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Exercise 1. Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs to.

1. There's nothing for any of us to do. 2. Both these people were resolved to treat Mr. Polly very well, and to help his exceptional incompetence in every possible way. 3. Torn presented himself before Aunt Polly, who was sitting by an open window in a pleasant rearward apartment, which was bed-room, breakfast-room, dining-room, and library combined. 4. Such were the reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. 5. It was the sort of solemn warning that a sanguine man gives to others, because he ought to give it to himself. 6. Eli­zabeth and George talked and found each other delightful. 7. What we need is a higher and purer political morality. 8. She hesitated a moment, and then sat down beside me, and laid her hand on mine. 9. The uniform had been cut for a stouter person than myself, but one, fortunately, of approximately the same height. 10. "I didn't know anything about it," cried Charlie indignantly. "I came to see you about something else." 11. What about this coal strike? Will it ruin the country as the papers say? Isn't it a foolish thing on both sides? 12. What was it in this girl that reminded him of that one with whom he had lived but two years, and mourned fifteen? 13. None of us except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister thought of Ro­ger or his policy. 14. There were some aviators in the compartment who did not think much of me. 15. Then a guarded voice said, "Who goes there?" 16. Husbands and wives never listen when they talk to each other, only when the other is talking to somebody else. 17. Let me tell you something. 18. There was at least one person in the world who knew that he was alive and attached some importance to the fact. 19. What are you talking about? 20. I can only say what I think. 21. He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. 22. We said good-bye to one another and arranged to meet in the autumn.

Exercise 2. Use the appropriate personal pronouns

1. ___ say there's been a great earthquake in the Pacific. 2. If ___ see a giraffe once a year ___ remains a spectacle; if ___ daily ___ becomes part of the scenery. 3. "Mary's married now," said Mrs. Scott. "___ was in the 'Times'." 4. The "Frederic Weber" was a freighter sailing from Hamburg to Colombo. ___ also carried passengers. 5. There was a lot of noise all around now, and amongst ___ could hear a plane flying unusually low. 6. Pat soon made ___ clear that ___ did not want to stay there long. 7. I got my hat and beat ___ . 8. He is dreadfully ugly. ___ must not startle when ___ see ___ , or ___ will put ___ off. ___ doesn't like ___ to feel sorry for ___ . 9. We were climbing a steep hill and the car throbbed as if ____ were going to expire. 10. ___ was cold to sit on the terrace, pretending that a summer evening. 11. "Our aim is to keep Italy out of the war until ___ enough to come in on our side," said the colonel. 12. Poor old England! I don't suppose I shall ever see ___ again.

Exercise 3. Choose between a possessive pronoun and the definite article:

l. She got to ___ feet and began to brush off ___ dress. 2. Mr. Black gave ___ wife a leather bag for ___ birthday. 3. Don't show this letter to ___ brother. 4. There was a cold wind blowing, so I put on ___ heavy coat. 5. He took me by ___ hand and led out of the room. 6. His father touched him on ___ arm. 7. He took the child into ___ arms. 8. What have you done to ___ face? 9. He patted Jack heartily on ___ shoulder.10. He bent ___ head low. 11. She slapped him on ___ cheek. 12. It's going to rain. I'd better take ___ raincoat. 13. She put ___ glass back on the table. 14. He crossed ___ legs. 15. He was wounded in ___ leg. 16. He buttoned up ___ coat. 17. He caught me by ___ sleeve.

Exercise 4. Use the appropriate form of possessive pronouns:

1) The man next door has been busy cutting the grass in (he) garden. 2) He put (he) hand in (she). 3) "This foolish wife of (I) thinks I'm a great artist," said he. 4) Very well, Mother, I'll have (I) hair cut this afternoon. 5) Then he stopped and pointed and said: "Those are peas." I said, "We've got some peas, too." "I expect (you) are bigger than (our)," he said politely. 6) Edwin said, "Dear Mary, we all felt with you. (you) distress was (we). 7) "We can do (we) shopping before lunch. 8) There's a ghastly article of (he) about it in this evening's paper. 9) She folded the letter and replaced it in (it) envelope. 11) The children had had (they) tea. Kate was late for (she) as usual, Mary and Paul were having (they). 12) This demand of (they) is quite ridiculous. 13) She makes all (she) clothes herself. 14) This book is (I). There is (I) name on it.

