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Military career. Political activity

In the beginning of the The English civil war Cromwell led a detachment of the sixty-riders as captain. Later this group was transformed into the famous "Железнобокую cavalry", which, in turn, served as the basis of his New model army.

Leadership talent Cromwell was revealed in a series of battles, especially in the the battle of Marston-Moore (1644). His troops invariably won supporters of the king. It is the army of Cromwell defeated broke Charles I in the final battle of neyzbi on June 14, 1645. As the leader of the parliamentary puritan coalition (also known as "круглоголовые" because of the military-short hair) and the commander of the army of the New model, Cromwell defeated the king Charles Iputting an end to the claims of the monarch on the absolute power.

Oliver Cromwell, having certain powers, and abolished the upper house of parliament and appointed a council of his military colleagues-protestants. When a new leader, Oliver Cromwell, were published the following decrees: the prohibition of duels in the army, the legal status of civil (without the rite of the wedding) marriages, the transition of all of the royal property to the state treasury. Cromwell also received the title of generalissimo. However, took power into their own hands (received the new title of lord protector), Cromwell began to make a truly "iron" the procedure for actually establishing a dictatorship. He brutally suppressed the rebellion in Ireland and Scotland. So on September 3 1650 in the battle of Dunbar was utterly defeated, almost twice exceeding the number of scottish army. Exactly in a year, on September 3 1651 the british under the walls of the Worcester under the command of Oliver Cromwell defeated the scots. Divided the country into twelve military governments headed by accountable to him personally, general-majors. Introduced the protection of the main roads. Established system of collection of taxes. Money, and considerable, all the reforms he has collected from the defeated supporters of the king.

During his reign of Oliver Cromwell made peace with Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Portugal. He continued the war with his old enemy of England - Spain. Once in the country to make the order, Cromwell approved the emergence of a new parliament. Oliver Cromwell refused to accept the crown, and was given the honor of himself to appoint a successor, the new lord protector.

Until the death of the possessed popular with the people, including the image of the "national "policy in contrast to the respectable gentry and the king. Of particular importance in this case there was such a feature of Cromwell, as the absolute integrity. Also it is important to note that Cromwell was always under protection (there were several units permanently removable each other on the schedule of shifts) and often changed the place of the night.

Until the death of Cromwell's England was a republic. After his death the lord protector became his eldest son Richard, and the Oliver was buried with great pomp. However, it was then the country started this chaos, chaos and disorder. The deputies afraid of the prospects of such a situation in the country and quickly called to the throne of the son of recently executed their king Charles I — Charles II. After that Cromwell's body was dug out of the grave and strung up on the gallows, as it was to do with the state traitors.

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