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38. Jane congratulated her sister ___ her birthday

a) with b) on c) for d) by

39. Are we sufficiently insured ___ fire ?

a) for b) at c) from d) against

40. John is very good ___ mathematics.

a) at b) in c) for d) with

41. That's just typical ____Helen to forget our wedding anniversary.

a) with b) on c) for d) of

42. I have been suffering ___ dizziness lately.

a) with b) from c) about d) of

43. Anne's boss is sometimes forgetful ____ the promises he has made.

a) at b) with c) to d) of

44. The winner of the competition was ___ the drawing-room. a) on b) in c) at

45. Everybody sat ___ the floor, but Mr. Spencer sat ___ a chair ___ the corner. a. over – in – on b) about – on – at c) on – on – in

46. The judge poured champagne ___ the glass. a) into b) on c) inside

47. The elderly lady was always ___ home ___ night. a) at – at b) in – at c) into – inside

48. Adriana used to swim ___ the sea and sunbathe ___ the sand. a) on – at b) on – in c) in – on

49. During the week I get up early ___ the morning and go to bed late ___ night. But normally ___ weekends I sleep until midday. a) on – at – at b) in – at – on c) in – in – at

50. Peter lives ___ Boa Viagem Avenue, now, but he lived ___ 109, Amizade Street ___ 1980. a) on – at – in b) in – at – on c) on – at – on

51. He was born ___ 8:15 ___ the morning ___ June, 18th, 1928. a) in – on – at b) at – in – on c) on – on – in

52. The hanging light is ___ the table. a) in b) over c) at

53. Thomas was born ___ January 9th ___ Buenos Aires. a) in – on b) on – in c) at – on

54. I prefer tea ___ coffee.

a) to b) than c) against d) over

55. “What time will you arrive?” – “I don't know. It depends ___ the traffic.”

a) of b) for c) from d) on

56. Why were you so unfriendly ___ Tessa? Have you had an argument with her?

a) of b) for c) to d) with

57. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ___ the other car.

a) of b) for c) to d) on

58. I hope that you’ll bear these factors ___ mind when making your report.

a) on b) at c) in

59. Boxers are forbidden to punch ___ the belt.

a) to b) above c) below

60. The waiters received tips ____ their wages.

a) to b) over c) from

Section X. Comprehension Parts of Speech

Define each underlined word as the part of speech, point out at its classification. Check your answers in the keys.

1.  A violent storm hit the small town in the early morning.

2.  Cara certainly does not know him nor has she seen him before.

3.  During the night, a branch of the elm tree fell near our house.

4.  That book is by Herman Melville.

5.  I have definitely made my decision.

6.  Whew!  I almost was hit by the line drive.

7.  Neither the fish nor the chicken at this restaurant tastes very fresh.

8.  Yesterday, we visited the historic town of Lexington in Massachusetts.

9.  Operas by Giacomo Puccini are famous for their melodies.

10.  That was an exceptionally fine concert, but it ended too quickly for me.

11.  Their speech assumes the accents of seventeenth-century England.

12.  Does he know anything about this?

13.  Has she seen my baseball glove?

14.  None of the spectators left during the rain delay.

15.  A loud explosion wakened them from sleep.

16.  We arrived at the show early, yet many people were already there.

17.  The doctor wondered if the patient would ever stop complaining.

18.  The building is going to be resurfaced as early as next week.

19.  This is the second to last relay race.

  1. Soon the icy days of winter will be here.

  2. Something is wrong with the telephone.

  3. Some of the beans and a few of the tomatoes are ripe.

  4. The hikers struggled toward the mountaintop through the deep snow.

  5. Oh, our reports are due tomorrow?

  6. In their flight south, birds are supposedly seeking a better food supply.

  7. The mystery has never been completely explained.

  8. Eduardo felt that we should go inside.

  9. The inside of the box was lined with velvet.

  10. Have you ever been invited?

  11. The Gothic cathedral in Salisbury, England, is magnificent.

  12. The original Olympic stadium is in Olympia; however, the modern stadium is in Athens.

  13. Rudolph Hess was locked in the Tower of London.

  14. Karate can be used as a means of exercise or self-defence.

  15. What will the jury decide?

  16. Michael Parkes is a famous artist who has many paintings in Amsterdam.

  17. The quick jump surprised the audience.

  18. The crying hawk suddenly swooped down.

  19. Are you still waiting for the bus to arrive?

  20. The student was temporarily suspended from school.

  21. Within several minutes, the rain turned into a downpour