Exercise 5. Supply self-pronouns where possible:

l. We enjoyed ___ at the dance. 2. She had made ___ very unpopular. 3. Why is she sitting all by ___ in the dark? 4. Jessica looked at ___ in the long mirror.5. I liked having lodgings of my own, where I could be by ___. 6. I closed the door behind ___. 7. Every man is important to ___ at one time or another. 8. All day the children were beside ___ from excitement. 9. The young leaves unfolded to their utmost and the fields gen­erously spread ___ on either hand. 10. He was amiability ___ . 11. I found ___ doing nearly all the talking.12. I ___ married early, and nothing good came of it.

Exercise 6. Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their syntactic function.

1. Much more than most politicians Cave knew, himself. 2. Meanwhile, he paraded, himself gloriously before this young man. 3. Of course, I myself used to be very wealthy. 4. He was not doubting the logic, he realised suddenly; what he was doubting was himself. 5. Still, he must be thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself. 6. Simon calmed himself with an effort. 7. But you might remember that one respects oneself more afterwards if one pays one's way. 8. Miss Adele Gerry opened the, door herself. 9. He sunned himself in Chanton's admiring gaze. 10. What was the use even, of loving, if love itself had to yield to death? 11. This is where we wash ourselves, Elise, and where I am going to wash you. 12. Gevaert cleared his throat and addressed himself to me. 13. They blamed themselves for this unlucky marriage. 14. The theatre manager himself came to shake hands with them. 15. I have made myself perfectly pleasant here. 16. Several times he reminded himself that he had not rung up Brown yet. 17. He could talk races with Hurstwood, tell interesting incidents concerning himself. 18. I want to be kept in constant touch with his progress myself. 19. Anne's terror of being dis­covered in London or its neighbourhood, whenever they ventured to walk out, had gradually communicated itself to Mrs. Clements. 20. James added: "Well, I hope, you'll both enjoy yourselves." 21. Cave might have concealed from others, but not from himself, that he profoundly envied Roger.

Exercise 5. Use one of the demonstrative pronouns:

1. ___ is a cooking apple, ___ an eating one. 2. She gave the ___ answer as before. 3."I'm going alone and ___ 's ___ ," I said. 4. What do you want me to do with ___ ? 5. His mental level at the time of his death was ___ of a four-year-old child. 6. He dined there only on Sundays, and not every Sunday at ___ . 7. Do you see ___ bushes on the other side of the river? 8. Well, ___'s exactly what I did. 9.Don't be in ___ a hurry.10. He continued to frequent the ___ cafe as when he had stayed at the hotel. 11.I believe you but there are ___ who wouldn't. 12. ___ is what I thought last year. 13. ___ is life. 14.I can't find all the books you asked me for. I put ___ I found on your desk. 15. ___ is what I want you to do. 16.I have divided the books into two piles. ___ are to be kept. ___are to be sold. 17.I have had ___ a busy morning. 18. My seat was next to ___ of John's mother. 19. He can't be more than three or four years older than you, if ___ . 20 One can't compare Chopin's waltzes with ___ of today," said she. 21. My services, ___ as they are, are at your disposal.

