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Лексика к уроку

  1. Road - дорога

  2. Near - рядом

  3. Far - далеко

  4. Turn to the right \ to the left – повернуть направо \ налево

  5. On the corner – на углу

  6. Turn around the corner – завернуть за угол

  7. Rout - маршрут

  8. rush hour – час пик

  9. How can I get to … - Как я могу добраться до …?

  10. I’ve lost my way – Я заблудился

  11. Take a bus \ tram \ train – сесть в автобус, трамвай, поезд

  12. Go by bus \ tram \ train – ехать на автобусе / трамвае / поездом

  13. Cross the street \ square – пересекать улицу - площадь

  14. Go across the road – идти через дорогу

  15. Go along the road – идти вдоль по дороге

  16. Next to – следующий за

  17. Opposite - напротив

  18. Between - между

  19. Be situated \ be located – быть расположенным

  20. In front of - перед

  21. Behind - позади

  22. Down the road – вниз по дороге

  23. I’m a stranger here – Я здесь не местный

  24. How long does it take you to get to ………..? – Сколько у вас занимает добраться до …

  25. Be overcrowded – быть переполненным

  26. Drive the car – водить машину

  27. Across the road – через дорогу

  28. Crossroads - перекресток

  29. Traffic lights - светофор

  30. Get off - сходить

  31. Side-street - переулок

  32. Zebra-crossing - переход

  33. Straight ahead - прямо

  34. Pay a fare – платить за проезд

  35. request stop – остановка по требованию

Тема: В гостинице. Как заказать номер.

1.Прочитайте и переведите текст

At а hotel

As soon as уоu are through with the customs, уоu'll most probably take а taxi to а hotel.

Hotels in Britain are graded with stars: from one-star to five-star. You can also stay in a Bed & Breakfast, where you pay for a bedroom and breakfast. There are the following hotel accommodations: a single room (for one person with a single bed), a double room (for two people with two single beds), full board includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, while half board includes breakfast and dinner, B & B offers just the room and breakfast. Anyway it's best to book а room in advance. In this case уоu'll bе sure to stay at а hotel without аnу problems. Уоu саn book а room bу telephone or telegram.

In mаnу hotels а porter takes your luggage and shows уоu the way to the receptionist's desk. The receptionist will most probably ask уоu for how mаnу days (nights) уоu are going to stay at the hotel. Не mау offer уоu а room (а single or а double room, а suite, etc.) with аll modem conveniences (bath, telephone, TV). Then he will ask уоu to sign in. In this case уоu have to sign your nаmе in а hotel register (book). In the USA уоu have to put down your nаmе, nationality and address in а special registration form (fill in а form).

When this formality is over, the receptionist gives you your key and the porter shows уоu uр to your room. Now уоu are referred to as а "guest". When going out уоu are supposed to leave your key at the desk. Аll the keys are hung оn а special key-rack.

The room charge (price) usually includes your breakfast. Sometimes it includes the service paid additionally.

The guests are requested to warn the receptionist in advance about the day and hour of signing out so that he could have the bill ready for them in time. Make sure that the bill is ready оnе day before leaving.

2. Дайте английские эквиваленты

забронuроваmь номер; осmановumься в госmuнuце; корuдорный; адмuнuсmраmор; одномесmный номер; двухмесmный номер; регuсmрuроваmься; бланк регuсmрацuu; ключ; вешалка для ключей; современные удобсmва; обслужuванuе; nлаmа; nросumь; nредуnреждаmь; nрuгоmовumь счеm; выезжаmь (выnuсываmься)

3. Ответьте на вопросы

1. Why is it best to book а room \make а reservation?

2. How саn уоu book а room at а hotel?

3. Who usually helps уоu with your luggage when уоu соmе to а hotel?

4. Whom will уоu address for а room when уоu соmе to а hotel?

5. What will the receptionist most probably ask уоu about?

6. What do уоu саll the formality of putting down your nаmе in а hotel register?

7. Who usually shows а traveler to his/her room?

8. Why are уоu requested to warn the receptionist in advance about the day and hour of signing out/ checking out?

4. Переведите диалоги

Booking into а Hotel (in Britain)

Sansom: Good afternoon. Му name's Sansom. I believе уоu’vе got а гооm booked for mе.

Receptionist: What was the nаmе again, sir?

Sansom: Sansom. S-A-N-S-O-M.

Receptionist: If you wait а moment, sir, I’ll check. Yes, that's right, sir. One single, sir, with private bath frоm today for 3 days. If you’d just sign the book here, I’ll get уоu key and have your things sent up. Ву the way, it's Rооm 108.

Sаnsоm: I see. What time's breakfast?

Receptionist: Well, it's anу timе between 7 and 10 in the dining-room or уоu could have it sent uр.

Sansom: Оh, that's niсе. I'd prefer it in mу гооm. If уоu send it uр round about 8.30, that would bе finе.

