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It's sweet of you, Garry, she said, but we've got a little in the bank

and the plot is free of debt. We've got the horses; we can sell them if

we have to. what is it then? Please tell me. She knew then what she

was going to do. She could not lie to him, it was too late for that.

She would have to tell him, but she knew that the truth would not make

any difference to him. Well, perhaps a little, but not enough to

prevent her getting what she wanted. She wanted to be rich, and she

wanted a father for the child she carried within her. Garry, I'm going

to have a baby. Garrick's chin jerked up and his breathing jammed and

then started again. A baby? Yes, Garrick. I'm pregnant. Whose?

Sean's? Yes, Garry. I'm going to have Sean's baby. How do you know,

are you sure? I'm sure. Garrick pulled himself out of his chair and

limped across the veranda. He stopped against the railing and gripped

It with his good hand; the other was still in the sling. His back was

turned to Anna and he stared out across the lawns of Theunis Kraal to

the lightly-forested slope beyond.

Sean's baby. The idea bewildered him. He knew that Sean and Anna did

that together. Sean had told him and Garrick had not resented it. He

was jealous, but only a little, for Sean had let him share in it by

telling him and so some of it had belonged to him also. But a baby.

Sean's baby.

Slowly the full implication came to him. Sean's baby would be a living

part of his brother, the part that had not been cut down by the Zulu

blades. He had not completely lost Sean. Anna, she must have a father

for her child, it was unthinkable that she could go another month

without marrying. He could have both of them, everything he loved in

one package. Sean and Anna. She must marry him, she had no other

choice. Triumph surged up within him and he turned to her.

What will you do, Anna? He felt sure of her now. Sean's dead. What

will you do? I don't know. You can't have the baby. It would be a

bastard. He saw her wince at the word. He felt very certain of her.

I'll have to go away, to Port Natal. She spoke without expression in

her voice. Looking calmly at him, knowing what he would say, I'll leave

soon, she said, I'll be all right. I'll find some way out. Garrick

watched her face as she spoke. Her head was small on shoulders wide for

a girl, her chin was pointed, her teeth were slightly crooked but white,

she was very pretty despite the catlike set of her eyes. I love you,

Anna, he said. You know that, don't you? She nodded slowly and her hair

moved darkly on her shoulders. The cat eyes softened contentedly. Yes,

I know, Garry. Will you marry me? He said it breathlessly. You don't

mind? You don't mind about Sean's baby?

she said, knowing he did not. I love you, Anna. He came towards her

clumsily and she looked up at his face. She did not want to think about

the leg. I love you, nothing else matters. He reached for her and she

let him hold her.

Will you marry me, Anna? He was trembling. Yes. Her hands were

quiescent on his shoulders. He sobbed softly and her expression changed

to one of distaste, she made the beginnings of a movement to push him

away but stopped herself. My darling, you won't regret it. I swear you

won't, she whispered. We must do it quickly, Garry. Yes. I'll go into

town this afternoon and speak to Padre No! Not here in Lady-burg, Anna

cut in sharply. People will have too much to say. I couldn't stand it.

We'll go up to Pietermaritzburg, Garrick acquiesced. When, Garry? soon

as you like. Tomorrow, she said. We'll go tomorrow.

The Cathedral in Pietermaritzburg stands on Church Street. Grey stone

with a bell-tower and iron railings between the street and the lawns.

Pigeons strut puff- kchested on the grass.

Anna and Garrick went up the paved path and into the semi-dark of the

Cathedral. The stained glass window had the sun behind it, making the

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