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  1. Read the poem and learn it by heart:

W. H. Davies


What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

  1. Have a try to give a literary translation of the poem. Unit 7. News


Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:

  1. according to (prep) According to financial observers the central bank will reduce interest rates by 1%.

  2. asthma (n) Asthma is a medical condition that makes it difficult to breathe.

  3. break down (phr v) He broke down and cried when he was sentenced to seven years in jail.

  4. bully (n) Pia’s previous boss was a real bully.

  5. claim (v) Burglar Frank Gort broke down and cried, claiming seven was his unlucky number!

  6. cry (v) He broke down and cried when he was sentenced to seven years in jail.

  7. dislocated (adj) If part of your body is dislocated, the bone is not in its normal position.

  8. divorce proceedings (n pl) Divorce proceedings are the legal processes that take place when a couple divorce.

  9. exhaustion (n) Doctors are treating the film star for “exhaustion” at a rehabilitation centre.

  10. hailstorm (n) A hailstorm is a storm in which balls of ice fall from the sky.

  11. hostage (n) Kidnappers released the hostages last night.

  12. interest rate (n) According to financial observers the central bank will reduce interest rates by 1%.

  13. kidnapper (n) Kidnappers are criminals who take other people away illegally, often for money.

  14. long-awaited (adj) The record company has finally released the singer’s long-awaited album.

  15. nomination (n) The Oscar committee has announced the Oscar nominations.

  16. observer (n) Financial observers are experts in finance whose opinions are broadcast or published.

  17. personalised registration A personalised registration number on a car is one that has your name number or initials on it.

  18. piercing (n) The headmistress said that Paula knew that piercing was against the school rules.

  19. promotion (n) She worked really hard at her job and got a promotion.

  20. rave reviews (n pl) Rave reviews are reports in a newspaper that say that a CD or film is extremely good.

  21. release (v) When a record company releases an album, it makes it available for people to buy.

  22. relieved (adj) The hostages are on their way home to their relieved families.

  23. retire (v) Pia has been a lot happier since her previous boss retired.

  24. starvation diet (n) A starvation diet is one in which people eat very little in order to lose weight quickly.

  25. stressful (adj) Sorry I haven’t replied sooner, but work’s been really stressful.

  26. take pity on sb If you take pity on someone, you feel sorry for them.

  27. the slow lane (n) The slow lane of a motorway is the one used by vehicles travelling at a slower speed.

  28. troubled (adj) Someone who is troubled is very upset or worried because they have a lot of problems.

  29. water hydrant (n) A water hydrant is an upright water pipe in the street.

  30. wheelchair (n) A wheelchair is a chair with large wheels used by someone who cannot walk.


  1. attention (n) Celebrities should change their job if they don’t enjoy the attention.

  2. celebrity (n) Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman are both well-known celebrities.

  3. chase (v) A female photographer was chasing Kate Moss in New York and fell over a water hydrant!

  4. cooperate (v) Many celebrities refuse to cooperate with the paparazzi.

  5. definitive (adj) Nowadays there are more paparazzi than ever, all trying to get the definitive celebrity photo.

  6. desperate (adj) I’m desperate to become rich and famous. I’d do anything to be a celebrity.

  7. draw the line If you draw the line in a situation, you decide what is acceptable and what is not.

  8. follow (v) In an interview she complained that the paparazzi followed her everywhere.

  9. get a shot (phr) Nicole Kidman always agrees to smile for the camera so the paparazzi get their shot.

  10. glamorous (adj) People are obsessed with the glamorous lifestyles of celebrities.

  11. gossip (n) Do you enjoy reading gossip about famous people?

  12. hypocritical (adj) Jack thinks that some celebrities are hypocritical – they want publicity but don’t like being chased by the paparazzi.

  13. be increasingly obsessed (phr) Society is increasingly obsessed with celebrities.

  14. insensitive (adj) The paparazzi are not completely insensitive – they try not to involve children.

  15. invade sb’s privacy If you invade someone’s privacy, you refuse to leave them alone.

  16. leave sb alone (phr) Once the paparazzi get their shot of a celebrity, they then leave them alone.

  17. paparazzi (n pl) Paparazzi are photographers who take photos of celebrities as their job.

  18. photogenic (adj) Someone who is photogenic looks good in photographs.

  19. be photographed (phr) Do you think celebrities enjoy being photographed by the paparazzi?

  20. photographer (n) Paparazzi are photographers who take photos of celebrities as their job.

  21. play the game (phr) Nicole plays the game and always agrees to smile for the camera.

  22. press (n) “The press” is an expression meaning newspapers and magazines.

  23. private life (n) My boss was a real bully, but apparently she was unhappy in her private life.

