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Gender projects in belarus

In 1995, UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Social Welfare, initiated the "Women in Development" (WID) project for the women of Belarus. This initiative lead to the establishment of the "Gender Information and Policy Centre" (GIPC), and in 1997, GIPC came under the umbrella of UNDP and has a national agenda on enhancing the position of women in Belarus in all spheres of life through various activities and initiatives. Specific objectives include analysis and distribution of information on gender equality issues, improvement in legislation in combating gender discrimination, assisting and strengthening women's NGOs, capacity building of the government in the promotion on gender equality on requirement, recruitment, legislation and policy making, and ensuring that gender is profiled in all projects implemented in Belarus, including those by international agencies.

UNDP support has a huge impact in putting gender and women's issues on the national agenda. In particular, GIPC and Family and Gender Issues Department were successful in getting 16 documents approved by the Decrees of the President and resolutions of the Council of Ministers. These documents aimed at improving equality between women and men, strengthening social protection of women, family and children, and creation of conditions for combining of professional and family duties.

During this project, 20 newsletters were published and widely distributed. The newsletters were informative about various changes in legislation, employment issues, and activities about women's NGO's, calendar of events for women, and issues that are of concern to women in respects of family life. The project also organized seminars, workshops, conferences, round-table discussions and training activities targeting gender issues.

We can witness both positive and negative aspects of implementation of the project in the state structure. Some shortcomings are evident, because the employees of the Department and the Centre bear a double load. Positive aspects are that the activity of the Centre within the governmental structure increase opportunities to influence the elaboration and mainstreaming of gender policy in the country, and the improvement of the legislative base. It also facilitates contacts with other ministries of the social block, providing for interdepartmental co-ordination in the course of drafting documents and preparation of the information to the Government concerning women's and gender problems.

Higher education

I whant to speak about higher education in usa, Belarus and uk.

At first, The British vniversities – there are more than, forty universities in Britain. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. All British Universities are private institutions. Every university is independent, autonomous and responsible. They all receive financial support from the state. The number and type of faculties differ from university to university. The admission to universities is by examination or selection. The students receive grands. Students, who pass exams at the end of three of four years of study get Bachelor’s degree. Universities are centres of research and many postgraduates are engaged in research for higher degree, usually Doctorates. The British government doesn’t think to build more new universities. The most interesting innovation is Open University. It was founded in 1964 by the Labour Government, it takes both men and women. In teaching the university uses TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence course and summer schools. The time of staying on at the Open University is unlimited.

At second, Belarusian specialists are much in demand in the world. Structure of higher education in Belarus includes: