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Today fossil-fuel power plants account for the bulk of world electric energy production. Fossil-fuel supplies, however, are limited and these resources could be found in some other applications. Alternative sources of electric supply, such as solar energy, wind power, are rather questionable and their technology is a matter of future. While the consumption of the electric energy steadily rises.

The nuclear power industry helps with this problem. The Soviet Union pioneered in the nuclear power technology and the first nuclear power plant was built in the town of Obninsk in 1954. The outstanding contribution to the development of the nuclear power engineering was made by I.V. Kurchatov.

Since that time continuous efforts are being made to improve the nuclear power technology and to develop new most promising types of equipment. The Russian Federation has accumulated a vast wealth of experience in the manufacture of equipment for nuclear power plants. The most advanced facility manufacturing the brand new equipment for nuclear power stations is “Atommash” in the town of Volgodonsk.

“Atommash” was founded in 1976 as an enterprise specialized in production of equipment for nuclear power plants in Russia and abroad. After introducing and developing market relations in Russia “Atommash” works has been diversifying.

The optimum application of production facilities makes it possible master production output of equipment for metallurgy, petroleum and gas-refining industries, construction industry and agriculture. Equipment manufactured at “Atommash” works is used at enterprises of different industries all over the world. The wide spectrum of transport communications enables this plant to make shipment to clients located in various regions of the country and abroad.

Production potentials of the enterprise are determined by unique metal cutting, forming, heat-treatment, welding equipment. Enterprise laboratories are fitted out with equipment of foreign and domestic firms which are leaders in the field of non-destructive and other laboratory controls. Carnage of the enterprise has lifted capacity up to 1200 tons in the production shops and at the port.

The main products of the Works are power reactors, steam generators, refueling machines, pressurizes, tanks for emergency cooling systems, biological protection systems. The range of equipment produced by “Atommash” for NPP includes 125 items.

Six factory blocks occupy the area of 1,000,000 sq. m. the work is divided into manufacturing units. Manufacturing Division 1 embraces about 20 workshops and is responsible for the manufacture of reactor vessels, steam generators and other handling equipment.

On August 15, 1978 the first cut was made on the barrel of the first reactor vessel and in February 1981 its fabrication was completed. On December 17, 1978 manufacturing facilities were commissioned which were capable of turning out reactor equipment for 3 million kW annually. Nowadays the Amalgamation is capable of producing reactor equipment for 5 million kW annually.

“Atommash” is outfitted with most up-to-date manufacturing equipment representing the state-of-the-art in the machine-building industry. The unique machine tools, heat treating furnaces, a hardening complex are run by specially-trained operators who were granted permit to work on the equipment for nuclear power industry. One of the basic requirements to these products is high quality and service reliability.

The high quality of the products for nuclear power industry is ensured by a multi-level quality control which is provided by various laboratories from the Quality Assurance Department. Diversified methods of quality control are used at “Atommash” – ultrasonic inspection, X-ray tests, magnetic particle inspection, etc.

Engineers, executives officers of various services have developed some interesting innovatory features. Among them are: automatic welding of Y-shapes branches to steam generators, forming of weldless bottom covers for reactors. All these operations have found first application at “Atommash”. At present the “Atommash” staff are engaged in the development of a novel piece of equipment, viz. fast reactor BN-800.

“Atommash” maintains wide and diversified contacts with the scientific community. Directly involved in the “Atommash” activities are several scientific research and design institutes. Long-standing and close links are maintained by “Atommash” with the world-renowned Paton Welding Institute. And it is quite natural because welding accounts for 40 percent in the overall volume of work on manufacture of the equipment for nuclear power stations.

The “Atommash” products are delivered to many nuclear power projects in the Russian Federation (in Rostov, Novovoronezh, Moscow) as well as to the projects being built in different countries.

2.Переведите на русский язык следующие английские сочетания:

1. gas-refining industries

2. manufacturing units

3. reactor vessels

4. state-of-the-art

5. heat treating furnaces

6. ultrasonic inspection

7. weldless bottom

8. long-standing

9. fossil-fuel power plants

10. alternative sources of electric supply

3.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. оптимальное применение

2. парогенераторы

3. производственные единицы

4. подъемно-транспортное оборудование

5. современное состояние

6. многоступенчатый контроль

7. магнитопорошковая проверка

8. автоматическая приварка «косых» патрубков

9. энергия ветра

10. нефтеперерабатывающая промышленность

4.Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

1. capable

2. equipped

3. location

4. press

5. division

6. turnover

7. reliable

8. sure

9. operator

10. applicant

5.Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения

6.Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: косвенная речь в утвердительных, повелительных, вопросительных предложениях, согласование времен, повелительное наклонение, условные предложения, сослагательное наклонение 1 и 2 типов, конверсия:

1. After introducing and developing market relations in Russia “Atommash” works has been diversifying.

2. Equipment manufactured at “Atommash” works is used at enterprises of different industries all over the world.

3. “Atommash” is outfitted with most up-to-date manufacturing equipment representing the state-of-the-art in the machine-building industry.

4. Diversified methods of quality control are used at “Atommash” – ultrasonic inspection, X-ray tests, magnetic particle inspection.

5. “Atommash” maintains wide and diversified contacts with the scientific community.