  24. reason with sb (v) We try to reason with the celebrities and explain that we don’t want to upset them.

  25. smile for the camera (phr) Everyone smile for the camera, please!

  26. swear (v) Celebrities often shout and swear at the paparazzi.

  27. take photos of It’s not OK when paparazzi take photos of celebrities’ children.

  28. unflattering (adj) Unflattering photos of celebrities show they’re not perfect.

  29. upset (v) We try to reason with the celebrities and explain that we don’t want to upset them.


  1. arrest (v) Sanders was arrested after ringing the FBI to ask if he was still on its “wanted” list!

  2. burglar (n) A burglar is someone who steals things from people’s houses.

  3. catch criminals (phr) Police officers fight crime and try to catch criminals.

  4. commit a crime (phr) People on a “wanted” list have committed crimes but haven’t been arrested yet.

  5. convicted thief (n) Convicted thief, Cass Mei, escaped from guards at the prison hospital.

  6. court (n) A judge is someone who sentences criminals in court.

  7. a dramatic chase (phr) Police cars were involved in a dramatic chase along the motorway.

  8. escape (n) Prison authorities were embarrassed by the escape of convicted thief, Cass Mei.

  9. escape from jail (phr) A fugitive is someone who has escaped from jail.

  10. escort sb off the motorway (phr) A n 85-year-old man was escorted off the M4 motorway because he was riding in a wheelchair!

  11. fight crime (phr) Police officers fight crime and try to catch criminals.

  12. fugitive (n) A fugitive is someone who has escaped from jail and is hiding from the police.

  13. guard (n) He escaped from guards at the prison hospital.

  14. in jail (phr) The judge sentenced him to seven years in jail.

  15. judge (n) A judge is someone who sentences criminals in court.

  16. kidnap (v) The notice in the back of the car said, “Help us, we have been kidnapped.”

  17. patrol (v) Traffic police are police who patrol roads and motorways.

  18. police car (n) Police cars were involved in a dramatic chase along the motorway.

  19. police officer (n) Police officers fight crime and try to catch criminals.

  20. police station (n) A TV set was stolen from a Liverpool police station while officers were out fighting crime!

  21. prison authorities (n pl) Prison authorities were embarrassed by the escape of convicted thief, Cass Mei.

  22. prison hospital (n) He escaped from guards at the prison hospital.

  23. sentence (v) A judge is someone who sentences criminals in court.

  24. shoplifting (n) Shoplifting is the crime of stealing things from shops or supermarkets.

  25. steal (v) A convicted thief is someone who has stolen something and been

  26. sentenced in court.

  27. traffic police (n) Traffic police are police who patrol roads and motorways.

  28. wanted” list (n) People on a “wanted” list have committed crimes but haven’t been arrested yet.


  1. not available for comment (phr) The Minister is out of the country and not available for comment.

  2. bar (v) He was barred from the Olympics after failing a drugs test.

  3. break out (phr v) An argument broke out amongst the delegates.

  4. (missing) cash probe (n) A missing cash probe is an investigation that takes place when a large amount of money is missing.

  5. delegate (n) A delegate is someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting.

  6. freak storm/accident etc (adj) A freak storm or accident is one that is very unusual.

  7. hit (v) Freak storm hits harvest.

  8. jobless (adj) “Jobless” means the same as “unemployed”.

  9. minister (n) The minister quit his job after an investigation into missing money.

  10. the mysterious disappearance (phr) An investigation was ordered into the mysterious disappearance of a large amount of money.

  11. the opposition (n) The opposition has called for the government to provide more jobs in the area.

  12. order an investigation (phr) An investigation was ordered into the mysterious disappearance of a large amount of money.

  13. peace talks/negotiations (n pl) Peace talks end in row.

  14. quit (v) If you quit your job, you resign.

  15. resign (v) If you resign from your job, you stop doing it.

  16. row (n) A “row” is another word for an “argument”.

  17. soar (v) If figures or interest rates soar, they increase very quickly.

  18. spokesman (n) A spokesman for the Minister said he was unavailable for comment.

  19. the unemployed (subst. n) The unemployed” are all the people without work.

  20. wed (v) “Wed” is a word often used in newspaper headlines meaning “to get married”.

Useful phrases (Personal news)

  1. How exciting/annoying etc! “My car’s broken down again.” “How annoying!

  2. Oh, congratulations! “My wife’s just had a baby.” “Oh, congratulations!

  3. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. “Shirley and I have split up.” “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”2

  4. Oh no. That’s terrible! “I’ve failed all my exams.” “Oh no, that’s terrible!

  5. Well done! “I’ve passed all my exams.” “Well done!

Supplementary Reading