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Resolution of judaism and usury

The jews, who lived in England, were engaged in usury, which was prohibited by other religions. King Of England Edward I in 1275 issued Jewish statute of the, which forbade usury and to the jews and forced them to engage in other professions. In 1290, he published Edict of exile, according to which the jews were expelled from England, and more than three and a half centuries they were prohibited from residing in the state.

The leader of the amsterdam jewish community rabbi Menashe Ben-Israel writes "a Humble Appeal to the Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland in the name of the Jewish Nation". In September 1655, he arrives in London, where Cromwell took him under his protection and even appoints him a pension. In the soon return of the british isles r. Menashe saw the implementation of the ancient prophecies. In his book Mikveh Yisrael (the Assembly of Israel) , he wrote: "Even before геулы, the final redemption of the jewish people, will be undertaken said in the Torah: "And hath scattered thee g-d from the ends of the earth and to the ends of the earth" (Deuteronomy 28:64) - and get the sons of Israel in my wanderings on the "edge of the earth", in England. "His hopes of success were based on the belief that the English the puritans shared милленаризм Dutch calviniststhat the 1000 years of the kingdom of the jews shall be scattered on all inhabited countries.

October 31, rabbi Menashe Ben-Israel appealed to the council of State with the petition of the seven points, in which, in particular, called to allow the return of the jews to England.

This issue was discussed at a convened by Cromwell in Whitehall, from 4 to 18 December, the conference of politicians, lawyers and theologians. The majority of conference participants were subjected to offer Cromwell criticism, angered the lord protector dismissed the assembly and allowed the jews to return to England informally.

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