Exercise 6. Supply some, any or no:

1. If you have ___ news, call me back. 2. She helped me borrow ___ more money. 3.There is hardly ___ place in this house where we can talk alone. 4. ___ boy at the school had ever taken a scholarship to the uni­versity. 5. It meant real hardship to my mother unless I earned ___ money at once. 6. My mother hoped that perhaps the school had ___ funds to give me a grant. 7.It was unlikely that ___ of the guests would take particular notice of it. 8. They understood each other without ___ words. 9. "Let's go back home. It's already late." "I'd rather stay out a little longer." "I suppose we've got to go home ___ time." 10.There isn't ___ boot-polish in this tin. 11. You have ___ fine flowers in your garden. 12.Go and ask him for ___ more paper. I haven't ___ in my desk. 13. Later we had ___ tea. 14. He wants ___ more pudding. You can take it away. 15. There are ___ matches left. We must buy ___. 16. I wouldn't go to his concert. He is ___ pianist. 17 ___ time ago I read his story in a magazine. 18. I don't think there is ___ milk left in the jug. 19. ___ student can answer the question.

Exercise 7. Supply one of the compounds with some-, any- or no-:

l. At the party you'll see ___ you haven't met yet. 2. Will there be ___ at the club so early? 3.I'm not going to see him because I have ___ important to re­port. 4.I was late. I found ___ in the house. 5. I am expecting ___ at twelve o'clock. 6. I think there's ___ wrong with my watch. 7. Is there ___ at home? 8.The doorbell rang but there was ___ there. 9. I know ___ at all. 10. Otherwise there was hardly ___ to occupy him. 11."Why don't they do ___ about me?" Mr. Scot cried out hearing that his friend had got promoted. 12. ___ can become a member of the club by paying a subscription. 13. When we get there it may be too late to do ___ . 14. ___ has been here before us. 15. "Why don't you say ___?" he demanded. 16. In the winter he lived without doing ___. 17.He wondered if he would ever again share ___'s emotion. 18.This is my affair and ___ else's. 19. Sometimes he would sit silent and abstracted, taking no notice of ___ . 20. ___ is better than ___ in a situation like this. 21.Can't you do ___ by yourself now? 22. I took care to ask him ___ about his own doings 23. Will you bring ___ with you or will you come alone? 24. ___ has any right to interfere in this matter. 25. If ___ delays you, you must let me know. 26. It was clear that ___ had happened. 27. ___ at the airport could tell me ___ about the Trianon hotel. 28. It's a cave. I'd like to find out if there's ___ left inside. 29. He looked at my pictures and he didn't say ___ . 30. Her parents are ___ much, you know. I'm afraid you will be disappointed. 31. But in any case, what can ___ do? 32. ___ had heard a rumour that he led a "wild" life.

Exercise 8. Use the pronoun one in the proper form and, if necessary, with the required article:

1. ___ man's meat is another man's poison. 2. His parents never appeared in the parish church except on special occasions. Mr. Evans' funeral was such ___ . 3.They are six in the family. ___ you saw are David and Tommy. 4. Brown's old car is much better than our new ___. 5. There are woollen gloves and leather ___ in the crate. 6. It is the most natural thing to start talking to someone who knows nothing whatever about ___ and who is never likely to cross ___ way again. 7. He was rather pale, and the expression on his face was ___ I had never seen before. 8. "Which girl is Jean?" " ___ in the green dress." 9. "What has happened to all the brushes?" "I saw ___ on the table in the hall." 10.Such ___ as you want is very rarely seen

Exercise 9. Choose between no one and none:

1. ___ I tried to teach her anything. 2. ___ of us is perfect; we all make mistakes. 3. ___ of us knew how ill she was. 4. I'm sure you heard it from Mary, ___ else could tell you that. 5. ___ had anything to gain by his death. 6. I wanted some more coffee but there was ___ left. 7. ___ of them knows his duty yet. 8. We had ___ to give us accurate information, let alone advice. 9. Philip slowly mounted the stairs. ___ of his family was yet up. 10.I looked around the room, expecting to see piles of books ___ were visible. 11. ___ of us knows how much he has suffered. 12. Since ___ had an answer to his question, silence fell in the room. 13. He asked for food but his mother said there was ___. 14. ___ of the new men have been able to pass the test. 15.Of all the girls he phoned ___ were at home. 16. During that time he saw ___ who could tell him what had gone wrong. 17. ___ of us were sure of the facts. 18. "Where are the apples?" "There are ___." 19. A hundred yards or so from the cottage stood a brick house that looked unfinished. ___ in the party gave it a second thought.

