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Depression is a negative emotional sate characterized by sadness, self-doubt, and loss of interest in daily living. Depression is one of the most frequent complaints heard by therapists.

Depression is classified by the endogenous and exogenous depression.

Endogenous depression is depression that arises from within. It may be due to psychological factors with roots in negative childhood experiences. Exogenous depression is depression that arises from without. It may be due difficult life situations.

A second way to classify depression is as neurotic or psychotic. In neurotic depression, the individual maintains contact with reality. In psychotic depression, the individual has impaired reality contact. There us great mental confusion, and there may be delusions. Neurotic depression can be severe, and can in some cases lead to suicide.

A third way to classify depression is in terms of severity. In mild depression the person may complain that life is not fun and longer, that marriage is not rewarding.

In moderate depression, the person may feel that life has become very boring and lost much of its meaning.

In severe depression, the person may be convinced that nothing makes any sense at all. There is great apathy about almost everything, and there may be suicidal attempts.

Depression is serious psychological problem. Depression may be treated in different ways. Depression treatment includes: drugs therapy, psychotherapy, meditation therapy and other.


Any kind of therapy that attempts to relieve the symptoms of mental disorders or general emotional distress through psychological means.

Psychotherapy as a special kind of conversation between a therapist and a trouble person. Psychotherapy includes an array of techniques such as free association, dream interpretation, role playing, hypnosis and guided fantasias. Also psychotherapy include art therapy. The term art therapy applies to visual art therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psycodrama. These therapy is an effective treatment for the patients with social, emotional, cognitive, psychological and other problems.

The first modern psychotherapy was psychoanalysis, it’s father Sigmund Freud. Psychotherapy includes three approaches – psychodynamic, behavioral and phenomenological approaches.

Psychodynamic approaches is based on classic psychoanalysis. This approach has been developed Z Freud, K Ung amd A.Adler. Basic methods of psychodynamic approach is free association techniques and dream interpretation.

Psychotherapy is often effective. In offers real hope to persons with mental health problems. It is an appealing alternative to drug therapy, electroshock therapy and other somatic approaches.


Modern life can be a stressful. Today many situations can be stressful for us, such situations as problems with job , air and noise pollution and many other . Relaxation it is effective way to managing stress. There are a few ways to managing stress.

First. Getting outside can be very helpful . Fresh air and quiet help your mind stop focuses on stressful situation . A brisk walk can help to burn off some of the physical energy . looking out at the distant objects, gives your eyes a handy chance to relax. Connecting with nature is too effective.

Second. Meditation is a classic relaxation technique .It is very useful in everyday life. It can stop distractive thought process. To begin with sit quietly in silence and concentrate on your breathing .Try to think of nothing . Spend some time like this and youll feel relaxed.

Third . Self-hypnosis. Choose a picture in your mind of somewhere that you feel secure and safe. Visualize as much detail of smell, color and so on as you can. Sounds can also be bright in. Push the relaxation down you neck , shoulders, arms until you ve done your whole body. Concentrate on the heat and heaviness you feel.

Another way to relaxation is yoga It treats the body, mind and soul together. Acupuncture is too effective way to relax your body/

But more effective way to relaxation than many others is good sleeping. It create energy to studying, working and all life.

There are any ways to relaxation. It can help to relax and managing stress.

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