another ship the Luxor, _________ (to pass) us only two hours earlier. Later I heard that it _________ (to try) to warn us of the danger ahead, but its radio _________ (to break down). In fact, when we struck the iceberg we already _________ (to sail) among small icebergs for half an hour and we already _________ (to reduce) speed. All the same, it seemed to rush at us out of the darkness. The look-out, who _________(to see) it first, tried to warn the captain, but by then it was too late.

**TASK 52. Complete this newspaper report by making correct verb forms from the words in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possibility.


Ron and Emma Wilson of Paisley _________ ( to have) a wonderful

surprise last week. They _________ (to discover) they _________ (to win) 200,000 pounds in the Scottish National Lottery. Emma _________ (to buy) tickets for the lottery for years, but until last week she never _________ (to win) anything. She told our reporter, 'I just _________ (to talk) to Ron about our money problems when the postman _________ (to bring) the letter that _________ (to tell) us about our win. Of course, we're very happy''

Until recently, Ron _________ (to work) at Oldfield Steelworks. But then an injury at work _________ (to force) him to retire. Indeed, the Wilsons _________ (to think) of moving to a smaller house because their present house _________ (to become) too expensive for them.

Emma said, 'All my life I _________ (to wonder) what it would be like to have enough money, and not have to count every penny. Now that this money _________ (to come along), it's like a miracle!'

The Wilsons already _________ (to decide) on some of the things they want to do with their prize. In fact, last week they _________ (to try) to buy a big new house, but the owner already _________ (to sell) it, 'Now we _________(to start) to look for another one, somewhere near the place we love best, the Scottish Highlands.'

**TASK 53. Read the sentences given below, find the ones that have mistakes and correct them.

  1. When did he died?

  2. I had been working when the fire started.

  3. He didn't gave me the money.

  4. Why you didn't come for classes yesterday?

  5. How long do you live in this city?

  6. The accident has happened at 6:45 this morning.

  7. They got married five years ago.

  8. When he came to the U.S., he had never studied English before.

  9. He has been married for ten years. He got divorced two years ago.

  10. She had left her dictionary in the library yesterday.

  11. He wants to be a doctor ever since he was a little boy.

  12. They were watching TV at 9:30 last night.

  13. They were living in Germany when the war broke off.

  14. While they were living in Thailand, they were studying English.

  15. I am studying English for five years now.

  16. I'm a nurse now. I had been a nurse for ten years.

***TASK 54. Translate into English.

  1. Фрэнк, я слышал, ты нашел новую работу. – Да, я очень рад. Мне нравится и мой новый начальник и люди, с которыми я буду работать, и мой новый офис. – А как долго ты искал это место? – Очень долго. К тому времени, как я его нашел, я уже потерял всякую надежду. Но мне очень повезло, едва я позвонил в эту фирму, как меня пригласили на собеседование. – Я тоже рад за тебя. Удачи тебе. – Спасибо.

  2. Два месяца назад моя подруга бросила курить. Это было для нее нелегко, так как она курила с восьмого класса. Она несколько раз пыталась это сделать, но каждый раз ей не хватало силы воли. Кроме того, почти все девочки в ее университетской группе тоже курили. – Так что же помогло ей? – Парень, в которого она влюбилась. Он не курит и терпеть не может, когда кто-то курит в его присутствии, особенно девчонки. – А ты уверена, что твоя подруга не начнет снова курить, если ей понравится другой парень? – Надеюсь, что нет.

  3. Почему вы так расстроены? – Два дня назад я получила невероятно большой счет за телефон, тысячу гривень. –Не может быть! Вы что, разговаривали со всеми вашими друзьями, которые сейчас живут за границей? – Нет. Как оказалось, это был мой младший сын. Как только он выучил все цифры от 1 до 10, он позвонил по номеру «Сказка по телефону», который он увидел в детской телепрограмме. Когда нас не было дома, он звонил туда каждый день. – И вы все это время ничего не знали? – Когда мы узнали, было уже поздно, мы получили этот ужасный счет. – Да, я вам очень сочувствую.

  4. Дик, я не ожидал увидеть тебя в автобусе. Ты ведь всегда ездишь на работу на машине, не так ли? Что случилось с твоей машиной? – Я вчера попал в аварию. Я, как видишь, не пострадал, но машину придется ремонтировать. – Как это случилось? – Я ехал по довольно-таки оживленной улице, когда на дорогу выскочила собака. Я резко затормозил и остановился, чтобы ее не сбить. Машина, которая ехала сзади меня, была слишком близко. Водитель оказался новичком, Он водит машину только два месяца. Он не смог вовремя остановиться, и его машина врезалась в мою (to hit). – Я надеюсь, повреждения не очень серьезные? – Нет, не очень, кроме того, ремонт будет оплачивать водитель, который виноват в происшествии.

  5. Мистер Блумсберг, что вы делали в 9.30 сегодня утром? – Я разговаривал по телефону с нашим партнером в Варшаве. А почему вас это интересует? – Мы сейчас опрашиваем всех сотрудников фирмы, так как примерно в это время кто-то украл секретные документы из кабинета вашего начальника. Сколько времени вы уже пробыли в своем офисе, до того как вы позвонили в Варшаву? – Приблизительно 45 минут, так как я сегодня пришел на работу на четверть часа позже. – Спасибо, мистер Блумсберг. Если кто-нибудь из ваших коллег подтвердит ваше алиби, мы больше не будем вас беспокоить.


Formation: shall/ will + bare infinitive

e.g. It will rain tomorrow. – Will it also snow? – No, it will not (won’t) as it will not be cold enough.

Future Indefinite is used:

  1. To give and ask for information about the future.

e.g. Will you go to Kiev by plane or travel by train?

  1. In predictions about the future when a person expresses his/her opinion, usually with the verbs and expressions given below

to think to believe to feel to hope to expect to doubt to know to suppose to be sure to be certain to be afraid

certainly probably perhaps surely

e.g. I’m afraid we won’t be in time for the lecture.

I’m sure she will come.

It will certainly rain tonight.

They will probably wait for us.

2. For “on-the-spot decisions”, which are taken at the moment of speaking,

e.g. Oh, Tom hasn’t come yet. What do you think has happened? OK, I’ll phone him and find out.

  1. For promise, threats, warnings, requests, hopes, offers.

to promise to swear to hope to guarantee

e.g. I will phone you as soon as I can.( promise)

Mum will punish you if you go out tonight. (threat, warning)

Will you do me a favour?

Will you help me with my work? (request)

Shall I give you a hand? (offer) = Тебе помочь? / Тобі допомогти?

4. For actions (events, situations), which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control.

e.g. The temperature will reach 40 °C tomorrow.

As soon as spring comes birds will start building nests.

5. In the main clause of sentences containing subordinate clauses of time and condition,

e.g. If Mary is late, we’ll start our discussion without her.

You will be able to go out when it is warmer.

6. Future Indefinite is used with the following time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time)