Exercise 10. Choose between all and a compound with every-:

1. I shall want to hear ___ they say. 2. She took the initiative and herself spoke to ___ she knew. З. He couldn't help noticing how well dressed ___ was. 4. I want ___ to be happy. 5. Then, to ___'s surprise, she married someone quite undistin­guished. 6. ___ who have studied this issue have come to the same conclusion. 7. She believed that ___ was watching her. 8. ___ of his friends had offered him his help. 9. Soon ___ were asleep. 10. The lady laughed immoderately at ___ that was said to her. 11. ___ has been taken away that could be removed. 12. ___ felt indignant when he began hitting the boy with his stick.

Exercise 11. Choose between all, every and each:

1. I have ___ book he has ever written. 2. He shouted her name twice, ___ time banging his fist on the table. 3. He had been brought up by a mother who had taught him that ___ pleasure must be paid for. 4. They did not talk much about what ___ feared most. 5. ___ trunks must be labelled before being deposited in the left-luggage office. 6. He has ___ right to know who you are going to marry. 7. That's the sort of job ___ boys like doing. 8. They broke into little groups; ___ had his own wonderful story to tell. 9. ___ the people were cheering loudly. 10. Before he left the classroom he gave ___ boy a task. 11. She had something to say on ___ subject. 12. ___ the money was spent. 13. ___ the family were present. 14. And I had to sit out there with ___ eye on me.15. He has ___ chance to win. 16. He looked at ___ of us in turn. 17. Hugh had ___ advantage of education. 18. I'd like you to make ___ effort to obtain ___ the data we spoke about. 19. Frank's wasn't a bad place. The tables had yellow tops, which Frank wiped after ___ customer. 20. Almost ___ boys like sport. 21. The doctor took his gloves out, and pulled one on his left hand, concentrating on ___ fold in the leather. 22. The actor could make you hear ___ word in the last row of the gallery.

Exercise 12. Use the pronoun other in the proper form and with the required article:

1. I think the first thing to do is to have ___ talk with your sister. 2. It was not a large garden, but it was long and narrow. John and I walked right to ___ end of it in silence. 3. I talked to a lot of people. Some said that in the same circum­stances they would do as they had done before. ___ told me that if they had known what it would come to they wouldn't have ever done it. 4. Then I read the novels of George Meredith one after . ___ 5. ___ day I made an epigram. I hope you'll like it. 6. They were going to get punished, one way or ___ 7. The bar was kept by two very nice girls, one was American and ___ English. 8. ___ people have told me the same thing 9. That night Kate was gay and could make ___ laugh. 10. He was always somewhat indifferent to the feelings of ___ . 11. Well, I met him in the club ___ night. 12. I made few friends in those days, for I was occupied with ___ things. 13. Without ___ word he started up the car. 14. He sat in ___ arm-chair at the opposite side of the fire-place. 15.The servant opened the door and ushered in ___ visitor. 16. Young men and young women would greet me on their way to or from the tennis court. Some found more to say to me than. 17. The houses on ___ side of the river were built out of grey stone. 18. Some people refused to take the advertisements and walked away and ___ dropped them on the grass. 19. Why are you alone? Where are ___? 20. Would you like ___ cup of tea?

Exercise 13. Use both, either or neither:

