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  1. An ethical business. Phantom or necessity in Russia?

Several years ago ethical business was a phantom in Russia. Now because of globalization and appearing of international companies we can see some ethical businesses. In some large companies there is a special ethic code (кодекс). Talking about small businesses, I can’t name it ethical. For example we can see unethical behavior between employers and employees, I think that it’s really common for our country, when very often person have to work extra hours, they have to take extra work to home and they don’t receive any benefits or extra pay in return. Usually people in Russia try to avoid of taxes. All these thing are wrong, that’s why I think that ethical business in Russia is necessity.

13. What practice do you consider being unethical when doing business in the modern world?

The financial sector is full of unethical manners and unethical behavior, for example:

  • Creation of false documents to show wrong profits.

  • Lack of transparency.

  • The environment pollution.

  • Unpaid taxes

  • Sexual discrimination. As we know even in developed countries the average wages for women is differ from wages that men receives for the same work. There are some unspoken rules in big organizations, which limit the quantity of women on managing and administrative posts.

  • Race discrimination

  • Unethical behavior between employers and employees, I think that it’s really common for our country, when very often personal have to work extra hours, they have to take extra work to home and they don’t receive any benefits or extra pay in return

  • A lot of organizations test their products on animals.

14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet banking compared with visiting your local business?


  • It's generally secure.

  • You have twenty-four-hour access. When your neighborhood bank closes, you can still access your account and make transactions online. It's a very convenient for people who can't get to the bank during normal hours because of their work schedule, health or any other reason.

  • You can access your account from anywhere even If you're on a business trip or you are away from home.

  • It is generally faster than going to the bank. You don’t need to stand in queues.

  • Many features and services are typically available online. For example, with just a few clicks you can apply for loans, view interest rates, loan term and other important information.


  • Yes, online banking is generally secure, but not always. And once your information is stolen, it can take months or even years to correct the damage.

  • Some people simply take comfort in being able to talk to another human being face-to-face if they have a problem. Internet banking can’t provide you with this opportunity.

  • Not all online transactions are immediate and possible.

15. In what way the range of banking services different from that of 5-10 years ago?

Now days there are a lot of different features of banking services comparably with the situation on Russian market 5-10 years ago. First of all, I’d like to say that the role of internet banking has increased. People more and more prefer to make transactions and operations via the internet, because you don’t need to stand in queues, you always have a 24-hour access and have an opportunity to make transactions from anywhere, even if you are on a business trip or just far away from home. It can be seen that the share of internet banking has increased and will be increasing. Besides, at the present time, people have an opportunity to have easier terms of loans. If you need a small amount of money, a lot of banks in our country are ready to give you a loan without any secure. Moreover, there are a lot of new special programs for startups, which help companies to start their business from scratch. You also can receive loan for existence business, and you can use your business as a secure.