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Ex. 1. Put the animals in the chart. Add several animals to each column.

Ant, bat, bear, bee, budgerigar, butterfly, chimpanzee, cow, donkey, eagle, fly, wolf, eel, goat, goldfish, owl, octopus, pigeon, rabbit, seagull, shark, sheep, whale.

Wild animals

Farm animals




Sea creatures

Ex. 2. Study the table of baby animals in additional exercises. Complete the words from the list.

calf chicken foal kitten lamb puppy







Ex. 3. In pairs answer the questions below.

1. Which wild animals are you most afraid of?

2. Which wild animals do you think are most “human”?

3. Are you afraid of insects? Which ones? Why?

4. If you could be an animal, which would you choose to be? Why?

5. Have you got any pets? How long have you had them?

6. What animal do you think makes the best pet for children/for old people/for working adults?

Ex. 4. Read the text and do the tasks.

a) What kind of noise pollution is there in the country?

b) Read this true story about Mr. and Mrs. Fussey and answer the questions.

1. Why did they buy their house?

2. Why did they complain to the local environmental health department?

3. What do they want to do now?

c) Put these pieces of extra information into the text. Write a-e in spaces 1-5.

- who lives next door

- who is now suffering from depression

- who agreed that the noise was unacceptable

- which has a large garden

- which were two metres high

Margaret Fussey and her husband Christopher bought their house in the country 12 years ago because it was so peaceful. The house, ____ (1), was just what they had always wanted. However, last spring Fred Kennedy, ______ (2), built two aviaries in his garden. In the aviaries, ______ (3), he put 45 budgies. “We had expected a certain amount of noise from neighbours, but not this. The birds started singing at eight in the morning and didn’t stop until the evening. We were getting no peace and felt permanently stressed,” says Mrs. Fussey. The couple complained to the local environmental health department, ____ (4). They took Mr. Kennedy to court - but lost. “We’d like to sell the house now,” says Mrs. Fussey, _____ (5), “but nobody wants to buy it with all these birds next door.”

Ex. 5. Comprehension questions.

      1. Do you have a garden or a balcony?

      2. Do you grow plants, flowers, vegetables or herbs?

      3. Have you ever planted anything in a garden?

      4. Do you have any pot-plants?

      5. What is your favourite flower?

      6. Have you ever grown anything that you could eat?

      7. Do you know what compost is?

      8. Have you ever planted anything from seed and watched it grow?

      9. What would you want to grow in a vegetable garden?

      10. Have you been to a nursery?

      11. Do you notice how some trees change in the different seasons?

      12. What are the easiest things to grow in a garden?

      13. What is your favourite fruit?

      14. Do you know what season this fruit is available?

      15. What kind of fruit is grown in your home country?

      16. What kind of herbs do you use in cooking?

      17. What would you grow in a herb garden?

      18. Do you prefer to plant seeds or seedlings?

      19. Do you know the names of any native plants or flowers?

      20. Do you know the benefits of growing native plants in your garden?

      21. What do you think of the idea that you should talk to your plants and give them love?

      22. In English, they say someone has “green fingers” if plants grow well for them. Do you enjoy gardening and looking after plants? Do you have green fingers?