1. We drove along a wide road with ditches and trees on ___ side. 2. Ed and I were ___ very big men. З. He invited us ___ , but I knew he felt it irregular; he did not want ___ of us at a family party. 4.The verandah stretched on ___ side of me. 5. The first apple pie of the season was on the table and a large dish of purple grapes. Muriel was too angry to touch ___. 6.I could hear them ___ , but saw ___. 7. Cords were drawn on ___ side of the picture gallery on days when the public were admitted. 8. These are ___ very gloomy rooms. I'm afraid ___ will suit me. 9. ___ his legs were broken in the accident. 10. "Which of the two newspapers would you like?" "Oh, ___ will do." 11.She had brown shining hair which hung down on ___ side of her face. 12. "What are you going to have, orange juice or Coke?" "___ . I'm not thirsty." 13."Tell ___ your mother and father that I'm expecting them to­night." "I'm afraid I won't see ___ of them today." 14. "Which job are you going to take?" "I'm afraid ___ ." 15.She can play with the tennis racket in ___ hand. 16. By that time ___ his sisters had got married. 17. There were trees on ___ bank. 18. You can borrow ___ of my two cameras. 19. Nick and Tom are ___ my friends. But ___ is in the town now. They are ___ in the Navy. 20. "What have you written, a short story or an essay?" "I'm afraid it doesn't come within ___ description." 21. "___ the jars, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take ___ of them." "I'm afraid ___ will do." 22. "She's either very ill or has gone away." "What can one do about it in ___ case?"

Exercise 14. Choose between much and many, (a) little and (a) few:

1. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw ___ of his old friends. 2.I suggested that he should get ___ grapes and some bread. 3. Aunt Florrie had ___ money while none of the other family had inherited as ___ as a pound. 4. He was so happily absorbed in the building of his house that events outside it affected him ___. 5. My sister spends so ___ money on her clothes that she has none left for holidays. 6. My dear, I'm afraid I have not ___ news to convey but still there are ___ things I should like to add. 7. I began to miss London: it was not so ___ that I had ___ close friends there, for I have ___ friends, but I missed variety. 8. Tom has eaten so ___ that he can't move. 9. Adeline had slept ___ last night and she had a headache. 10.She was glad to see me because I was English and she knew ___ English people. 11. My engagements were ___ and I was glad to accept the invita­tion. 12. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do ___ of that. 13. At the bar ___ men were discussing the coming elections in loud barking tones. 14.Virginia returned to England at the moment when ___were leaving it. 15. I have so ___ things to do that I don't know which to do first. 16.Last week there was so ___ rain that I was not able to go out.

Exercise 15. Point out conjunctive, relative, and interrogative pronouns and define their syntactic function.

1. She was heartily sick of London fog and cold and soot and messy open fires which fill the room with dust but don't warm it. 2. "Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes," he asked. 3. You see, Hushabye you are what women consider a good-looking man. 4. Who could tell what his son's circumstances really were? 5. You don't want to do anything that you'll be sorry for. 6. A man is mostly what you want to see in him. 7. What do you. expect me to believe? 8. She rises with an air of one who waits and is almost at the end of her patience. 9. It was evident, indeed, that she wished me to drop the subject, which I did accordingly. 10. Several times their eyes acci­dentally met, and then there poured into hers such a flood of feeling as she had never experienced. 11. Would she go with them or stay here and write to William. Which, which should it be? 12. He mentioned things in the play which she most approved of, things which swayed her deeply. 13. I do so wonder what Jolyon's boy is like. 14. What hurt him most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief.

Exercise 16. Use interrogative, relative or conjunctive pronouns:

l. They had brought few books with them ___ she hadn't read. 2. You're one of the few people ___ I'd like to know better. 3." ___ of the two of them is right?" he asked me. 4.I don't honestly see ___ I can do about it. 5. That is the worst news ___ we've ever had from you. 6. He was compared with everyone ___ had ever written a success­ful travel book and the accents of ___ were certainly to be caught in his own works. 7. ___ do we call the sea between England and France? 8.I told him everything ___ was relevant. 9. ___ I saw was a solid-looking brick house. 10. ___ pronoun is always written with a capital letter? 11. In this room there was a small grate, on the mantle shelf of ___ she had arranged two vases of flowers. 12. Looking at him she wondered ___ sort of small boy he had been. 13. ___ cost more money, ready-made clothes or tailor-made clothes? 14. All ___ they would tell me was that Uncle Nick was ill. 15. ___ did he say? 16. There had grown between them an understanding ___ required no words. 17. ___ other things did you buy? 18. Now ___ you see all the family together tell me ___ you think of us. 19. Tell me ___ daughter you're going to take along with you and ___ is staying behind. 20. It is for you to decide ___ is to speak to the chief. 21.They're a family that would quarrel about ___ way a doorknob turns. 22. ___ quality do you admire in a man? 23. He is the man ___ car I noticed in the square. 24.Take these books to your brother and ask him ___ are his. 25. If you ask for "the German", every one will know ___ you mean. 26.1 didn't tell her ___ it was all about. 27. He examined the official records to find out in ___ name the house and plot were registered. 28.They explained ___ they wanted. 29.I was sure that ___ he said about the girl was true. 30. Later that afternoon Phil went to San Fernando, where he soon found the house in ___ the Klement family was said to live. 31.They asked a young woman ___ the street was called. 32.Then they were asked ___ company they represented and ___ sort of factory they intended to put up in the area.