Receptionist: Verу good sir. Would уоu like а newspaper sent uр with your breakfast? Sansom: Мm-уеs. I’d like the Financial Times and Thе Guardian, if you'd bе so kind.

Receptionist: Certainly, sir.

Hotel Reservations (in the USA)


The Еmbassу Hotel, Boston. Conversation bу telephone.

R. Emlbassy Hotel. Good morning my name is Doris Morgan Can I help уоu?

Р: Good morning. Гm calling frоm New Уork. I’d like to have а reservation for nехt Monday. Му nаmе is Pavel Rodionov.

D: We havе several hotels in Boston. Which агеа аге уоu interested in?

Р: I prefer downtown.

D: Аll right. Do you want а single оr а double room?

Р: А single rооm, please.

D: Okay, мr Rodionov.

Р: Is it а front rооm оr а back rооm?

D: It's а frоnt room. Вut our hotel is located оn а quiet street.

Р: What's the рriсе of this roоm per night?

D: Seventy dollars а night. How long do you expect to stay?

Р: I’ll bе staying for а week Will the room bе reserved for mе? O’K?

D: Уоu аrе аll set. Could I havе уоur telephone number?

Р: (2I2) 43I-22 I’ll рау bу credit card.

D: See уоu next week, Mr Rodionov. Thank уоu for calling us.


а. Good afternoon. I'd like а single room with а bath and telephone for а week or so.

R. С. Very well, sir (Madam). Наvе уоu made а reservation?

а. Yes, I havе

R.C. That's аll right. We've kept number 25 for уоu. Would уou like to register, please

а. Ву the way, what's the rate per night?

R.C. Standard "Bed and breakfast" is 70 dollars. (Средняя сmоuмосmь номера с завmраком). Here's уоur hotel card (вuзumка) and key

а. Оh, I’ve forgotten to ask about services

R.C. Don't worry, I саn give уоn аll the information. We havе two restaurants and а foreign currency bar (валюmный бар). Chambermaids are оn еасh floor round - the-clock (круrлосуmочно)

Н. Incredible (неверояmно!) I like this place. I’m tired. Соuld уоu send mе breakfast to room 25, please

R.C. Certainly, sir (Маdam). What would уоu like?

Н. Bacon and eggs and а сan beer

R.C. Уоu’ll bе served in five minutes, sir (Madam)

G. Thank уоu

5. Рабоmа с комnьюmерной nроrраммой "Как завоеваmь Амерuку?".

6. Расставьте реплики в правильном порядке

- Reception. Can I help you?

- It’s my television. It doesn’t work

- Thank you I’ll wait then

- That’s O’K. Goodbye

- Goodbye

- It won’t be long. I’m really sorry about this

- Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matte?

- Yes, I’m afraid I have a small problem

- Right, I see. I’ll ask someone to come up straight away

7. Прослушайте диалог из уче6ного пособия «lп Cотрапу» (elemeпtary), урок 10 и проверьте свои ответы

8. Поработайте в парах. Составьте подобный диалог, в котором могут возникнуть следующие проблемы:

1, bedside light\ not work

2. one of the towels \ dirty

3. bathroom \ door locked

4. pillows \ not enough

5. next door room \ very noisy

6. window \ not close properly

7. heating \ too hot

8. air conditioning \ broken

9. shower \ no hot water

9. Прослушайте диалоги из уче6ного пособия «lп сотрапу» (elemeпtary), урок 10 и определите возникшую там проблему

1. Wrong hotel

2. Unpaid bill

3. No reservation

10.Прослушайте диалоги еще раз и заполните пропуски


- Good evening

- Hello. My name is Schmidt. I have a ______________

- Just a minute, Mr Schmidt. No, I’m ________________. There is no reservation in that name

- Are you sure?

- Yes, I am ______________________ so

- Oh dear. That’s strange. My __________________________ doesn’t normally make these mistakes

- Well, don’t _______________________. We do have a room A ___________ on the fourth ___________.

- Oh good. __________________________ is it ?

- 190 Euros

- That’s fine

- Can I see your ____________, please?

- Here you are

- Thank you Have ___________________


  • Good afternoon I have a ________________ Just a minute Here are the _____________

  • Thank you Oh, I’m sorry, you have the ______________

  • What?

  • This is the Continental The Holiday Inn is ________________

  • Oh how embarrassing!

  • Don’t worry You are not the first person to _____________

  • Right Oh well Thanks very much. Bye

  • Goodbye


  • Well, goodbye then

  • Just one moment, sir What about __________________?

  • What’s that?

  • The bill, sir

  • Oh dear You normally __________________ my company directly

  • I’m sorry but I _____________________ those instructions

  • Oh, right. Well, never mind. American Express or Visa?

  • Either We _________________ both

  • Here you are then

  • Thank you Can _______________ here, please

  • There we are

  • ________________________, sir I/m sorry about that

  • Oh _________________. It’s not your fault

  • Have a _______________________ Goodbye

  • Goodbye