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When the Lion Feeds.docx
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It's all arranged then, is it? asked Sean. All I've got to do is go in

there and get beaten to a pulp? We're doing this for you, laddie, so

that you can be rich and famous. Thank you, thank you very muchYou like

to fight, don't you? When I'm in the mood. Don't worry, I'll think up

some dirty names to call you get you worked up in no time. How are you

feeling? Duff asked for the sixth time that morning.

No change since five minutes ago, Sean reassured him.

Duff pulled out his watch, stared at it, held it to his ear and looked

surprised that it was still ticking. We've got the challengers lined up

on the veranda. I've told Candy to serve them free drinks, as much as

they want. Every minute we can wait here gives them a little longer to

take on a load of alcohol. Francois is collecting the gate money in my

Valise; as you win each bout the stakes will go into it as well. I've

got Mbejane stationed at the mouth of the alley beside the Hotel. If

there's a riot one of us will throw the bag to him and he'll head for

the long grass. Sean was stretched out on Candy's bed with his hands

behind his head. He laughed. I can find no fault with your planning.

Now for pity's sake calm down, man. You're making me nervous. The door

burst open and Duff leapt out of his chair at the crash. It was

Francois, he stood in the doorway holding his chest. My heart! he

panted. This is doing my heart no good. What's happening outside? Duff


we've collected over fifty pounds gate money already.

There's a mob up on the roof that haven't paid, but every time I go near

them they throw bottles at me Francois cocked his head on one side.

Listen to them. The noise of the crowd was barely softened by the

flimsy walls of the Hotel. They won't wait much longer, you'd better

come out before they start looking for you. Sean stood up. I'm ready.

Francois hesitated. Duff, you remember Fernandes, that Portuguese from

Kimberley? Oh no! Duff anticipated him. Don't tell me he's here.

Francois nodded. I didn't want to alarm you but some of the local boys

clubbed in and telegraphed south for him. He arrived on the express

coach half an hour ago. I had hoped he wasn't going to make it in time,

but - He shrugged.

Duff looked at Sean sadly. Bad luck, laddie. Francois tried to soften

the blow. I told him it was first come first served. He's sixth in the

line so Sean will be able to make a couple of hundred quid anyway, then

we can always say he's had enough and close the contest. Sean was

listening with interest. This Fernandes is dangerous? They were

thinking of him when they invented that word, Duff told him. Let's go

and have a look at him Sean led the way out of Candy's room and down the

passage. Did you get hold of a scale to weigh them with? Duff asked

Francois as they hurried after Sean. No, there's not one on the fields

that goes over a hundred and fifty pounds, but I have Gideon Barnard

outside. How does that help us? He's a cattle dealer, all his life

he's been judging animals on the hoof. He'll give us the weights to

within a few pounds Duff chuckled. That'll have to do then. Besides I

doubt we'll be claiming any world titles Then they were out on the

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