Choose the correct pronoun. Check your answers in the keys.

1. ___ is your closest friend?

a) Which b) What c) Who

2. Give me ___ pen. I don't like this one.

a) the other b) another c) other

3. Not until moon and stars faded away and streaks of daylight began to appear, did Meitje Brinker and Hans look hopelessly into ___ face.

a) each other b) one another c) each other’s

4. Who is there? – It is ___ .

a) I b) me c) mine

5. The baker ___ baked that bread should win an award.

a) who b) that c) which

6. Seated in a row close to ___ were three ladies – Aunts Ann, Hester and Julie.

a) each other b) one another c) each one

7. But I think that was ___ I spoke to.

a) he b) his c) him

8 The domino theory, ___ stated that when one country fell to Communism others in the area would likely fall, was used as an argument to continue the Vietnam War.

a) which b) that c) who

9. He took the letters from the gilt wire cage into which they had been thrust through the slit in the door. ___ from Irene.

a) No one b) None c) No

10: ___ do you bank with?

a) Whom b) What c) Which

11. I am thirsty; I should like … cup of tea.

a) the other b) another c) other

12. In this he would make little fires, and cook the birds he had not shot with his gun because there were ___ .

a) no one b) none c) no

13. The girl dropped ___ handkerchief and he picked it up.

a) she b) her c) hers

14. There are two books here; take one and I'll take ___ .

a) the other b) another c) other

15. Larry will work on the project with ___ you suggest.

a) whoever b) whomever c) whom

16. ___ side of the bed do you like, Mum?

a) Whose b) Which c) What

17. He realised that she was making an effort to talk his talk, and he resolved to get away from it and talk ___ .

­ a) she b) her c) hers

18. Besides, it required woods and animals, of which he had ___ in his nursery except his two cats.

a) no one b) none c) no

19. Kathy was not sure ___ she was voting for.

a) whom b) who c) which

20. He could not see that it would be better to make her feel that she was competing with ___ .

a) hers b) her c) herself

21. She had brown shining hair which hung down on ___ side of her face.

a) neither b) either c) both

22. This is ___ more than genius. It is true, every line of it.

a) something b) anything c) everything

23. You can borrow ___ of my two cameras.

a) neither b) either c) both

24. ___ his legs were broken in the accident.

a) neither b) either c) both

25. ___ who have studied this case have come to the same conclusion.

a) everyone b) all c) anybody

26. Soon ___ were asleep.

a) everyone b) all c) each

27. You walked into the waiting room, into a great buzz of conver­sation; you knew almost ___ .

a) somebody b) everybody c) anybody

28. When he brought his suitcase down into the hall, Isabel left ___ and went over to him.

a) the others b) others c) the other

29. He has ___ chance to win.

a) all b) every c) each

30. They did not talk much about what ___ feared most.

a) all b) every c) each

31. Often among the women he met, he would see now one, now ___ , looking at him, appraising him, selecting him.

a) other b) another c) the other

32. ___ tried to teach her anything.

