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Lung infection caused by any of a variety of bacteria.

Symptoms: With many bacterial forms of Pneumonia, there is a sudden onset of high fever, chill and cough followed by varying degrees of difficulty breathing. There is often chest pain located over the inflamed area of the lung. This may follow mild respiratory symptoms (stuffy nose, mild cough) by several days. Sometimes infection is generalized in the blood, which makes the person appear very ill.

Cause: Infection of the lung with any of the variety of bacteria. Most common in these people who are otherwise healthy is pneumococcus infection. In those who are chronically ill, malnourished, alcoholic, very young or very old, or have underlying lung disease, the Pneumonia may be caused by very unusual bacteria which can be difficult to treat. The bacteria may enter the lung from the respiratory tract (by inhaling them) or, rarely, by spread from another part of the body through the blood.

Severity of problem: Depends on the bacteria involved and the general state of health of the person. Pneumococcal Pneumonia in a healthy person is easily treated with only a few side effects. Pneumonia caused by more unusual bacteria in people with poor resistance is often associated with severe problems, even death.

Contagious: Not as such, for the most part. Bacteria responsible for Pneumonia are elsewhere in the environment and cause disease only in people who are particularly susceptible or as an unexplained event.

Treatment: The mainstay of treatment is antibiotic, with the specific drug used depending on the type of Pneumonia present. Often this ??? hospitalization for intravenous therapy but occasionally treatment can be done at home with mild disease. Rest, fever and cough control (when needed), as well as high liquid intake are all important, some people require support of breathing (with a respirator) or other treatment.

Prevention: Only as far as can be done to control any underlying disease that makes a person susceptible to Pneumonia. Asthma and chronic lung disease of other kinds need to be under as good control as possible.

Discussion: Pneumonia caused by bacteria tend to be labor Pneumonia – localized areas of intense infection, sometimes with formation of pleural effusion or pus. These were Pneumonias most often associated with death in the past and are still serious problems.

Ex.11. Read the text. Make up your own questions on the content of the text. Render the text.

Lung Cancer

Cancer of the Lungs, the organs that process oxygen for the body and release CO2 from the blood, accounts for 25% of all cancer deaths in the USA.

Symptoms: Chronic cough in early stages. Shortness of breath, pneumonia and bloody sputum are possible signs of moderately advanced lung cancer. In the last stages there is chest pain, weight loss, severe shortness of breath, hoarseness, swallowing difficulty and accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity.

Cause: There appears to be an absolute cause-and effect relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Estimates indicate that 85% of Lung Cancer deaths are the result of cigarette smoking. At least 111,000 people will die each year as a result of Lung Cancer. Those who smoke more than two packs of cigarettes a day run a risk of dying from Lung Cancer 30 times higher than that of non-smokers. Other causes of Lung Cancer include asbestos, coal tar fumes, petroleum oil mist, arsenic, chromium, nickel, iron, isopropyl oil, radioactive substances and air pollution.

Severity of problem: The survival rate for Lung Cancer is very poor. Less than 10% survive five years after treatment. In 15 years the survival rate has not markedly changed, making it one of the most devastating cancers.

Discussion: Lung Cancer is most often found in adults between the ages of 40 and 70. Each year the number of cases of Lung Cancer increases. One important note: the incidence of Lung Cancer is rising rapidly in women .This reflects the increasing number of women smoking today.

Ex.12. Read the text.