a) No one b) None c) No

33. Before he left the classroom he gave ___ boy a task.

a) all b) every c) each

34. I closed the door behind ___ .

a) myself b) me c) I

35. He wondered if he would ever again share ___’s emotion.

a) somebody b) nobody c) anybody

36. The tomatoes from her garden, ___ grew larger than those in the grocery store, were sweet and ripe.

a) which b) that c) who

37. ___ man’s meat is another man’s poison.

a) no b) any c) one

38. The tomatoes ___ grow in her garden are unlike those you buy in a store.

a) who b) that c) which

39. My services, ___ as they are, are at your disposal.

a) those b) such c) that

40. There is a ghastly article of ___ about it in this evening’s paper.

a) him b) his c) he

41. My seat was next to ___ of John’s mother.

a) this b) that c) such

42. I will vote for ___ you suggest.

a) whoever b) whomever c) whom

43. All ___ they would tell me was that Uncle Nick was ill.

a) what b) that c) which

44. She can play with the tennis racket in ___ hand.

a) both b) neither c) either

45. Don is the skydiver ___ broke his back last week.

a) who b) that c) which

46. ___ of them answered; but their faces seemed to him as if contemptuous.

a) No b) None c) Neither

47. ___ wins the lottery will become a millionaire.

a) Whoever b) Whomever c) Who

48. She wore a red ribbon in her hair, and was the only one of the white company who could boast of ___ a pronounced adornment.

a) such a b) so c) such

49. The only honest people, if they existed, were ___ who said: "This is foul brutality".

a) these b) those c) they

50. ___ was wise enough to be sure of the working of the mind of the other.

a) No b) None c) Neither


Preparatory activities.

Review the following topics:

  1. Give the definition of the Numeral.

  2. State the classification and morphological composition of numerals in English.

  3. Name the syntactic functions of the Numeral. Give examples.

  4. Comment on the use of articles with numerals.

  5. What do you know about the use of numerals in mathematical equations?

  6. How common and decimal fractions are read in English?


Choose the correct pronoun. Check your answers in the keys.

  1. 150 _____ live in the Russian Federation. a) millions people b) millions of people c) million of people d) million people

  2. _____ are starving in the world today. a) Thousands people b) Thousands of people

  3. You are _____ who asks me this stupid question. a) fifth b) the Fiveth c) the Fifth d) five

  4. Two _____ of my income I spend on my pet’s food. a) twelve b) twelfth c) twelves d) twelfths

  5. Every _____ person in our company is not satisfied with his salary. a) three b) the third c) third

  6. Ok! See you on _____ of April. a) the twentyth-seventh b) twenty-seven c) the twenty-seventh

  7. It is _____ hit. I like such songs. a) his the third b) his third c) the third his

  8. _____ of the territory is covered with ice. a) one thirds b) one third

  9. This bouquet costs _____ dollars! a) two hundreds b) two hundred c) two hundred of

  10. Two thirds of my work _____ dedicated to the theory of the subject. a) are b) is

  11. Two _____ two will be four. a) on b) to c) by

  12. I need _____ of your annual turnover. а) three-nineths b) three-ninths c) three-nine

  13. So, this will be two _____ five. a) point b) comma

  14. _____ can save the situation. a) ten percent b) ten percents

  15. A fortnight means _____ weeks. a) two b) three c) four

  16. _____ we need to think this problem over. a) the first of all b) first of all

  17. Have you ever experienced love _____ ? a) first sight b) at the first sight с) at first sight

  18. The length of this avenue is 5 kilometres _____ four hundred _____ fifty meters. a) and ... and b) and ... c) ... and

  19. I wonder what the world will be at the end of _____ century? a) twenty one b) the twentieth-first c) the twenty-first

  20. Personally, I prefer music of _____ . a) nineteen seventys b) the nineteen seventies c) the nineteen seventeens


Preparatory activities.

Review the following topics:

  1. Give the definition of the Adverb, name all groups of English adverbs and state their syntactic function.

  2. Comment on the morphological composition of English adverbs.

  3. What are the peculiarities of forming adverbs in English.

  4. Speak on the degrees of comparison of English adverbs.

  5. Comment on the place of adverbs in the sentence in accordance with their classification.